22 Jan 25 | Examining moderate drinking, recreational xanax use

NDRI researchers answer 'is moderate drinking okay? and 'what are the risks of using Xanax recreationally?'

10 Feb 25 | Western Australian Drug Trends (IDRS and EDRS) Seminar

The Perth Drug Trends team will present key findings from 2024 interviews, followed by a panel with community experts.

20 Mar 25 | Webinar: Intersection of violence and drug use among women

Women who use drugs are at increased risk of gender-based violence, with this group facing unique consequences.
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22 Feb 24 | International report examines alcohol and brain health

NDRI Alcohol Policy expert co-authors international report on link between alcohol consumption and brain conditions.

11 Mar 24 | Emerging leader award for NDRI alcohol researcher

Dr William Gilmore receives Future Health Research and Innovation Fund award for NHMRC application on alcohol harm in our ageing.
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23 May 24 | NDRI expertise informs high-level policy and decision-making

NDRI researchers provide expertise to Parliamentary and Coronial inquiries examining deaths in custody and cannabis regulation.

15 May 24 | NDRI expands postgraduate student research

Institute expands into new areas of research and strengthens work in Justice Health with new scholars starting their studies recently.

14 Jun 24 | NDRI hosts major international alcohol conference

170 delegates and alcohol policy researchers from across the globe attended the week-long Kettil Bruun Society Symposium.

04 Jun 24 | International experts gather for Global Alcohol Policy Forum

NDRI and the Mental Health Commission hosted the 'Global Perspectives on Reducing Harm' forum in Perth.
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26 Aug 24 | ARC DECRA award to research growing public health challenge

NDRI alcohol researcher Dr William Gilmore has been awarded highly-competitive Australian Research Council DECRA funding.

23 Aug 24 | NDRI Sept webinar: Injecting-related bacterial infections

Expert clinicians and researchers discuss the evidence, clinical management, and a pathway forward for reducing harms.

22 Aug 24 | International expert named as new NDRI Director

An international alcohol and other drug expert with three decades of experience in the field is the new Director of NDRI.

18 Sep 24 | NDRI webinar: Alcohol-related harm in the Northern Territory

NDRI's October webinar examines the challenges regulating, reducing, and measuring alcohol harm in the Northern Territory.

11 Sep 24 | Save the Date: NDRI Symposium returns in 2025

The National Drug Research Institute’s research symposium is returning next year, with the event scheduled for March 2025.

28 Oct 24 | NDRI shares AOD research expertise with Malaysian delegation

NDRI hosted a delegation from Universiti Putra Malaysia today, sharing our alcohol and other drug research and expertise.

21 Oct 24 | Early bird registrations are open for 2025 NDRI Symposium

The theme for the one-day symposium is 'Challenges and Opportunities: Reducing AOD-related Harm in 2025 and Beyond.'

15 Nov 24 | Another NDRI early career researcher recognised for excellence

NDRI researcher Dr Shelley Walker recognised with university-wide early career researcher Award for Research Excellence – People.

07 Nov 24 | Two awards in two days for rising NDRI research star

NDRI alcohol researcher William Gilmore receives two early career researcher awards for research excellence on consecutive days.

06 Nov 24 | NDRI webinar: Drug checking and insights for festival season

NDRI's November webinar brings together a variety of experts to explore the current landscape of drug checking and alert systems.

02 Dec 24 | Healthway research funding for AI chatbot alcohol project

NDRI Associate Professor Michael Livingston exploring the potential of an AI chatbot in collecting data and providing information.

30 Jan 23 | Interactive online tool reveals latest alcohol harm trends

Version 2.1 of alcohol harm visualisation tool provides instant access to identify trends and patterns in alcohol-attributable harm.

06 Feb 23 | U.S. National Institute funding for NDRI alcohol study

NDRI researchers lead project examining impact of availability on sales and related harm as part of $2m grant with U.S. colleagues.

28 Mar 23 | Global harm reduction update published in The Lancet

NDRI Research Fellow Dr Sam Colledge-Frisby is lead author of a new systematic review published in The Lancet Global Health.

14 Mar 23 | International report examines alcohol and blood pressure

NDRI Professor Tanya Chikritzhs co-authors international report highlighting link between alcohol and hypertension.

07 Mar 23 | International cannabis policy panel recording available

The recording of the Lisbon Addictions 2022 cannabis policy panel featuring NDRI Director Simon Lenton is available to watch.

18 Apr 23 | Opportunity to lead the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI)

International recruitment process underway to appoint a new Director for NDRI, at Curtin University in Perth.

17 Apr 23 | Injury Prevention Summit keynote by NDRI alcohol researcher

NDRI Alcohol Policy Program Leader Professor Tanya Chikritzhs will deliver a keynote address as part of the Injury Prevention Summit.

03 Apr 23 | Radio National asks: Is alcohol becoming socially unacceptable?

NDRI Professor Steve Allsop and Adjunct Terry Slevin join 'Future Tense', discussing if alcohol will go the same way as cigarettes.

29 May 23 | Deadline extended: National Drug Research Institute Director

The deadline for applications for the role of Director of the National Drug Research Institute has been extended.

22 May 23 | HDR scholarships opportunities - Perth and Melbourne

Apply for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HDR scholarship or a PhD scholarship focused on youth drinking trends.

17 May 23 | Media release: Minimum alcohol pricing research 'busting myths'

New research examines the effects of minimum alcohol pricing, showing the policy cost moderate drinkers $3 a year.

12 May 23 | NDRI PhD scholars “highly praised”, “exceptional”

Three NDRI researchers recently completed PhDs, with the quality of their work reflecting the strength of the postgraduate program.

09 May 23 | Innovative approaches to vaping, vaccinations and risky drinking

NDRI researchers are contributing to MRFF- and NHMRC-funded projects using digital innovations to improve our health.

26 Jun 23 | Disability Royal Commission releases NDRI-led research report

Research highlighting the impact of family violence on First Nations women and children with disability has been published.

20 Jun 23 | National research award for homelessness project 

Birdiya Maya Homelessness Research Project wins major award at 2023 Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health Conference.

17 Jul 23 | HDR opportunity: Better access to opioid dependence treatment

Based in Melbourne, this project examines how recently improved affordability of ODTP impacts treatment access and outcomes.

28 Aug 23 | ARC award for research to stop young people re-offending

NDRI researcher Dr Shelley Walker wins highly competitive ARC DECRA to help prevent future avoidable deaths in custody.

24 Aug 23 | NDRI September webinar – Answering key questions on naloxone

Does take-home naloxone training lead to riskier drug use, and why did WA Police decided to carry the opioid antagonist?

07 Aug 23 | Does take-home naloxone training lead to riskier drug use?

60-second research summary: Injection drug use frequency before and after take-home naloxone training
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27 Oct 23 | NDRI Aboriginal Research leader advises United Nations mission

Dr Jocelyn Jones provided direct advice on child removals to the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

05 Oct 23 | Researching lived experience, values and drug policy – Seminar

Leverhulme International Fellow Dr Rebecca Askew outlines 18 months in Australia researching values connected to drug policy.

27 Nov 23 | International Indigenous disability research collaboration

NDRI Aboriginal research leader Dr Jocelyn Jones addressed the inaugural Indigenous Disability Research Symposium in Sydney.

04 Dec 23 | Making a difference: NDRI researcher’s impact recognised

Dr Sam Colledge-Frisby's contribution recognised in university-wide Research and Engagement Awards.

12 Jan 22 | ARC Discovery funding for NDRI Melbourne-led research project

New project is investigating the social and criminal justice impacts of injecting drug use and methamphetamine smoking.
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29 Mar 22 | Trying to cut back on alcohol? Here’s what works

NDRI Adjunct Professor Nicole Lee examines your options in this article for The Conversation.

24 Mar 22 | International recruitment process for new NDRI Director

As travel is beginning to open up, an international recruitment process has been re-launched to appoint a new NDRI Director.

16 Mar 22 | NDRI webinar: The $67 billion cost of one of our favourite drugs

This webinar will outline the findings of the first national update in a decade of the social and economic costs of alcohol use.

02 Mar 22 | National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP) bulletin 17 released

Bulletin 17 provides updated estimates of alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisations in Australia.

29 Apr 22 | Healthway funding for first of its kind Aboriginal AOD research

New study aims to improve existing approaches to AOD use care in an Aboriginal community controlled primary health care service.

07 Apr 22 | Ecstasy use study begins

NDRI researchers want to speak with people who have been using ecstasy or related stimulant drugs in Perth in the past 12 months.

04 Apr 22 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PhD scholarship

To investigate the link between alcohol and other drugs and the development and educational outcomes of Aboriginal children.

02 May 22 | Self-determination by First Nations Australians in alcohol policy

NDRI's Reconciliation Week webinar focuses on self-determination and development of alcohol policy.

13 Jun 22 | NDRI July webinar: The impact of opioid agonist treatment (OAT)

Findings from retrospective data linkage studies on impact of OAT on hospitalisations among people who have opioid use disorder.

09 Jun 22 | Youth drinking trends – NDRI PhD scholarships in Melbourne

NDRI has two Melbourne-based ARC-funded PhD scholarships to research how declines in youth drinking can be maintained.

11 Jul 22 | NDRI marks NAIDOC Week 2022

NDRI’s Aboriginal Research Team hosted a special event to highlight this year's Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! theme.

09 Aug 22 | Regulating recreational cannabis use: Curtin 'Future of' podcast

NDRI Professor Simon Lenton joined Curtin University’s ‘The Future Of…’ podcast to discuss changes in cannabis regulation.

01 Aug 22 | NDRI webinar: Research updates on FASD - a disability rights lens

Visiting Canadian Professor Dorothy Badry presents the latest FASD research through 'a disability rights lens'.

30 Sep 22 | NDRI Program Leader to advise on WA justice research

Aboriginal Research Program Leader Jocelyn Jones appointed to Office of Crime Statistics and Research Advisory Board.

26 Sep 22 | Alcohol harm, addiction and the impacts of trauma in the NT

In NDRI's October webinar, Peter Miller outlines findings and ramifications of three alcohol-harm reduction measures in the NT.

19 Sep 22 | NDRI researcher joins live 'Role of Men in FASD' panel

NDRI researcher Nyanda McBride will join a live panel highlighting the vital role men play in FASD prevention and awareness.

05 Sep 22 | New Centre of Research Excellence to predict, prevent violence

NDRI researchers will play a leading role in research to understand and prevent violence as part of a new NHMRC-funded CRE.

13 Oct 22 | NDRI Professor to chair alcohol and other drugs advisory board

NDRI Professor Steve Allsop has been appointed Chair of the WA Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board (AODAB).

22 Nov 22 | International project to improve health of incarcerated women

NDRI researchers awarded international funding with US colleagues to research ways to improve the health of incarcerated women.

03 Nov 22 | Prestigious award for NDRI alcohol researcher Michael Livingston

Renowned NDRI researcher Michael Livingston has been recognised with the APSAD Mid-Career Award.

12 Dec 22 | Birdiya Miya homelessness research project exhibition

Exhibition showcases the voices of those with experience of homelessness in Perth.
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09 Feb 21 | PhD Scholarship on offer at NDRI Melbourne

PhD Scholarship on offer to support re-establishment of the Melbourne office of the National Drug Research Institute.

31 Mar 21 | Research Fellow - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research

NDRI is recruiting for a Research Fellow to join the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Program.

29 Mar 21 | Would alcohol testing at Parliament House improve the workplace culture?

Would workplace alcohol testing improve the culture at Parliament House? Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation.

19 Apr 21 | Media Release: Medical use is most common motivation for cannabis growers - study

‘Medical cannabis’ for their own use is the most common motivation for Australian small-scale cannabis growers, according to preliminary research findings.

20 May 21 | Webinar: ‘Behind their curtains’ - empowering young Aboriginal women, informing service providers

NDRI invites you to a free public webinar, presented by Dr Mandy Wilson, on Wednesday 2 June.

30 Jun 21 | Why do our mates pressure us to drink?

NDRI Director Simon Lenton discusses peer pressure and people cutting back on drinking on Triple J's Hack program and ABC News.

15 Jun 21 | Webinar: Understanding and preventing opioid overdose - from the global to the local

Professor Paul Dietze presented new data on opioid overdose incidents and findings from evaluations of two key interventions.

14 Jun 21 | Public health champion honoured

Decades of service to public health have been recognised with Professor Colin Binns appointed to the Order of Australia today.

22 Jul 21 | NDRI PhD scholarship opportunities in Perth and Melbourne

Research youth and teenage drinking, methamphetamine service access, supervised injecting rooms or chemicals in cannabis.

07 Jul 21 | Search begins for new NDRI Director

After five years, Professor Simon Lenton is stepping down from the role to focus on research.

01 Jul 21 | Updated tool shows alcohol harm trends in Australia

The Australian alcohol-attributable harm visualisation tool has been updated with the latest available deaths and hospitalisation data.

30 Aug 21 | Lifetime Achievement Award for NDRI Researcher

NDRI Professor Steve Allsop has been recognised with the Lifetime Achievement Award from Curtin's Faculty of Health Sciences.

06 Sep 21 | NDRI 2021 Symposium program announced

The program for the NDRI 2021 Hybrid Symposium highlights the Institute's partnership approach to research.

20 Oct 21 | Aboriginal homelessness project - Wungening, NDRI collaborate

Wungening, NDRI research collaboration informing service delivery for Aboriginal people affected by homelessness.

09 Nov 21 | Geriatric juggernaut – alcohol and prescription drug use harms

The combination of an ageing population and concurrent alcohol and prescription drug use will challenge the health sector.

01 Nov 21 | Cannabis regulation presentation

NDRI’s Simon Lenton presented on ‘middle ground’ options for cannabis regulation at the 2021 Perth Cannabis Conference.

16 Dec 21 | Media release: The $67 billion cost of one of our favourite drugs

'Social costs' research shows alcohol use cost Australia $67 billion in one year, in health, workplace and other costs.
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28 Feb 20 | February Connections Newsletter now online

Read about the latest research, publications, news and events from NDRI, NDARC and NCETA.

26 Feb 20 | Wild Butterfly: New Australian film reveals Claire Murray’s devastating story

NDRI’s Steve Allsop has been involved in a new documentary film that highlights stigma and discrimination around drug use.

24 Feb 20 | Introducing the YAWG website

The YAWG website - www.yawg.info - is a new resource for service providers working with young Aboriginal women and girls.

05 Feb 20 | Thinking about taking a break from alcohol? Here’s how to cut back or quit

Nicole Lee and Brigid Clancy discuss strategies for taking a break from drinking, in The Conversation.

30 Mar 20 | Coronavirus: it’s tempting to drink your worries away but there are healthier ways to manage stress and keep drinking in check

Nicole Lee and colleagues discuss alternatives to drinking as a coping mechanism.

11 Mar 20 | Wild Butterfly film review: Claire Murray’s story gives a human face to trauma, drug use and blame culture

NDRI's Nicole Lee reviews the documentary, Wild Butterfly.

01 Mar 20 | NDRI Seminar: Drug trends in WA - Findings from the 2019 IDRS and EDRS

Please note this seminar will not now be delivered face-to-face, but we plan to record and post it on our YouTube channel.

20 Apr 20 | Australians drinking more than usual while staying at home

Steve Allsop speaks to ABC Radio National about new figures around drinking.

17 Apr 20 | Drug use may increase the risk of coronavirus. Here’s how to reduce the harms

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Jarryd Bartle, RMIT University, write for The Conversation.

16 Apr 20 | Worried about your drinking during lockdown? These 8 signs might indicate a problem

NDRI's Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation.

22 May 20 | May Connections Newsletter now online

The latest news from NDARC, NDRI and NCETA, with a special coronavirus (COVID-19) focus in this edition.

18 May 20 | Why drinking during a pandemic is a bad idea

NDRI's Steve Allsop talks about how alcohol can compromise our health, for the new Alcohol. Think Again campaign.

15 May 20 | 2,200 deaths, 32,000 hospital admissions, 15.7 billion dollars: what opioid misuse costs Australia in a year

New NDRI research on the social and economic costs of 'extra medical' opioid use is outlined in The Conversation.

14 May 20 | Media Release: The cost of opioid use to Australia: $15.7 billion and 2203 deaths

New research on the social and economic costs of ‘extra-medical’ opioid use.

12 May 20 | Webinar: What do we know about the impacts of cannabis use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre is hosting a webinar on Thursday 21 May presented by NDRI's Dr Julia Butt.

18 Jun 20 | Getting back on the beers after lockdown? Here’s what you should know

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Brigid Clancy, University of Newcastle, write for The Conversation.

28 Jul 20 | Is your relationship with alcohol problematic? It's a tough conversation to have with yourself — here's where to start

NDRI's Steve Allsop speaks to the ABC about how we can examine our relationship with alcohol.

16 Jul 20 | More Australians back legalising cannabis and 57% support pill testing, national survey shows

The 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey has been published.

15 Jul 20 | Drive-in music festivals allow you to social distance. But what happens when you add drugs and alcohol?

Drive-in music festivals are springing up as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

07 Jul 20 | People who use drugs face unique challenges under hard lockdown. The government’s support is vital

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Suzanne Nielsen, Monash Addiction Research Centre, Monash University, write for The Conversation.

12 Aug 20 | It could take 10 years to measure the impact of legalising weed – should New Zealand’s proposed law be even stronger?

Chris Wilkins, Simon Lenton and Tom Decorte write about cannabis law reform in The Conversation.

11 Aug 20 | August Connections Newsletter now online

Read about the latest research, publications and news from NDRI, NDARC and NCETA.

07 Aug 20 | NDRI Seminar: The social costs of cannabis use to Australia

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar, presented by Steve Allsop, Robert Tait and Aqif Mukhtar, on Thursday 27 August.

05 Aug 20 | Media Release: Cannabis use costs Australia $4.5 billion

NDRI has launched new research on the social and economic costs of cannabis use.

21 Sep 20 | Aboriginal researcher Dr Jocelyn Jones appointed to lead NDRI’s Aboriginal Research Program

Jocelyn is a leading Aboriginal epidemiologist with substantial experience in the area of Aboriginal health and justice services.

01 Sep 20 | 2020 international cannabis cultivation survey now online

NDRI researchers are pleased to announce that the Australian arm of the 2020 survey has launched online.

13 Oct 20 | COVID changed the way we use drugs and alcohol - now it’s time to properly invest in treatment

NDRI's Adjunct Professor Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation.

08 Oct 20 | NDRI launches its new Melbourne base

NDRI is delighted to announce the opening of its new Melbourne office - an exciting collaboration with the Burnet Institute.

18 Nov 20 | Media Release: Calling cannabis home growers - have your say

Participate in a confidential online survey on cannabis growing.

17 Dec 20 | Media Release: Alcohol industry submissions distort scientific evidence - new study

Alcohol industry submissions to Australian policy consultations distort scientific evidence: new study.

31 Jan 19 | History, not harm, dictates why some drugs are legal and others aren’t

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Jarryd Bartle, RMIT University, write for The Conversation.

23 Jan 19 | How does ecstasy kill?

Nicole Lee explains how ecstasy can affect the body in The Conversation.

22 Jan 19 | Three charts on who uses illicit drugs in Australia

Nicole Lee outlines the statistics on who uses illicit drugs in Australia for The Conversation.

25 Feb 19 | Did you look forward to last night’s bottle of wine a bit too much? Ladies, you’re not alone

Nicole Lee writes about women and alcohol in The Conversation.

24 Feb 19 | Alcohol screening and brief intervention project wins award for promotion of preventative health

A project to investigate the feasibility of delivering routine alcohol screening and brief intervention in a hospital emergency setting has won a WA Health Excellence Award.

13 Feb 19 | NDRI Seminar: Drug trends in WA - Findings from the 2018 IDRS and EDRS

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by James Fetherston and Jodie Grigg at 1pm on Thursday 28 February.

12 Feb 19 | My friend is using ice and smoking pot. What do I do?’: advice from an expert

NDRI's Nicole Lee provides expert advice for teens on what to do if they are worried about a friend who is using drugs.

01 Feb 19 | Pill testing at festivals - Does it send a message it's ok to take drugs?

NDRI's Simon Lenton participates in an ABC Radio Perth Focus discussion about pill testing.

11 Mar 19 | NDRI Seminar: Harms to children from others’ drinking - Recent findings and policy impacts

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Anne-Marie Laslett at 11am on Tuesday 9 April.

01 Mar 19 | New plain language review of the harmful use of alcohol among Indigenous Australians

The peer-reviewed ‘Review of the harmful use of alcohol among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’ is now available in a plain language format.

17 Apr 19 | NDRI Seminar: Practical advice for smoking cessation in drug and alcohol service settings

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Associate Professor Renee Bittoun, University of Notre Dame Australia at 1pm on Friday 10 May.

11 Apr 19 | New review of kava use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people

Dr Julia Butt has written a new review on kava use and supply issues among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people for the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre.

10 Apr 19 | April Connections Newsletter now online

Topics include 'Young male prisoners with a history of injecting drug use', 'Why focusing on the AOD workforce is important', 'Psychostimulants and fatal stroke among young adults', and a conversation with Nyungar woman and AOD researcher Annalee Stearne.

08 Apr 19 | Alcoholharmtool.info - New tool to identify and show alcohol harm trends in Australia

A new tool developed by NDRI researchers to identify and show alcohol harm trends is now online at alcoholharmtool.info.

05 Apr 19 | Peer organisations invited to apply for participation award to attend 2019 CDP conference

Peer organisations are invited to apply for a participation award towards the cost of attending and presenting at the fifth Contemporary Drug Problems conference in Italy.

01 Apr 19 | National research centres welcome Australian Government’s drug and alcohol funding commitment

NDRI has welcomed the announcement of $268 million in funding to support drug and alcohol research and treatment in Australia.
No news is currently available for this month

17 Jun 19 | June Connections Newsletter now online

This issue features an opinion article on pill testing at music festivals by NDRI's Simon Lenton.

10 Jun 19 | Webinar on kava use

NDRI's Dr Julia Butt will present a free webinar on Tuesday 25 June hosted by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfonet AOD Knowledge Centre.

10 Jun 19 | Suzanne Fraser appointed next Director of ARCSHS

NDRI’s Professor Suzanne Fraser has been appointed as the next Director of ARCSHS at La Trobe University.

26 Jul 19 | The dangers of rewarding yourself with alcohol

Tanya Chikritzhs speaks to ABC Life about women and alcohol.

08 Jul 19 | Testing festival goers’ pills isn’t the only way to reduce overdoses. Here’s what else works

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Monica Barratt, RMIT University, write for The Conversation.

05 Jul 19 | So you've got a hangover. Will a sports drink help?

Steve Allsop speaks to ABC Life about hangover causes and cures.

26 Aug 19 | NDRI awarded over $6.4 million for alcohol and other drug research

New Australian Government funding for NDRI to continue its research into preventing harmful drug use in Australia.

15 Aug 19 | August Connections Newsletter now online

Topics include fathers and sleep, methamphetamine guidelines, intranasal naloxone, alcohol harms in older Australians and risk-based licensing.

25 Sep 19 | Drug expert explains performance enhancing capabilities of cannabis

NDRI's Steve Allsop speaks to Radio 6PR

05 Sep 19 | Media Release: Daybreak app more than halves alcohol use in three months

New research shows that use of the Daybreak digital app can lead to clinically significant reductions in alcohol use.

28 Oct 19 | NDRI Seminar: Alcohol and the health and human rights of women and children

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Anne-Marie Laslett at 1pm on Thursday 28 November.

23 Oct 19 | ‘My friends are taking MDMA at raves and music festivals. Is it safe?’

NDRI's Jodie Grigg writes for The Conversation's "I Need to Know" series for teenagers.

22 Oct 19 | Media Release: $136 billion ‘up in smoke’ every year: The true cost of smoking keeps rising

New research shows that smoking is currently costing the Australian community at least $136.9 billion a year.

21 Oct 19 | Around the world in five cannabis markets

The Spinoff reports on cannabis policy options for NZ presented by international experts including NDRI's Simon Lenton.

16 Oct 19 | October Connections Newsletter now online

Read about the latest research, publications, news and events from NDRI, NDARC and NCETA.

01 Nov 19 | NDRI Seminar: Alcohol in moderation, health benefits and low-risk drinking guidelines

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Tim Stockwell at 1pm on Wednesday 11 December.

31 Dec 19 | What causes hangovers, blackouts and ‘hangxiety’? Everything you need to know about alcohol these holidays

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Brigid Clancy, University of Newcastle, write for The Conversation.

17 Dec 19 | December Connections Newsletter now online

Read about the latest research, publications, news and events from NDRI, NDARC and NCETA.

16 Dec 19 | Cap your alcohol at 10 drinks a week: new draft guidelines

NDRI's Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation about the new draft alcohol guidelines.

11 Dec 19 | Three dead and close to 100 non-fatal overdoses: Why is Perth seeing a spike in drug overdoses?

NDRI's Steve Allsop speaks to ABC Radio's Geoff Hutchinson about the recent spike in overdoses and Perth's drug trends.

04 Dec 19 | Dangers of second-hand drinking: Teen drinkers at high risk of assault and sexual harassment

New research shows over 70% of teenage girls who are risky drinkers report unwanted sexual attention from other drinkers.

02 Dec 19 | Parents of teens, here’s what you really need to know about MDMA

NDRI's Nicole Lee and colleagues write for The Conversation.

01 Dec 19 | Introducing Overdoselifesavers.org

A new website presenting personal stories of opioid overdose and the use of take-home naloxone to save lives has been launched.

No news is currently available for this month

27 Feb 18 | Media Release: Alcohol causes nearly 6,000 Australian deaths in one year, a third from cancer

Almost 6,000 Australians died from alcohol-attributable disease in a single year, about one every 90 minutes, according to new research being released today.

08 Feb 18 | NDRI Seminar: Why the AOD field should be interested in the psychedelic science renaissance

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Stephen Bright, Senior Lecturer of Addiction at ECU and NDRI Adjunct Research Fellow.

07 Feb 18 | Fit for purpose: The legal, medical and social barriers and enablers to safer PIED injecting

NDRI Melbourne is co-convening a forum exploring issues relating to performance and image-enhancing drug (PIED) use.

05 Feb 18 | Does having a few drinks a night make you an alcoholic?

NDRI's Professor Steve Allsop speaks to Nadia Mitsopoulos about our drinking habits on ABC Radio Perth's Focus program.

01 Feb 18 | Analysing gender in research and policy on alcohol-related violence among young people

NDRI researcher David Moore has been awarded an ARC grant to lead a study looking at gender issues and alcohol-related violence.

26 Mar 18 | New research on teenagers and high risk drinking now available

New research about the risky drinking behaviour of 3,500 Australian 14-19 year olds is now available.

23 Mar 18 | Contribution to major AOD sector event

NDRI made a significant contribution to the 2018 WA AOD Conference, a key event for the sector in this state.

14 Mar 18 | March Connections now online

Topics include pharmaceutical opioids, adult alcohol consumption and child injury deaths, and a 'conversation with' Nicki Herriot.

13 Mar 18 | NDRI contributes to WA Preventive Health Summit

NDRI's Steve Allsop and Tanya Chikritzhs were among a select group of invited speakers at the recent health summit.

06 Mar 18 | PhD Scholarship: Call for expressions of interest

NDRI invites expressions of interest for a PhD scholarship in the area of performance and image-enhancing drug (PIED) use.

05 Mar 18 | Four ways alcohol is bad for your health

NDRI researchers write for The Conversation about four diseases that are strongly linked with alcohol consumption.

27 Apr 18 | Media Release: Alcohol adverts may be in breach of advertising code, study finds

A study of young drinkers’ responses to alcohol advertising has found that current ads are highly appealing to young people and use actors who are perceived as being under the age of 25.

18 Apr 18 | Legal highs: arguments for and against legalising cannabis in Australia

NDRI's Nicole Lee and Jarryd Bartle from RMIT University write for The Conversation.

13 Apr 18 | NDRI Seminar: Alcohol and young adults

NDRI invites you to a free seminar with two visiting alcohol researchers from Penn State University.

25 May 18 | Media Release: World-first eHealth program to address adolescent lifestyle risk behaviours

A world-first eHealth program targeting the ‘big six’ lifestyle risk behaviours in young people that can lead to chronic disease later in life is to be trialled in WA.

24 May 18 | Upcoming webinar: Psychosis and other mental health effects of ice

Rebecca McKetin will present a free webinar for the Cracks in the Ice Webinar Series on the effects of methamphetamine.

17 May 18 | NDRI Seminar: The evolution of synthetic cannabinoid new psychoactive substances

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Samuel Banister, Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney.

02 May 18 | May Connections now online

Topics include social media marketing of alcohol, drug monitoring using wastewater analysis, teenagers and high risk drinking, and a 'conversation with' Mandy Wilson.

02 May 18 | Drug rehab: what works and what to keep in mind when choosing a private treatment provider

NDRI's Nicole Lee write for The Conversation about what works in drug rehabilitation, and what to keep in mind when choosing a private treatment provider.

08 Jun 18 | June Connections now online

Topics include reducing chronic disease risk in Australian adolescents, psychedelics as potentially useful therapeutic agents, and a 'conversation with' NDARC's Ryan Courtney.

06 Jun 18 | National competition for excellence in hepatitis C health promotion

NDRI is co-organiser of a competition to encourage innovation in the field of hepatitis C health promotion.

27 Jul 18 | Winners announced: National competition for excellence in hepatitis C health promotion

CSRH and NDRI are delighted to announce the winners of the National Competition for Excellence in Hepatitis C Health Promotion.

19 Jul 18 | Why doctors say our mental health system isn't working

NDRI's Rebecca McKetin participates in an ABC Radio Perth Focus discussion about the mental health system in WA.

17 Jul 18 | Media Release: World-first trial of medication for ‘ice’ addiction

NDRI is leading a trial of a new medication to help people who are dependent on crystal methamphetamine, or ‘ice’.

15 Aug 18 | August Connections now online

Topics include addressing stigma in the workplace; engaging communities and services in research; and the new National Centre for Clinical Research in Emerging Drugs.

18 Sep 18 | New Paper: ‘Sniffer’ dogs don’t deter drug use at music festivals, and can cause unintended harm

The use of drug detection dogs as a policing strategy at outdoor music festivals is ineffective as a deterrent to illicit drug use, can lead to unintended harm, and should be urgently reconsidered.

13 Sep 18 | NDRI Seminar: What is implementation science and why should it be reflected in AOD projects?

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar on Thursday 11 October presented by Dr Joanna Moullin, Curtin University.

12 Sep 18 | Prisoners need drug and alcohol treatments but AA programs aren’t the answer

NDRI's Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation about drug and alcohol programs currently used in prisons.

31 Oct 18 | We're Hiring! Indigenous Senior Research Fellow/Associate Professor

NDRI is seeking an Indigenous Australian researcher to lead the Aboriginal Australian research program.

17 Oct 18 | NDRI Seminar: Peculiar differences in Australian and New Zealand beer markets

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Professor Kypros Kypri, University of Newcastle, on November 5 at 11am.

15 Oct 18 | Cannabis regulation on the agenda at NDRI Annual Symposium

Anyone with an interest in cannabis law reform should register for NDRI’s Annual Symposium, this year taking place in Melbourne on Thursday 22 November.

12 Oct 18 | October Connections newsletter now online

Topics include 'new recovery', clinical practice guidelines, opioid overdose deaths, and a conversation with consumer representative Juanita Koeijers.

01 Oct 18 | New knowledge exchange products on alcohol now available

New resources based on the Review of the harmful use of alcohol among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are now available online.

13 Nov 18 | NDRI Seminar: Life in a kingdom of wowsers - impact of NSW’s lockout laws

NDRI invites you to a free public seminar presented by Dr Don Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, on December 3 at 11am.

10 Dec 18 | December Connections newsletter now online

Articles include an overview of the panel discussion on cannabis regulation at NDRI's recent Annual Symposium.

04 Dec 18 | Explainer: What is nitrous oxide (or nangs) and how dangerous is it?

Stephen Bright and Nicole Lee discuss the dangers of nitrous oxide in The Conversation.

03 Dec 18 | Fifth Contemporary Drug Problems conference – call for abstracts

Abstract submissions are now being sought for the fifth biennial CDP conference in Italy from 4-6 September 2019.

01 Dec 18 | New performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs) portal

NDRI’s SSAC research team has produced a dedicated resource for information on PIED injecting.

01 Jan 17 | NDRI success in NHMRC and ARC grants: Over $2.5m for new research

NDRI has been awarded new funding for research into methamphetamine treatment, naloxone uptake, and use of performance and image enhancing drugs.

17 Feb 17 | New Report: Alcohol related harms in Western Australian electoral districts

A new report provides estimates of alcohol-related harms in each of the 59 Western Australian Lower House Electoral Districts, based on the best available data.

01 Feb 17 | NDRI has moved!

The National Drug Research Institute has relocated to new premises at Technology Park in the Perth suburb of Bentley, adjacent to Curtin University’s main campus.

01 Mar 17 | New funding for research to address Aboriginal mental health in culturally appropriate ways

Two new NDRI-led projects aim to transform mental health and drug and alcohol services to provide culturally appropriate access for Aboriginal people.

01 Apr 17 | Upcoming webinar: Addressing harmful alcohol and other drug use among Aboriginal Australians

NDRI’s Ted Wilkes and Dennis Gray will present a free webinar on Thursday 11 May on addressing harmful alcohol and other drug use among Aboriginal Australians.

01 May 17 | New Report: Experiences of alcohol and other drug addiction, dependence or habit in Australia

A new NDRI report illuminates lived experiences of alcohol and other drug addiction or dependence in Australia.

01 May 17 | New Report: The social costs of methamphetamine in Australia

A new report on the social costs of methamphetamine in Australia has been published by NDRI.

23 Jun 17 | Paramedics treating more young women for alcohol intoxication than men

Tanya Chikritzhs speaks to The Conversation about a rise in risky drinking by young women.

19 Jun 17 | National recognition for Professor Steve Allsop

Professor Steve Allsop has been inducted into the National Honour Roll for his contribution to addressing AOD issues.

28 Jul 17 | Dry July: exploring what happens when you 'binge-stop' drinking alcohol

Steve Allsop speaks to ABC Life Matters about the effects on your body and mind of giving up alcohol.

01 Jul 17 | Register for the Fourth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference

The Fourth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference will soon take place in Helsinki, Finland.

03 Aug 17 | PhD scholarships on offer at NDRI Melbourne

NDRI Melbourne is offering two PhD scholarships for qualitative research projects on alcohol and other drug use.

01 Aug 17 | NDRI researcher to be President of Kettil Bruun Society

Dr Anne-Marie Laslett has been voted President-elect of the international Kettil Bruun Society.

21 Sep 17 | Webinar: How to talk with teenagers about alcohol use

Steve Allsop presents a Positive Choices webinar for parents on how to talk with their teenagers about alcohol use.

01 Sep 17 | Curtin Lunchbox Lecture Series: "Drugs and work - what's going on?"

Professor Steve Allsop discusses drugs and work at Curtin's Lunchbox Lecture Series as part of Research and Innovation Week 2017.

01 Sep 17 | NDRI 30th anniversary symposium

NDRI is hosting a symposium in Perth to mark 30 years of conducting research aimed at preventing and reducing harmful AOD use in Australia.

01 Sep 17 | NDRI Seminar: The UK Alcohol Health Alliance at 10 years - a story of highs and lows

NDRI invites you to a free seminar, presented by Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the UK Alcohol Health Alliance.

31 Oct 17 | Media Release: School leaver celebrations, teenagers and alcohol - parents can make a difference

Teenagers who consume alcohol are less likely to engage in high risk drinking if they know their parents disapprove.

24 Oct 17 | Upcoming webinar: The effects of ice

Nicole Lee will present a free webinar for the Cracks in the Ice Webinar Series on the effects of methamphetamine.

15 Oct 17 | October Connections now online

Topics include the price of 'ice', drug testing, baby boomers, and a 'conversation with' Rebecca McKetin.

11 Oct 17 | Lenton on Lateline: Naloxone and opioid overdose reversal

NDRI's Professor Simon Lenton speaks to ABC's Lateline about take-home naloxone for opioid overdose reversal.

01 Oct 17 | Breaking the ice online intervention now available

A free, confidential, self-guided intervention program for users of crystal methamphetamine (ice) is now available online.

15 Nov 17 | 2017 Contemporary Drug Problems Conference: ‘Making Alcohol and Other Drug Realities’

Materials from the Fourth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference are now available online.

04 Dec 17 | New review explores the harmful effects of alcohol use in the Indigenous Australian context

NDRI researchers have written a new review on the harmful effects of alcohol use in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander context.

04 Dec 17 | Alcohol in the university setting: A new resource to support universities

Experts from NDRI have helped to develop a new resource to support universities around use of alcohol.

01 Dec 17 | Do different drinks make you different drunk?

NDRI's Nicole Lee writes for The Conversation about the link between alcohol and our emotions.

01 Dec 17 | Three decades of research impact – NDRI’s 30th anniversary symposium

NDRI recently marked three decades of research aimed at preventing and reducing harmful alcohol and other drug use in Australia.

01 Dec 17 | December Connections now online

Topics include a global picture of injecting drug use, the role of health economics, and a 'conversation with' Gabrielle Campbell.

01 Jan 16 | Analysis reveals assaults eight times higher on NYE

A National Drug Research Institute analysis of Western Australian Police figures for the past five years has revealed that the average number of assaults per hour was more than eight times higher on New Year’s Eve than on other nights in December and January.

01 Feb 16 | New research shows most cannabis supplied by friends and acquaintances

A new study of Australian cannabis users has found that most obtain their cannabis through a ‘social supply’ market in which the supplier brokers, facilitates or sells drugs to friends and acquaintances for little or no financial gain.

01 Feb 16 | International scholars visit NDRI Melbourne

NDRI Melbourne is hosting three visiting scholars in the first half of 2016: Ditte Andersen, Rasmus Birk and Fay Dennis.

01 Mar 16 | NDRI expands methamphetamine research expertise

Australia’s foremost methamphetamine researcher, Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin, has joined the National Drug Research Institute in Perth, where she will lead a program of research on methamphetamine (‘ice’).

01 Apr 16 | NDRI researchers convene APSAD

NDRI researchers Dr Julia Butt and Dr Robert Tait are the conference co-convenors for the 2015 APSAD scientific conference.

01 Apr 16 | NDRI research challenges health benefits of alcohol

New research challenging the health benefits of alcohol captured the attention of international media recently.

01 May 16 | Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre launched

The Australian Indigenous Knowledge Centre, a new web resource dedicated to reducing harms from alcohol and other drug use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, was launched by NDRI's Professor Ted Wilkes at the 3rd National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Conference (NIDAC).

01 Jun 16 | Symposium: Social and legal studies of addiction concepts

In collaboration with the Monash University Faculty of Law, SSAC will hold a research symposium on Friday, 7th of October at the Monash University Law Chambers, Melbourne.

01 Jul 16 | Lives of Substance

A groundbreaking web site will offer new perspectives on people often dismissed or stigmatised as dysfunctional, dangerous or sick.

01 Aug 16 | Recognition for hepatitis C researcher

Dr Susan Carruthers has been recognised by Hepatitis Australia with an Outstanding Service Award for Viral Hepatitis Health Promotion.

01 Sep 16 | AMA award for Aboriginal health champion

NDRI's Associate Professor Ted Wilkes has been recognised by the AMA (WA) for his distinguished career championing the health of Indigenous Australians.

01 Sep 16 | Change at the top at NDRI

Professor Steve Allsop has stepped down as Director of NDRI and Professor Simon Lenton has commenced in the role.

01 Sep 16 | Evaluation shows WA drug users can save lives with naloxone

An evaluation of WA’s first take-home naloxone program has found that the program saves lives and should be continued and expanded.

01 Oct 16 | Alcohol-related assaults hospitalise 10,000 Australians a year

The latest NAIP research has found that more than 10,000 Australians were hospitalised in a single year because of injuries attributed to alcohol-related assault.

16 Nov 16 | The more you drink, the greater your risk of prostate cancer

Researchers have found evidence that even low volume drinking can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

15 Nov 16 | Media Release: The more you drink, the greater your risk of prostate cancer

A collaborative study published today provides new evidence of a significant link between alcohol consumption and the risk of prostate cancer.

01 Nov 16 | Lives of Substance goes live!

Lives of Substance is Australia’s first dedicated website presenting carefully researched personal stories of alcohol or other drug addiction, dependence or habit.

01 Dec 16 | Fourth Contemporary Drug Problems conference – call for abstracts

Abstract submissions are now being sought for the fourth biennial Contemporary Drug Problems conference in Helsinki, Finland from 23-25 August 2017.
No news is currently available for this month

01 Feb 15 | Discussing drugs, policy and public health

NDRI will be hosting a week-long program on Drugs, Policy and Public Health in mid-2015.

01 Mar 15 | NDRI PhD student strengthens international links with India

NDRI has strengthened its international links with the arrival from Delhi, India of Himanshu Gupta, one of the first recipients of a Curtin University Faculty of Health Sciences International Research Scholarship.

01 Mar 15 | Swedish PhD student studying cannabis use visits NDRI’s Melbourne office

Swedish PhD student Josefin Månsson will spend a month at NDRI Melbourne working on her dissertation on cannabis discourses in Sweden.

01 Mar 15 | New Report: Off-site outlets and alcohol-related harm

This NDLERF research report investigates the relationship between rates of reported assault, alcohol sales and numbers of licensed outlets in Queensland and Western Australia.

01 Apr 15 | Dr Fiona Lander: A future leader in global health and international human rights

NDRI recently hosted an international human rights law expert who is completing her Masters at Harvard University.

01 May 15 | NDRI contributes to new drug and alcohol tool for construction industry

Construction workers and their employers have a new tool to tackle alcohol and drug use and help create a safer workplace.

01 Jun 15 | Translating research into policy: Insights into influence from decision makers

Former WA Premier Carmen Lawrence and former Government Ministers Judi Moylan and Michael Moore to headline at NDRI event, Drugs, Policy and Public Health.

30 Jul 15 | Good research, informing policy

A high-level panel discussion on drugs, policy and politics was a fitting culmination to NDRI’s Drugs, Policy and Public Health program.

01 Jul 15 | Third Contemporary Drug Problems Conference: 'Encountering alcohol and other drugs'

Building on the accomplishments of the first two conferences in Italy and Denmark, the international journal Contemporary Drug Problems is holding its third biennial conference in Lisbon, Portugal from 16-18 September 2015.

01 Aug 15 | Responding to steroid injecting: New report

A new report suggests that Australia is at risk of increases in HIV and hepatitis C transmission as rates of illicit steroid injecting go up.

01 Aug 15 | New NAIP research on alcohol-related ED presentations

The latest NAIP research has found that the rate of alcohol-related emergency department presentations is increasing faster for women than for men in Australia.

01 Aug 15 | Help online for ice users

A randomized controlled trial of a web-based treatment program designed to help people who use stimulant drugs like methamphetamine, including ‘ice’, has found that the online treatment is promising.

01 Sep 15 | Professor Tanya Chikritzhs recognised for Action on Alcohol

NDRI's Professor Tanya Chikritzhs has been recognized for her work in the area of alcohol policy, winning the Research category of the 2015 Action on Alcohol Awards.

01 Sep 15 | Evaluation supports take-home naloxone Australia-wide

An independent evaluation of Australia’s first opioid overdose management program that provides naloxone on prescription to potential overdose victims has been endorsed by experts.

01 Oct 15 | Aboriginal Australian focus at APSAD conference

Two leading Aboriginal researchers, Professor James Ward and NDRI's Dr Michael Wright, will be featured at this year’s APSAD conference.

01 Oct 15 | Report on the Third Contemporary Drug Problems Conference

The international journal Contemporary Drug Problems recently held its third biennial conference, ‘Encountering alcohol and other drugs’, in Lisbon, Portugal.

12 Nov 15 | Professor Steve Allsop receives APSAD award for excellence

NDRI Director Professor Steve Allsop has been recognised by APSAD for his outstanding contribution to the field of substance use and misuse.

01 Dec 15 | New resource on alcohol and older Australians available

A new fact sheet is available providing older Australians with information about how ageing impacts on the body’s ability to process alcohol and alcohol’s potential interactions with prescribed and over the counter medications.

30 Jan 14 | NDRI researcher recognised in Australia Day Honours

Associate Professor Ted Wilkes received one of Australia’s highest honours by being appointed an Officer (AO) of the Order of Australia.
No news is currently available for this month

01 Mar 14 | New program of research at NDRI

The Social Studies of Addiction Concepts (SSAC) research program will map and monitor changes in addiction concepts and language in Australia and around the world.

01 Apr 14 | NDRI researcher rewarded for positive action on alcohol

Dr Tina Lam’s ground-breaking research on alcohol and other drug use at school leaver celebrations in Western Australia was recognised at WA’s first Action on Alcohol Awards.

01 May 14 | Professor Steve Allsop inducted into inaugural honour roll for sector leaders

NDRI Director, Professor Steve Allsop, was inducted into an inaugural honour roll recognising leadership, integrity, vision and commitment to the field of preventing and reducing alcohol and other drug problems in Western Australia, nationally and internationally.

01 Jun 14 | New NDRI app delivers culturally appropriate FASD resources

NDRI researchers involved in the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Resources Project have developed a new tool for health professionals working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care settings.

01 Jul 14 | NDRI book gives answers on addiction

NDRI academics Suzanne Fraser and David Moore, together with Helen Keane of the Australian National University, have published a new book, Habits: Remaking Addiction.

01 Aug 14 | Could it be the Gunja? website and resources

'Could it be the Gunja?' aims to provide health workers in the Aboriginal Primary Health Care sector with meaningful information and culturally appropriate resources to help them better meet the needs of those who use cannabis.

26 Sep 14 | Media Release: International study confirms breast cancer link to low alcohol use

A newly published study from NDRI and the Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) at the University of Victoria in Canada confirms that moderate drinkers have an increased risk of breast cancer.

01 Sep 14 | New Report: What difference does residential treatment make for young people?

This research aimed to produce a robust qualitative outcome measure of young people’s progress in treatment, and contribute to evidence-based residential treatment options for particular groups of young people in Australia.

01 Sep 14 | National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP) bulletin 13 released

NAIP Bulletin 13, Trends in estimated alcohol-attributable deaths in Australia, 1996-2010: Alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, and colorectal cancer, has been released.

01 Oct 14 | Aboriginal mothers in prison in the news

NDRI researchers recently raised the focus on a rarely discussed aspect of Australia’s high Indigenous incarceration rate: the far-reaching impact of imprisoning Aboriginal mothers.
No news is currently available for this month

15 Dec 14 | International WHO forum: Taking a collaborative approach to public health across the region

NDRI Director, Professor Steve Allsop, recently attended the first WHO collaborating centre regional forum for the Western Pacific, held in the Philippines.