NDRI hosts major international alcohol conference

Curtin University's National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) hosted a successful international symposium in the last week of May, attracting 170 delegates and alcohol policy research experts from across the globe.

It was the first time in more than a decade that the annual Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) Symposium had been hosted in Australia.

There is a strong connection between NDRI’s Alcohol Policies and Strategies research program and the aims of KBS, which are to promote and discuss social and epidemiological research of alcohol use and alcohol problems and to promote a spirit of international cooperation.

Held In Fremantle/Walyalup, Western Australia, research and social program highlights of the 5-day conference included:

  • 170 delegates from five continents and 23 countries
  • Delivery of 112 papers, with 58 discussants, 4 workshops and many 'side meetings'
  • A focus on building capacity in alcohol research with 44 students and delegates from low and middle income countries, including scholarships for 14 delegates
  • A celebration of First Nations people and increasing delegates' knowledge of Aboriginal culture, particularly through a Smoking Ceremony, Indigenous tour and traditional dance
  • Social tours that showcased Fremantle and Perth, including the opportunity to meet Australian animals and learn about Fremantle's port history, and
  • The traditional 'football in the park' match, named in 2024 in honour of renowned alcohol researcher Kyp Kypri.

The 49th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Brunn Society was supported by Business Events Perth and the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Posted on: 14 Jun 2024

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