Davies, T., O'Brien, P., Bowden, J., Strauli, B., Yusoff, A., Jongenelis, M., Jones, A., Brownbill, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stafford, J. and Pettigrew, S. (2025). Suboptimal uptake and placement of a mandatory alcohol pregnancy warning label in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 135. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104661 [RJ2229] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Sträuli, B., Yusoff, A., O'Brien, P., Bowden, J., Jongenelis, M., Brownbill, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Petticrew, M., Matheson, A., Taylor, F. and Jones, A. (2025). “There's just a lot of numbers and I just want to have a drink”: The challenge of communicating the energy content of alcohol products. Appetite, 205. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2024.107700 [RJ2221] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S., Stockwell, T., R. and Andreasson, S. (2024). Alcohol and Society 2024: Alcohol and the Brain. Svensk sjuksköterskeförening, SFAM, Svensk förening för Beroendemedicin, SAFF, CERA, Hjärnfonden, SLAN, Junis, UNF & IOGT-NTO, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-988422-5-8 [T329] Download PDF
Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Conigrave, K., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Wilson, D., Zheng, C., Weatherall, T. and Lee, K., S. (2024). Countering stereotypes: Exploring the characteristics of Aboriginal Australians who do not drink alcohol in a community representative sample. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13907 [RJ2184] View web page
Coomber, K., Baldwin, R., Wilson, C., McDonald, L., Taylor, N., Callinan, S., Wilkinson, C., Toumbourou, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2024). Test Purchasing of Same-Day and Rapid Online Alcohol Home Delivery in Two Australian Jurisdictions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85, (6), pp. 839 - 844. doi:10.15288/jsad.23-00223 [RJ2214] View web page
Naimi, T., S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2024). Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and purported lifetime nondrinkers: Ramifications for observational evidence about alcohol and health. Alcohol - Clinical & Experimental Research. doi:10.1111/acer.15478 [RJ2233] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2023). Alcohol and Society 2023: Alcohol and blood pressure. Swedish Society of Nursing, SFAM, SAFF, CERA, The Swedish Society of Addiction Medicine, SIGHT, Movendi International, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-988422-2-7 [T321] Download PDF
Coomber, K., Baldwin, R., Taylor, N., Callinan, S., Wilkinson, C., Toumbourou, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2023). Characteristics of high- and low-risk drinkers who use online alcohol home delivery in Western Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13783 [RJ2136] View web page
Jongenelis, M., Drane, C., Hasking, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Miller, P., G., Hastings, G. and Pettigrew, S. (2023). Development and validation of the Alcohol Message Perceived Effectiveness Scale. Scientific Reports, 13, (1), pp. 997. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28141-x [RJ2018] View web page
Lee, K., S., Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R., Weatherall, T., Zheng, C. and Conigrave, K. (2023). Deeper understandings of patterns of drinking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Informing policy and practice. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. doi:10.1002/hpja.696 [RJ2028] View web page
Liang, W., Chih, H. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2023). Predicting Alcohol Consumption Patterns for Individuals with a User-Friendly Parsimonious Statistical Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, (3). doi:10.3390/ijerph20032581 [RJ2024] View web page
Livingston, M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Taylor, N., See Yuen, W. and Dietze, P. (2023). Trends in alcohol-related liver disease mortality in Australia: An age–period–cohort perspective. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.16275 [RJ2062] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Lowen, T., Taylor, N., Livingston, M., Scott, D., Buykx, P., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Baldwin, R., Smith, J., Clifford, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2023). The impact of Minimum Unit Price on police-recorded alcohol-related assault rates in the Northern Territory, Australia. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84, (4), pp. 615-623. doi:10.15288/jsad.22-00128 [RJ2064] View web page
Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., R., Sorge, J., Churchill, S., Angus, C., Chikritzhs, T., N., Holmes, J., Meier, P., Naimi, T., S., Norstrom, T., Ramstedt, M. and Simpura, J. (2023). The public-private decision for alcohol retail systems: Examining the economic, health, and social impacts of alternative systems in Finland. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 40, (3), pp. 218-232. doi:10.1177/14550725231160335 [RJ2116] View web page
Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Livingston, M., Jiang, H., Buykx, P., Scott, D., Baldwin, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2023). Estimating the impact of the minimum alcohol price on consumers’ alcohol expenditure in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47, (3). doi:10.1016/j.anzjph.2023.100053 [RJ2061] View web page
Booth, L., Jongenelis, M., Drane, C., Brennan, E., Wakefield, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hasking, P. and Pettigrew, S. (2022). Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Drink Counting. Substance Use and Misuse. doi:10.1080/10826084.2022.2129998 [RJ1950] View web page
Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Conigrave, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hayman, N., Dawson, A., Ali, R., L., Perry, J., Fitts, M., Degenhardt, L., Doyle, M., F., Egert, S., Slade, T., Ezard, N., Dzidowska, M. and Lee, K., S. (2022). 'The Drug Survey App': a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 17. doi:10.1186/s13722-022-00298-2 [RJ1889] View web page
Gilmore, W., Symons, M., Liang, W., Graham, K., Kypri, K., Miller, P., G. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2022). Association between bar closing time, alcohol use disorders and blood alcohol concentration: A cross-sectional observational study of nightlife-goers in Perth, Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (7026). doi:10.3390/ijerph19127026 [RJ1888] View web page
Jiang, H., Doran, C., M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Ferris, J. and Laslett, A., L. (2022). Beyond the Drinker: Alcohol's Hidden Costs in 2016 in Australia. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83, (4), pp. 512-524. doi:10.15288/jsad.2022.83.512 [RJ1926] View web page
Laslett, A., L., Edwards, N., Allsop, S., Ponicki, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2022). Community-Level Alcohol Availability and Child Maltreatment: A Statewide Panel Analysis Over 13 Years. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83, (6), pp. 849-856. doi:10.15288/jsad.20-00400 [RJ1456] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Smith, J., Livingston, M., Stevens, M., Guthridge, S., Room, R., Wright, C., Rung, D., Clifford, S., Baldwin, R., Das, S., Paradies, Y., Scott, D., Griffiths, K., Farmer, C., Mayshak, R., Silver, B., Moore, S., Mack, J., Mithen, V., Dyall, D., Ward, J., Boffa, J. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2022). Learning from alcohol (policy) reforms in the Northern Territory (LEARNT): protocol for a mixed-methods study examining the impacts of the banned drinker register. BMJ Open, 12, (4). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058614 [RJ1885] View web page
Reedy, C., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2022). Estimated alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 2010 to 2017. National Alcohol Indicators, Bulletin 17. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [UP41] Download PDF
Stafford, J., Pettigrew, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2022). Do different actors submit different evidence to alcohol advertising policy consultations? Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13503 [RJ1904] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S., Sherk, A. and Stockwell, T., R. (2021). Alcohol and Society 2021: Alcohol and the coronavirus pandemic: individual, societal and policy perspectives., Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-982220-8-1 [T292] Download PDF
Booth, L., Jongenelis, M., Drane, C., Miller, P., G., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hasking, P., Hastings, G., Thorn, M. and Pettigrew, S. (2021). Attitudinal factors associated with drink counting. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13277 [RJ1701] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Livingston, M. (2021). Alcohol and the risk of injury. Nutrients, 13, (8). doi:10.3390/nu13082777 [RJ1772] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Weeramanthri, T., S. (2021). The swinging pendulum of alcohol policy in the Northern Territory. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 49, (1), pp. 8-11. doi:10.1177/0310057X20986309 [RJ1678] View web page
Conigrave, K., Ali, R., L., Armstrong, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., d'Abbs, P., Harris, M., F., Hewlett, N., Livingston, M., Lubman, D., McKenzie, A., O'Leary, C., M., Ritter, A., Wilson, S., Grimmond, M. and Banks, E. (2021). Revision of the Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol. Medical Journal of Australia, 215, (11), pp. 518-524. doi:10.5694/mja2.51336 [RJ1838] View web page
Gilmore, W., Symons, M., Liang, W., Graham, K., Kypri, K., Miller, P., G. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2021). Association between nightlife goers’ likelihood of an alcohol use disorder and their preferred bar’s closing time: A cross-sectional observational study in Perth, Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (24). doi:10.3390/ijerph182413040 [RJ1829] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., de Andrade, D., Livingston, M., Puljević, C., Vakidis, T., Carah, N., Taylor, N., Burn, M., Curtis, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R., Clough, A., R., Najman, J., M., Scott, D., Mayshak, R. and Ferris, J. (2021). Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night-time Economy Monitoring (QUANTEM): Rationale and overview. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 693-697. doi:10.1111/dar.13270 [RJ1721] View web page
Miller, P., G., Curtis, A., Millsteed, M., Harries, T., Nepal, S., Walker, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Coomber, K. (2021). Size does matter: An exploration of the relationship between licensed venue capacity and on-premise assaults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi:10.1111/acer.14621 [RJ1746] View web page
Naimi, T., S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2021). Commentary on Di Castelnuovo et al: Implications of using low volume drinkers instead of never drinkers as the reference group. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.15692 [RJ1816] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Booth, L., Jongenelis, M., Brennan, E., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hasking, P., Miller, P., G., Hastings, G. and Wakefield, M. (2021). A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of combinations of ‘why to reduce’ and ‘how to reduce’ alcohol harm-reduction communications. Addictive Behaviors, 121. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.107004 [RJ1736] View web page
Stafford, J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Pierce, H. and Pettigrew, S. (2021). An evaluation of the evidence submitted to Australian alcohol advertising policy consultations. PloS One, 16, (12). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0261280 [RJ1843] View web page
Taylor, N., Livingston, M., Coomber, K., Mayshak, R., Zahnow, R., Ferris, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2021). The combined impact of higher-risk on-license venue outlet density and trading hours on serious assaults in night-time entertainment precincts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 223. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108720 [RJ1707] View web page
Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Livingston, M., Scott, D., Buykx, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2021). The impact of a minimum unit price on wholesale alcohol supply trends in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, (1), pp. 26-33. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.13055 [RJ1689] View web page
Weatherall, T., Conigrave, J., Conigrave, K., Perry, J., Wilson, S., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, K., S. (2021). Alcohol dependence in a community sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: harms, getting help and awareness of local treatments. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16, (1). doi:10.1186/s13722-021-00274-2 [RJ1825] View web page
Whetton, S., Tait, R., J., Gilmore, W., Dey, T., Agramunt, S., Abdul Halim, S., McEntee, A., Mukhtar, A., Roche, A., Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2021). Examining the Social and Economic Costs of Alcohol Use in Australia: 2017/18. In Tait, R., J. and Allsop, S. (eds.). National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-6487367-5-2 [T302] Download PDF
Zheng, C., Conigrave, J., Conigrave, K., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Fitts, M. and Lee, K., S. (2021). Patterns of drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as self-reported on the Grog Survey App: A representative urban and remote sample. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13333 [RJ1752] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2020). Alcohol and Society 2020: Alcohol, pregnancy and infant health – a shared responsibility. Swedish Society of Nursing, SFAM, SAFF, CERA & IOGT-NTO, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-982220-5-0 [R355] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F. and Pettigrew, S. (2020). Pregnancy, partners and alcohol warning labels. Addiction, 116, (8), pp. 1949-1951. doi:10.1111/add.15369 [RJ1664] View web page
Dekker, M., Jongenelis, M., Hasking, P., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pettigrew, S. (2020). Factors associated with engagement in protective behavioral strategies among adult drinkers. Substance Use and Misuse, 55, (6), pp. 878-885. doi:10.1080/10826084.2019.1708944 [RJ1596] View web page
Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., McManus, H., Kaldor, J., M. and Guy, R. (2020). The association between the Australian alcopops tax and national chlamydia rates among young people – an interrupted time series analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, (4), pp. 1343. doi:10.3390/ijerph17041343 [RJ1542] View web page
Lam, T., Fischer, J., Salom, C., L., Ogeill, R., Wilson, J., C., Lubman, D., Burns, L., Lenton, S., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Aiken, A. and Allsop, S. (2020). Safety first: beliefs of older peers supplying alcohol to underage friends. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. doi:10.1002/hpja.378 [RJ1606] View web page
Lam, T., Ogeill, R., Fischer, J., Midford, R., Lubman, D., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Liang, W., Lenton, S., Aiken, A. and Allsop, S. (2020). Alcohol supply as a favour for a friend: Scenarios of alcohol supply to younger friends and siblings. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31, (1), pp. 112-120. doi:10.1002/hpja.264 [RJ1460] View web page
Lee, K., S., Fitts, M., Conigrave, J., Zheng, C., Perry, J., Wilson, S., Ah Chee, D., Bond, S., Weetra, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slade, T. and Conigrave, K. (2020). Recruiting a representative sample of urban South Australian Aboriginal adults for a survey on alcohol consumption. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 20. doi:10.1186/s12874-020-01067-y [RJ1669] View web page
Miller, P., G., Curtis, A., Graham, K., Kypri, K., Hudson, K. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2020). Understanding risk-based licensing schemes for alcohol outlets: A key informant perspective. Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, (3), pp. 267-277. doi:10.1111/dar.13043 [RJ1587] View web page
Nepal, S., Kypri, K., Tekelab, T., Hodder, R., Attia, J., Bagade, T., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2020). Effects of extensions and restrictions in alcohol trading hours on the incidence of assault and unintentional injury: Systematic review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81, (1), pp. 5-23. doi:10.15288/jsad.2020.81.5 [RJ1556] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Andreasson, S., Cherpitel, C., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Sherk, A. (2020). The burden of alcohol on health care during COVID-19. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (1), pp. 3-7. doi:10.1111/dar.13143 [RJ1630] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Andreasson, S., Cherpitel, C., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Sherk, A. (2020). Time for carefully tailored set of alcohol policies to reduce health-care burden and mitigate potential unintended consequences? Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (1), pp. 17-18. doi:10.1111/dar.13185 [RJ1637] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2019). Alcohol and Society 2019: Alcohol and the Elderly. Swedish Society of Medicine, Swedish Society of Nursing, CERA & IOGT-NTO, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-982220-3-6 [M104] Download PDF
Callinan, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Livingston, M. (2019). Consistency of drinker status over time: Drinking patterns of ex-drinkers who describe themselves as lifetime abstainers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80, (5), pp. 552-55. doi:10.15288/jsad.2019.80.552 [RJ1554] View web page
Curtis, A., Bowe, S., J., Coomber, K., Graham, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Kypri, K. and Miller, P., G. (2019). Risk-based licensing of alcohol venues and emergency department injury presentations in two Australian states. International Journal of Drug Policy, (70). pp. 99-106. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.06.014 [RJ1509] View web page
Lam, T., Laslett, A., L., Ogeill, R., Lubman, D., Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Lenton, S., Fischer, J., Aiken, A., Mattick, R., Burns, L., Midford, R. and Allsop, S. (2019). From eye rolls to punches: experience of harm from others’ drinking amongst risky drinking adolescents across Australia. Public Health Research & Practice, 29, (4), pp. e2941927. doi:10.17061/phrp2941927 [RJ1469] View web page
Lee, K., S., Conigrave, J., Al Ansari, M., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Zheng, C., Freeburn, B., Room, R., Callinan, S., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slade, T., Gray, D. and Conigrave, K. (2019). Acceptability and feasibility of a computer-based application to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians describe their alcohol consumption. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. doi:10.1080/15332640.2019.1579144 [RJ1507] View web page
Lee, K., S., Conigrave, J., Callinan, S., Wilson, S., Room, R., Perry, J., Slade, T., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hayman, N., Weatherall, T., Leggat, G., Gray, D. and Conigrave, K. (2019). Asking about the last four drinking occasions on a tablet computer as a way to record alcohol consumption in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: a validation. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 14, (1). doi:10.1186/s13722-019-0148-2 [RJ1506] View web page
Lee, K., S., Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Callinan, S., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slade, T., Hayman, N., Leggat, G. and Conigrave, K. (2019). Short screening tools for risky drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: modified AUDIT-C and a new approach. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 14. doi:10.1186/s13722-019-0152-6 [RJ1671] View web page
Lee, K., S., Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Zheng, C., Al Ansari, M., Doyle, M., F., Room, R., Callinan, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slade, T. and Conigrave, K. (2019). Patterns of drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as self-reported on the Grog Survey App: a stratified sample. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19. doi:10.1186/s12911-019-0879-8 [RJ1672] View web page
Nepal, S., Kypri, K., Attia, J. and Miller, P., G. (2019). Indicators for estimating trends in alcohol-related assault: evaluation using police data from Queensland, Australia. Injury Prevention, 25, pp. 444-447. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2018-042985 [RJ1670] View web page
Nepal, S., Kypri, K., Attia, J., Evans, T., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2019). Effects of a Risk-Based Licensing Scheme on the Incidence of Alcohol-Related Assault in Queensland, Australia: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, (23). doi:10.3390/ijerph16234637 [RJ1673] View web page
Rechichi, V., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2019). Submission to NSW Joint Select Committee on Sydney's night time economy. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R334] Download PDF
Sherk, A., Gilmore, W., Churchill, S., Lensvelt, E., Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2019). Implications of cardioprotective assumptions for national drinking guidelines and alcohol monitoring systems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, (24), pp. 4956. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244956 [RJ1543] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Sherk, A., Sorge, J., Norstrom, T., Angus, C., Chikritzhs, T., N., Churchill, S., Holmes, J., Meier, P., Naimi, T., S., Ramstedt, M. and Simpura, J. (2019). Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and economic consequences of alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcohol. A report prepared for the Finnish alcohol monopoly, Alko. Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria, BC, Canada. [R338] Download PDF
Taylor, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Coomber, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2019). Investigating and validating methods of monitoring foot-traffic in night-time entertainment precincts in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 66, pp. 23-29. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.01.009 [RJ1474] View web page
Naimi, T., S., Stadtmueller, L., A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Britton, A., Saitz, R. and Sherk, A. (2019). Alcohol, age, and mortality: Estimating selection bias due to premature death. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80, (1), pp. 63-68. doi:10.15288/jsad.2019.80.63 [RJ1508] View web page
Aiken, A., Lam, T., Gilmore, W., Burns, L., Chikritzhs, T., N., Lenton, S., Lloyd, B., Lubman, D., Ogeill, R. and Allsop, S. (2018). Youth perceptions of alcohol advertising: Are current advertising regulations working? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42, (3), pp. 234-239. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12792 [RJ1055] View web page
Allsop, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lensvelt, E. (2018). Four ways alcohol is bad for your health. The Conversation. [O] View web page
Coomber, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Morgan, A., Lam, T., Droste, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Guadagno, B., Hyder, S., Gilmore, W., Peacock, A., Bruno, R., Taylor, N. and Miller, P., G. (2018). Targeting at-risk samples through brief face-to-face interviews in night-time entertainment precincts. Journal of Substance Use, 23, (4), pp. 353-357. doi:10.1080/14659891.2017.1410239 [RJ1389] View web page
Coomber, K., Zahnow, R., Ferris, J., Droste, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Kypri, K., de Andrade, D., Grant, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R., Jiang, H., Taylor, N., Najman, J., M. and Miller, P., G. (2018). Short-term changes in nightlife attendance and patron intoxication following alcohol restrictions in Queensland, Australia. BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 1-5. doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6098-x [RJ1465] View web page
Droste, N., Miller, P., G., Kaestle, C., Curtis, A., Hyder, S., Coomber, K., Pennay, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Lam, T. and Gilmore, W. (2018). Comparing levels of blood alcohol concentration and indicators of impairment in nightlife patrons. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37, pp. S348-S356. doi:10.1111/dar.12639 [RJ1374] View web page
Jongenelis, M., Pettigrew, S., Wakefield, M., Slevin, T., Pratt, I., S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Liang, W. (2018). Investigating single- versus multiple-source approaches to communicating health messages via an online simulation. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32, (4), pp. 979-988. doi:10.1177/0890117116673819 [RJ1327] View web page
Jongenelis, M., Pratt, I., S., Slevin, T., Chikritzhs, T., N., Liang, W. and Pettigrew, S. (2018). The effect of chronic disease warning statements on alcohol-related health beliefs and consumption intentions among at-risk drinkers. Health Education Research, 33, (5), pp. 351-360. doi:10.1093/her/cyy025 [RJ1516] View web page
Keatley, D., A., Hardcastle, S., J., Carragher, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Daube, M., Lonsdale, A. and Hagger, M., S. (2018). Attitudes and beliefs towards alcohol minimum pricing in Western Australia. Health Promotion International, 33, (3), pp. 400-409. doi:10.1093/heapro/daw092 [RJ1517] View web page
Lam, T., Ogeill, R., Allsop, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Fischer, J., Midford, R., Gilmore, W., Lenton, S., Liang, W., Lloyd, B., Aiken, A., Mattick, R. and Lubman, D. (2018). Insomnia and regulation of sleep-wake cycle with drugs among adolescent risky drinkers. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 14, (9), pp. 1529-1537. doi:10.5664/jcsm.7330 [RJ1437] View web page
Laslett, A., L., Jiang, H. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2018). Child injury deaths linked with adult per capita alcohol consumption: a time series analysis of harm to children from others’ drinking. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 185, pp. 360-366. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.11.024 [RJ1256] View web page
Lee, K., S., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Room, R., Callinan, S., Assan, R., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gray, D., Wilkes, E., T., Jack, P. and Conigrave, K. (2018). Developing a tablet computer based application ('App') to measure self-reported alcohol consumption in Indigenous Australians. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 18, (8). doi:10.1186/s12911-018-0583-0 [RJ1381] View web page
Lensvelt, E., Gilmore, W., Liang, W., Sherk, A. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2018). Estimated alcohol-attributable deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 2004 to 2015. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 16. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R323] Download PDF Abstract
Pandzic, I., Allsop, S., Lenton, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Liang, W. and Lam, T. (2018). Young Australians’ Alcohol Reporting System (YAARS) Report 2016/17 – Western Australian main findings. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T267] Download PDF
Pettigrew, S., Hafekost, C., Jongenelis, M., Pierce, H., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stafford, J. (2018). Behind closed doors: The priorities of the alcohol industry as communicated in a trade magazine. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, (217). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00217 [RJ1467] View web page
Rechichi, V., Chikritzhs, T., N., Moore, D., McBride, N., Tait, R., J., Lam, T. and Lenton, S. (2018). Submission on the Consultation Draft: National Alcohol Strategy 2018-2026. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R322]
Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Andreasson, S., Angus, C., Gripenberg, J., Holder, H., Holmes, J., Makela, P., Mills, M., Norstrom, T., Ramstedt, M. and Woods, J. (2018). Alcohol consumption and the physical availability of take-away alcohol: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the days and hours of sale and outlet density. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79, (1), pp. 58-67. doi:10.15288/jsad.2017.79.58 [RJ1444] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Sherk, A., Norstrom, T., Angus, C., Ramstedt, M., Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gripenberg, J., Holder, H., Holmes, J. and Makela, P. (2018). Estimating the public health impact of disbanding a government alcohol monopoly: application of new methods to the case of Sweden. BMC Public Health, 18, (1400). doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6312-x [RJ1510] View web page
White, V., Azar, D., Faulkner, A., Coomber, K., Durkin, S., Livingston, M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Wakefield, M. (2018). Adolescents' alcohol use and strength of policy relating to youth access, trading hours and driving under the influence: findings from Australia. Addiction, 113, (6), pp. 1030-1042. doi:10.1111/add.14164 [RJ1466] View web page
Wilson, J., C., Ogeill, R., Lam, T., Lenton, S., Lloyd, B., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Mattick, R., Lubman, D. and Allsop, S. (2018). Re-thinking pre-drinking: Implications from a sample of teenagers who drink in private settings. International Journal of Drug Policy, 52, pp. 20-24. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.11.024 [RJ1136] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Pratt, I., S., Slevin, T. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Drinkers’ identification with varying alcohol consumption prototypes. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36, (4), pp. 464-467. doi:10.1111/dar.12466 [RJ1332] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2017). Alcohol and Society 2017/2018: Alcohol and Violence. IOGT-NTO, the Swedish Society of Medicine and CERA, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-982220-3-6 [M102] Download PDF
Biagioni, N., Pettigrew, S., Jones, S., Stafford, J., Daube, M. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Defining binge drinking: young drinkers' perceptions of risky alcohol consumption. Public Health, 152, pp. 55-57. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2017.07.027 [RJ1364] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2017). Bias in assessing effects of substance use from observational studies: what does longitudinal data tell us? A Commentary on Staff and Maggs (2017). Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, (3), pp. 404-405. doi:10.15288/jsad.2017.78.404 [RJ1334] View web page
Coomber, K., Mayshak, R., Hyder, S., Droste, N., Curtis, A., Pennay, A., Gilmore, W., Lam, T., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2017). Demographic and substance use factors associated with non-violent alcohol-related injuries among patrons of Australian night-time entertainment districts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, (1), pp. 75. doi:10.3390/ijerph14010075 [RJ1297] View web page
Curtis, A., Coomber, K., Droste, N., Hyder, S., Mayshak, R., Lam, T., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2017). Consumption plans for the rest of the night among Australian nightlife patrons. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 6, (1), pp. 19-25. doi:10.7895/ijadr.v6i1.243 [RJ1352] View web page
Gordon, E., Liang, W., Gilmore, W., Lensvelt, E. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Modelling the public health and safety impacts of liquor licensing changes on communities: enhancing evidence-based liquor licensing decisions, Stage 2 Report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T256] Download PDF
Hobday, M., Gordon, E., Lensvelt, E., Meuleners, L., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Distance travelled to purchase alcohol and the mediating effect of price. Public Health, 144, pp. 48-56. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2016.11.019 [RJ1179] View web page
Hyder, S., Coomber, K., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Curtis, A., Mayshak, R., Lam, T., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2017). Correlates of verbal and physical aggression among patrons of licensed venues in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.12552 [RJ1249] View web page
Jones, S., Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Daube, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stafford, J. and Tran, J. (2017). Young adults, alcohol and Facebook: a synergistic relationship. Journal of Social Marketing, 7, (2), pp. 172-187. doi:10.1108/JSOCM-09-2016-0046 [RJ1344] View web page
Lam, T., Chikritzhs, T., N., Liang, W. and Allsop, S. (2017). Parental alcohol supply at school leavers’ celebrations and other peer-based social events. Journal of Substance Use, 22, (5), pp. 516-523. doi:10.1080/14659891.2016.1259365 [RJ1054] View web page
Lam, T., Lenton, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Liang, W., Pandzic, I., Ogeill, R., Faulkner, A., Lloyd, B., Lubman, D., Aiken, A., Burns, L., Mattick, R., ACT Health, A., Olsen, A., Bruno, R., deAngelis, O., Roche, A., Fischer, J., Trifonoff, A., Midford, R., Salom, C., L., Alati, R. and Allsop, S. (2017). Young Australians’ Alcohol Reporting System (YAARS): National Report 2016/17. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9942806-5-7 [T259] Download PDF
Lam, T., Lenton, S., Ogeill, R., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Lloyd, B., Wilson, J., C., Lubman, D., Mattick, R. and Allsop, S. (2017). Most recent risky drinking session with Australian teenagers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, (1), pp. 105–110. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12598 [RJ1209] View web page
Lensvelt, E., Stafford, J., Daube, M. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Alcohol-related Harms in Western Australian Electoral Districts. McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-6480217-0-4 [T250] Download PDF
Miller, P., G., Chikritzhs, T., N., Droste, N., Pennay, A. and Tomsen, S. (2017). The need for accuracy and validity in research on nightlife and drinking: A commentary on Devilly et al. and recommendations for future research. International Journal of Drug Policy. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.09.001 [RJ1382] View web page
Miller, P., G., Ferris, J., Coomber, K., Zahnow, R., Carah, N., Jiang, H., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Clough, A., R., Livingston, M., de Andrade, D., Room, R., Callinan, S., Curtis, A., Mayshak, R., Droste, N., Lloyd, B., Matthews, S., Taylor, N., Crane, M., Thorn, M. and Najman, J., M. (2017). Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (QUANTEM): a study protocol. BMC Public Health, 17, (789). doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4811-9 [RJ1369] View web page
Naimi, T., S., Stockwell, T., R., Saitz, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Selection bias and relationships between alcohol consumption and mortality. Addiction, 112, (2), pp. 220-221. doi:10.1111/add.13709 [RJ1302] View web page
Naimi, T., S., Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Xuan, Z., Dangardt, F., Saitz, R., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Selection biases in observational studies affect associations between 'moderate' alcohol consumption and mortality. Addiction, 112, (2), pp. 207–214. doi:10.1111/add.13451 [RJ1337] View web page
O'Brien, K. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Time for the New Zealand government to ban alcohol advertising and sponsorship in sport - editorial. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 130, (1448), pp. 6-8. [RJ1308] View web page
Slevin, T. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Why is alcohol cancer’s best kept secret? Commentary. Addiction, 112, (2), pp. 229-230. doi:10.1111/add.13640 [RJ1281] View web page
Zhao, J., Stockwell, T., R., Roemer, A., Naimi, T., S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Alcohol consumption and mortality from coronary heart disease: An updated meta-analysis of cohort studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, (3), pp. 375-386. doi:10.15288/jsad.2017.78.375 [RJ1349] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Norstrom, T., Angus, C., Sherk, A., Ramstedt, M., Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gripenberg, J., Holder, H., Holmes, J. and Makela, P. (2017). What are the public health and safety benefits of the Swedish government alcohol monopoly?. Centre for Addictions Research of BC, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. [T253] Download PDF
Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2017). Whether low volume alcohol use is cardio-protective is important for public health policy so the available evidence deserves critical analysis: The authors respond. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, (3), pp. 392-393. doi:10.15288/jsad.2017.78.392 [RJ1348] View web page
White, V., Azar, D., Faulkner, A., Coomber, K., Durkin, S., Livingston, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R. and Wakefield, M. (2017). Adolescents' exposure to paid alcohol advertising on television and their alcohol use: exploring associations during a 13-year period. Addiction, 112, (10), pp. 1742-1751. doi:10.1111/add.13873 [RJ1366] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2016). Måttlig alkoholkonsumtion ger ingen positive hälsoeffekt: En kritisk forskningsanalys. Lakartidningen, 113, (7). [RJ1319] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2016). Alcohol and Society 2016/2017: Alcohol and Cancer. IOGT-NTO, the Swedish Society of Medicine and CERA, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-982220-2-9 [T320] Download PDF
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2016). Positive health effects of moderate alcohol consumption: a critical analysis of research. Swedish Medical Journal, 113. [RJ1336]
Azar, D., White, V., Coomber, K., Faulkner, A., Livingston, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R. and Wakefield, M. (2016). The association between alcohol outlet density and alcohol use among urban and regional Australian adolescents. Addiction, 111, (1), pp. 65-72. doi:10.1111/add.13143 [RJ1149] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Allsop, S., Gilmore, W. and Rechichi, V. (2016). Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the need for a nationally-consistent approach to alcohol-fuelled violence. [R289] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Rechichi, V. and Allsop, S. (2016). Submission to the Independent Review of the Impact of Liquor Law Reforms in NSW. [R288] View web page
Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Jernigan, D., Naimi, T., S. and Gilmore, I. (2016). Alcohol: taking a population perspective. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 13, (7), pp. 426-434. doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2016.70 [RJ1156] View web page
Gilmore, W., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). The Wild West: Associations between mining and violence in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 24, (2), pp. 136-143. doi:10.1111/ajr.12228 [RJ1079] View web page
Hobday, M., Gordon, E., Lensvelt, E., Meuleners, L., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). The effect of price increases on predicted alcohol purchasing decisions and choice to substitute. Addiction Research & Theory. doi:10.3109/16066359.2016.1155563 [RJ1178] View web page
Hobday, M., Meuleners, L., Liang, W., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Associations between alcohol outlets and emergency department injury presentations: Effects of distance from the central business district. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40, (1), pp. 43-48. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12492 [RJ1126] View web page
Jongenelis, M., Pettigrew, S., Pratt, I., S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slevin, T. and Liang, W. (2016). Predictors and outcomes of drinkers' use of protective behavioral strategies. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30, (6), pp. 639-647. doi:10.1037/adb0000194 [RJ1241] View web page
Lam, T., Lenton, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Gilmore, W., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Ogeill, R., Lloyd, B., Lubman, D., Mattick, R. and Allsop, S. (2016). Designed to protect: impact of alcohol policy measures on young risky drinkers. [UJ208] Download PDF Abstract
Lensvelt, E., Gilmore, W., Gordon, E., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Trends in estimated alcohol-attributable assault hospitalisations in Australia 2003/04 to 2012/13. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 15. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R291] Download PDF Abstract
Lensvelt, E., Liang, W., Gilmore, W., Gordon, E., Hobday, M. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Effect of the Australian ‘alcopops tax’ on alcohol-related emergency department presentations for injury in two states. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, (5), pp. 730-739. doi:10.15288/jsad.2016.77.730 [RJ1159] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Alcohol use disorders hospitalizations over the last two decades: a population-based cohort study. Internal Medicine Journal, 46, (3), pp. 301-306. doi:10.1111/imj.12980 [RJ1182] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). The Effect of Age on Fracture Risk: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Aging Research. doi:10.1155/2016/5071438 [RJ1251] View web page
Liang, W., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). The effect of short-term alcohol restriction on risk of alcohol-related injury: A state wide population-based study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 28, pp. 55-59. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.11.007 [RJ1160] View web page
Loxley, W., Gilmore, W., Catalano, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Five Report, 2016. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9942806-3-3 [T247] Download PDF
Loxley, W., Gilmore, W., Catalano, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Four Bulletin. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R285] Download PDF
Ogeill, R., Lloyd, B., Lam, T., Lenton, S., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Mattick, R., Allsop, S. and Lubman, D. (2016). Pre-drinking behaviour of young heavy drinkers: Differences based on demographics and location. Substance Use and Misuse, 51, (10), pp. 1297-1306. doi:10.3109/10826084.2016.1168443 [RJ1020] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Daube, M., Stafford, J., Jones, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Reverse engineering a ‘responsible drinking’ campaign to assess strategic intent. Addiction, 111, (6), pp. 1107-1113. doi:10.1111/add.13296 [RJ1181] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Jones, S., Stafford, J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Daube, M. and Kirby, G. (2016). Factors influencing young people's use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks. Appetite, 96, pp. 408-415. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.09.037 [RJ1145] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Pratt, I., S., Slevin, T. and Glance, D. (2016). A comparison of alcohol consumption intentions among pregnant drinkers and their nonpregnant peers of child-bearing age. Substance Use and Misuse, 51, (11), pp. 1421-1427. doi:10.3109/10826084.2016.1172641 [RJ1261] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Glance, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Pratt, I., S., Slevin, T., Liang, W. and Wakefield, M. (2016). The effect of cancer warning statements on alcohol consumption intentions. Health Education Research, 31, (1), pp. 60-69. doi:10.1093/her/cyv067 [RJ1199] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Pratt, I., S., Liang, W., Slevin, T., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Glance, D. (2016). Australian drinkers’ perceptions of alcohol-related risk by consumption status. Addiction Research & Theory. doi:10.1080/16066359.2016.1175557 [RJ1326] View web page
Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Late-life increases in alcohol consumption among postmenopausal women appear associated with greater breast cancer and less coronary heart disease risk. Commentary on Dam et al. Evidence Based Medicine, 21, (5), pp. 195. doi:10.1136/ebmed-2016-110503 [RJ1278] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Naimi, T., S. and Zhao, J. (2016). ISFAR doth protest too much: Another attempt from industry sympathizers to marginalize scientific skepticism about alcohol’s hypothesized health benefits? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, (5), pp. 839-841. doi:10.15288/jsad.2016.77.839 [RJ1269] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Naimi, T., S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Stockwell et al response: Moderate use of an “intoxicating carcinogen” has no net mortality benefit - is this true and why does it matter? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, (2), pp. 205-207. doi:10.15288/jsad.2016.77.205 [RJ1335] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Panwar, S., Roemer, A., Naimi, T., S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Do “moderate” drinkers have reduced mortality risk? A systematic review and meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, (2), pp. 185-198. doi:10.15288/jsad.2016.77.185 [RJ1147] View web page
Zhao, J., Stockwell, T., R., Roemer, A. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). Is alcohol consumption a risk factor for prostate cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer, 16. doi:10.1186/s12885-016-2891-z [RJ1279] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2015). Alcohol and Society 2015/2016: Second-hand effects of alcohol consumption. IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm. [T319] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Naimi, T., S., Andreasson, S., Dangardt, F. and Liang, W. (2015). Has the leaning tower of presumed health benefits from ‘moderate’ alcohol use finally collapsed? (Editorial). Addiction, 110, (5), pp. 726-727. doi:10.1111/add.12828 [RJ1064] View web page
Gilmore, W., Liang, W., Catalano, P., Pascal, R., Broyd, A., Lensvelt, E., Kirby, G. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Off-site outlets and alcohol-related harm. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Canberra. [M93] View web page
Hobday, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Liang, W. and Meuleners, L. (2015). The effect of alcohol outlets, sales and trading hours on alcohol-related injuries presenting at emergency departments in Perth, Australia, from 2002 to 2010. Addiction, 110, (12), pp. 1901-1909. doi:10.1111/add.13063 [RJ1133] View web page
Jones, S., Barrie, L., Gregory, P., Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). The influence of price-related point-of-sale promotions on bottle shop purchases of young adults. Drug and Alcohol Review, 34, (2), pp. 170-176. doi:10.1111/dar.12181 [RJ1041] View web page
Keatley, D., A., Carragher, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Daube, M., Hardcastle, S., J. and Hagger, M., S. (2015). Western Australian public opinions of a minimum pricing policy for alcohol: Study protocol. JMIR Research Protocols, 4, (4), pp. e127. doi:10.2196/resprot.4815 [RJ1148] View web page
Lam, T., Lenton, S., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Ogeill, R., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Lloyd, B., Lubman, D., Mattick, R. and Allsop, S. (2015). Alcohol policy impact on young risky drinkers and their support for proposed measures. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39, (2), pp. 129-134. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12326 [RJ1021] View web page
Lensvelt, E., Gilmore, W., Gordon, E., Hobday, M., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Trends in estimated alcohol-related emergency department presentations in Australia, 2005-06 to 2011-12. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 14. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [R279] Download PDF
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Age at first use of alcohol predicts the risk of heavy alcohol use in early adulthood: A longitudinal study in the United States. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, (2), pp. 131-134. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.07.001 [RJ1036] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Examining the relationship between heavy alcohol use and assaults: With adjustment for the effects of unmeasured confounders. BioMed Research International, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/596179 [RJ1080] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Weekly and daily cycle of alcohol use among the U.S. general population. Injury, 46, (5), pp. 898-901. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2015.01.029 [RJ1065] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2015). Lifestyle of young Australian adults with asthma. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27, (2), pp. NP248-NP254. doi:10.1177/1010539512439229 [RJ824] View web page
Loxley, W., Gilmore, W., Catalano, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Four Report, 2014. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-8-0 [T232] Download PDF
Naimi, T., S., Babor, T., F., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., McCambridge, J., Miller, P., G., Xuan, Z., Bradley, K., Blanchette, J., G., Kypri, K. and Saitz, R. (2015). Let's not "relax" evidence standards when recommending risky preventive therapeutic agents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, (7), pp. 1275-1276. doi:10.1111/acer.12724 [RJ1109] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Daube, M., Jones, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Kirby, G. (2015). Understanding and addressing the Schoolies phenomenon. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39, (2), pp. 135–140. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12324 [RJ1040] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Biagioni, N., Jones, S., Daube, M., Kirby, G., Stafford, J. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Sales promotion strategies and youth drinking in Australia. Social Science and Medicine, 141, pp. 115-122. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.035 [RJ1152] View web page
White, V., Faulkner, A., Coomber, K., Azar, D., Room, R., Livingston, M., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Wakefield, M. (2015). How has alcohol advertising in traditional and online media in Australia changed? Trends in advertising expenditure 1997–2011. Drug and Alcohol Review, 34, (5), pp. 521–530. doi:10.1111/dar.12286 [RJ1123] View web page
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2014). Evidence about health effects of “moderate” consumption: Reasons for scepticism and public health implications. Alcohol and Society 2014. IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN: IOGT-2014-AOS-EN-1 [CH204]
Andreasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dangardt, F., Holder, H., Naimi, T., S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2014). Alcohol and Society 2014: The effects of low-dose alcohol consumption. IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm. [T318] Download PDF
Azar, D., White, V., Bland, S., Livingston, M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Durkin, S., Gilmore, W. and Wakefield, M. (2014). 'Something's Brewing': The changing trends in alcohol coverage in Australian newspapers 2000-2011. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49, (3), pp. 336-342. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agt139 [RJ930] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Naimi, T., S., Stockwell, T., R. and Liang, W. (2014). Mendelian randomization meta-analysis sheds doubt on protective effects of “moderate” alcohol consumption on coronary heart disease. Evidence Based Medicine, 20, (1), pp. 38. doi:10.1136/ebmed-2014-110086 [RJ1038] View web page
Gilmore, W., Loxley, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Research Focus: The National Alcohol Sales Data Project. Drug and Alcohol Research Connections. [UJ213] View web page
Graham, K., Miller, P., G., Chikritzhs, T., N., Bellis, M., A., Clapp, J., D., Hughes, K., Toomey, T., L. and Wells, S. (2014). Reducing intoxication among bar patrons: Some lessons from prevention of drinking and driving. Addiction, 109, (5), pp. 693-698. doi:10.1111/add.12247 [RJ954] View web page
Graham, K., Miller, P., G., Chikritzhs, T., N., Bellis, M., A., Clapp, J., D., Hughes, K., Toomey, T., L. and Wells, S. (2014). Response to commentaries. Addiction, 109, (5), pp. 702-703. [RJ1000]
Graham, K., Miller, P., G., Chikritzhs, T., N., Bellis, M., A., Clapp, J., D., Hughes, K., Toomey, T., L. and Wells, S. (2014). Response to letter from Barry & Dennis. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.12430 [RJ1001] View web page
Lam, T., Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2014). Alcohol and other drug use at school leavers' celebrations. Journal of Public Health, 36, (3), pp. 408-416. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdt087 [RJ922] View web page
Lee, K., S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Wilson, S., Wilkes, E., T., Gray, D., Room, R. and Conigrave, K. (2014). Better methods to collect self-reported alcohol and other drug use data from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33, pp. 482-490. doi:10.1111/dar.12159 [RJ993] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Alcohol consumption during adolescence and risk of diabetes in young adulthood. BioMed Research International, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/795741 [RJ975] View web page
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Butler, E., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L., Lam, T., Gilmore, W. and Lubman, D. (2014). A comparative study of breath-alcohol concentrations in Australian night-time entertainment districts. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33, (4), pp. 338-345. doi:10.1111/dar.12145 [RJ999] View web page
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L., Lam, T., Gilmore, W. and Lubman, D. (2014). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night-Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED). In Manton, L., Room, R., Giorgi, C. and Thorn, M. (eds.) Stemming the tide of alcohol: Liquor licensing and the public interest. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education in collaboration with the University of Melbourne. [CH203]
Pascal, R., Gilmore, W., Broyd, A., Lensvelt, E. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Trends in estimated alcohol attributable deaths in Australia, 1996-2010: Liver cancer, alcoholic liver disease and colorectal cancer. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 13. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [R273] Download PDF
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slevin, T., Pratt, I., S., Glance, D. and Liang, W. (2014). Developing cancer warning statements for alcoholic beverages. BMC Public Health, 14, (786). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-786 [RJ1035] View web page
Zeisser, C., Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Methodological biases in estimating the relationship between alcohol consumption and breast cancer: The role of drinker misclassification errors in meta-analytic results. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38, (8), pp. 2297–2306. doi:10.1111/acer.12479 [RJ998] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Liang, W. (2013). Commentary on Naimi et al: Fishy Curves: A case of bias and confounding? Addiction, 108, (9), pp. 1548-1549. doi:10.1111/add.12145 [RJ927] View web page
Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Gilmore, I. (2013). Alcohol: is the evidence base guiding public policy? International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 11, (2), pp. 85-86. doi:10.1111/1744-1609.12021 [RJ914] View web page
Holder, H., Chikritzhs, T., N., Naimi, T., S., Andreasson, S. and Stockwell, T., R. (2013). Alcohol and Society 2013: Youth and young adults. IOGT-NTO and the Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm. [T317] Download PDF
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Age at First Use of Alcohol and Risk of Heavy Alcohol Use: A Population-Based Study. BioMed Research International, 2013, pp. 5 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/721761 [RJ967] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Alcohol consumption and health status of family members: health impacts without ingestion. Internal Medicine Journal. doi:10.1111/imj.12041 [RJ882] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Asthma history predicts the risk of affective disorders and anxiety disorders. Health, 5, (2), pp. 313-319. doi:10.4236/health.2013.52A042 [RJ886] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Errors in recall of age at first sex. PloS One, 8, (8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072947 [RJ923] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Motives for romantic relationships and the risk of heavy alcohol use, regular smoking and cannabis use during adolescence and early adulthood: a longitudinal study. Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 3, (2), pp. 23-29. doi:10.4236/ojim.2013.32006 [RJ911] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Observational research on alcohol use and chronic disease outcome, new approaches to counter biases. The Scientific World Journal, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/860915 [RJ925] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Sleep duration and its links to psychological distress, health status, physical activity and body mass index among a large representative general population sample. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 4, (1), pp. 45-51. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2013.41010 [RJ885] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). The association between alcohol exposure and self-reported health status: The effect of separating former and current drinkers. PloS One, 8, (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055881 [RJ884] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). The association between hospitalization for asthma in childhood and alcohol use disorder hospitalization during adolescence and early adulthood among males in an Australian birth cohort. Journal of Asthma, 50, (9), pp. 996-1001. doi:10.3109/02770903.2013.829090 [RJ924] View web page
Loxley, W., Catalano, P., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Three Report, 2012. Drug and Alcohol Office of WA and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-2-8 [T229] Download PDF
Matthews, S., Dietze, P., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Jolley, D. (2013). The social location of heavy episodic alcohol consumption in the Victorian population. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32, (2), pp. 157-61. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2012.00511.x [RJ990] View web page
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L., Lam, T., Gilmore, W. and Lubman, D. (2013). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night-Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED). National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF), Canberra, ACT. [M80] View web page Abstract
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Jenkinson, R., Droste, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L. and Lubman, D. (2013). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED): A Study Protocol. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 2, (1), pp. 69-76. doi:10.7895/ijadr.v2i1.74 [RJ985] View web page
Pascal, R., Liang, W., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Risks of alcohol-attributable hospitalisation and death in Australia over time: Evidence of divergence by region, age and sex. Australasian Medical Journal, 6, (3), pp. 134-151. doi:10.4066/AMJ.2013.1618 [RJ903] View web page
Roizen, R., Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2013). Light-to-moderate drinking and dementia risk: The former drinkers problem re-visited. Addiction Research & Theory, 21, (3), pp. 181-193. doi:10.3109/16066359.2012.706343 [RJ860] View web page
Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Commentary: Another serious challenge to the hypothesis that moderate drinking is good for health? International Journal of Epidemiology, 42, (6), pp. 1792-1794. doi:10.1093/ije/dyt217 [RJ953] View web page
Zeisser, C., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Cherpitel, C., Ye, Y. and Gardner, C. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and injury risk as a function of study design and recall period. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, pp. E1-E8. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2012.01919.x [RJ859] View web page
Zhao, Y., Li, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Alcohol-attributable deaths among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Open Access Alcohol, 1, (1), pp. 5. [RJ984]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Liang, W. (2012). Does the 2008 NATSISS underestimate the prevalence of high risk Indigenous drinking? In Hunter, B. and Biddle, N. (eds.) Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia: Social Science Perspectives. ISBN: 9781922144188 doi:10.22459/CAEPR32.11.2012 [CH190] View web page
Jones, S., Barrie, L., Robinson, L., Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Point-of-sale alcohol promotions in the Perth and Sydney metropolitan areas. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31, (6), pp. 803-808. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2012.00440.x [RJ861] View web page
Lam, T. (2012). Alcohol and other drug use at school leavers' celebrations in Western Australia. Curtin University, Faculty of Health Sciences. Ph.D. [TH]
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Asthma and injury risk: a large scale population-based study. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 3, pp. 394-399. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2012.35074 [RJ864] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Childhood hospitalisations for physical disease and risk of mental disorders during adolescence and early adulthood. Adolescent Psychiatry, 2, (3), pp. 263-270. doi:10.2174/2210676611202030263 [RJ852] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Childhood mental disorders and risk of schizophrenia. Current Research in Medicine, 3, (1), pp. 43-46. doi:10.3844/amjsp.2012.43.46 [RJ848] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Early childhood infections and risk of schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2012.06.007 [RJ851] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Family history of cancer and smoking cessation, is there a role for physicians? International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 3, (1), pp. 9-13. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2012.31002 [RJ826] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Pattern of mental health service use and risk of injury: a longitudinal study. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2, (1), pp. 98-104. doi:10.4236/ojpm.2012.21014 [RJ823] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). The association between age at first use of alcohol and alcohol consumption levels among adult general drinking population. Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1007/s10389-012-0502-2 [RJ833] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2012). Modest time dependent misclassification in recalling age at first use of alcohol and tobacco. Contemporary Drug Problems, 39, (1). doi:10.1177/009145091203900107 [RJ825] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Greer, A., Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Zeisser, C. (2012). Moderate alcohol consumption and health benefits: how good is the science? British Medical Journal, Rapid Response published online 21 January 2012, 344. doi:10.1136/bmj.e2276 [RJ829] View web page
Symons, M., Gray, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Skov, S., J., Saggers, S., Boffa, J. and Low, J. (2012). A longitudinal study of influences on alcohol consumption and related harm in Central Australia: with a particular emphasis on the role of price. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-0-4 [T220] Download PDF
(2011). Clinical Senate of WA - Position Statement on Alcohol. Clinical Senate of WA. [UP28]
(2011). Rising Above the Influence - Tasmanian Alcohol Action Framework. Inter Agency Working Groups on Drug, Tasmania. [UP29]
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Commentary: Musings on new Australian guidelines for reducing the risk from single occasion drinking. Addiction, 106, (6), pp. 1049-1050. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03379.x [RJ780] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Musings on new Australian guidelines for reducing the risk from single occasion drinking. Addiction, 106, (6), pp. 1049-1050. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03379.x [RJ802] View web page
Evans, M., Pascal, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). South Australian emergency department presentations as indicators of alcohol-related harm: Feasibility study. Stage 2: Final report. Prepared for the Southern Adelaide Health Service Incorporated (acting through Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia). National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [T207]
Lenton, S., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Evidence of increasing age of onset of cannabis use among younger Australian. Addiction. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03673.x [RJ797] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Affective disorders, anxiety disorders and the risk of alcohol dependence and misuse. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, (3), pp. 219-24. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.086116 [RJ789] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Brief report: marital status and alcohol consumption behaviours. Journal of Substance Use. doi:10.3109/14659891.2010.538463 [RJ765] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Does light alcohol consumption during pregnancy improve offspring’s cognitive development? Medical Hypotheses. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2011.09.043 [RJ800] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Moderate alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease. American Journal of Cardiology, 107, (6), pp. 957. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2010.12.002 [RJ781] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Obstetric conditions and risk of first ever mental health contact during infancy, childhood and adolescence. Midwifery. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2011.06.003 [RJ798] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Reduction in alcohol consumption and health status. Addiction, 106, (1), pp. 75-81. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03164.x [RJ750] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Revealing the link between licensed outlets and violence: counting venues versus measuring alcohol availability. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30, (5), pp. 524-535. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2010.00281.x [RJ775] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2011). Asthma and risk of injury for Australian males aged 6 to 30 years: A population-based birth cohort study. Journal of Asthma, 48, (7), pp. 736-740. doi:10.3109/02770903.2011.599910 [RJ799] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2011). Is asthma associated with increased risk of injury? Journal of Asthma, 48, (3), pp. 311-315. doi:10.3109/02770903.2011.554945 [RJ776] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lenton, S. (2011). Affective disorders and anxiety disorders predict the risk of drug harmful use and dependence. Addiction, 106, (6), pp. 1126–1134. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03362.x [RJ773] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Lenton, S. and Allsop, S. (2011). Does availability of illicit drugs mediate the association between mental illness and substance abuse? Substance Use and Misuse, 46, (10), pp. 1304-1308. doi:10.3109/10826084.2011.574769 [RJ779] View web page
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Pascal, R. and Binns, C., W. (2011). Mortality rate of alcoholic liver disease and risk of hospitalisation for alcoholic liver cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic liver failure in Australia between 1993 and 2005. Internal Medicine Journal, 41, (1), pp. 34-41. doi:10.1111/j.1445-5994.2010.02279.x [RJ740] View web page
Loxley, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2011). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Two Report, 2011. Drug and Alcohol Office and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9807054-5-4 [M76] Download PDF
Loxley, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2011). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage One Report, 2009. Drug and Alcohol Office and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R249] Download PDF
Skov, S., J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Kypri, K., Miller, P., G., Hall, W., Daube, M. and Moodie, R. (2011). Is the alcopops tax working? Probably yes but there is a bigger picture. Medical Journal of Australia, 195, (2), pp. 84-86. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2011.tb03215.x [RJ801] View web page
Wilkinson, C., Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Alcohol pouring practices among 65 to 74 year olds in Western Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30, (2), pp. 200-206. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2010.00218.x [RJ756] View web page
Bond, L., Daube, M. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Selling addictions: Similarities in approaches between Big Tobacco and Big Booze. Australasian Medical Journal, 3, (6), pp. 325-332. doi:10.4066/AMJ.2010.363 [RJ747] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Protecting the integrity of shared scientific knowledge: is the conflict of interest statement enough? Commentary. Addiction, 105, (2), pp. 200-201. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02743.x [RJ724] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Allsop, S., Moodie, R. and Hall, W. (2010). Per capita alcohol consumption in Australia: will the real trend please step forward? Medical Journal of Australia, 193, (10), pp. 594-597. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2010.tb04069.x [RJ763] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Whetton, S., Daube, M., Pascal, R. and Evans, M. (2010). Australia, the healthiest nation: death, hospital and cost savings of the Preventative Health Taskforce target reductions for alcohol, 2007 to 2020. Australasian Medical Journal, 3, (8), pp. 499-503. doi:10.4066/AMJ.2010.408 [RJ754] View web page
Dietze, P., Room, R., Jolley, D., Matthews, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). The adverse consequences of drinking in a sample of Australian adults. Journal of Substance Use. doi:10.3109/14659891.2010.495816 [RJ743] View web page
Evans, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Allsop, S. and Rechichi, V. (2010). Submission to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee - Responsible Takeaway Alcohol Hours Bill 2010 - Expert Testimony. Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Responsible Takeaway Alcohol Hours Bill 2010. National Drug Research Institute, Perth. [R242] View web page
Evans, M., Pascal, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Development of South Australian specific aetiologic fractions and estimates of alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortalities. Stage 1: Final report. Prepared for the Southern Adelaide Health Service Incorporated (acting through Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia). National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T206]
Fillmore, K. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Commentary on Britton et al. (2010): the dangers of declining drink. Addiction, 105, (4), pp. 646-647. [RJ722]
Hall, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). The Australian alcopops tax revisited. Lancet. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61420-1 [RJ749] View web page
Haynes, R., Griffiths, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Butler, T., Allsop, S. and Gunnell, A. (2010). Drug trends and crime tracking: a research study investigating the relationship between heroin, amphetamine and cannabis use, drug-related harms, and crime in Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Haynes, R. (ed.) 2010 WA Alcohol and Other Drug Symposium, (8). Drug and Alcohol Office, Perth. [UP24] Abstract
Laslett, A., L., Catalano, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Dale, C., Doran, C., M., Ferris, J., Jainullabudeen, T., Livingston, M., Matthews, S., Mugavin, J., Room, R., Schlotterlein, M. and Wilkinson, C. (2010). The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol’s Harm to Others. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education and Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, Canberra, ACT. [T203] View web page
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Violence in the night-time economy: availability and amenity. Drug and Alcohol Review. [RJ768]
Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Fillmore, K. (2010). Mental disorders the missing piece? Addiction, 105, (8), pp. 1497-1498. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03033.x [RJ734] View web page
Midford, R., Young, D., J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Playford, D., Kite, E. and Pascal, R. (2010). The effect of alcohol sales and advertising restrictions on a remote Australian community. In Young, D., J. (ed.) Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17, (1), pp. 21-41. doi:10.1080/09687630802145271 [RJ615] View web page
Skov, S., J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Li, S., Pircher, S. and Whetton, S. (2010). How much is too much? Alcohol consumption and related harms in the Northern Territory. Medical Journal of Australia, 193, (5), pp. 269-272. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2010.tb03905.x [RJ751] View web page
Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Submission to the Community Affairs Senate Committee - Excise Tariff Amendment (2009 Measures No.1) Bill 2009 (Provisions). Senate Community Affairs Committee, March. Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra. ISBN: 9781742290737 [R232]
Allsop, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Rechichi, V. (2009). Alcohol, taxation and the potential for positive change: A submission to the 'Henry Review' of Australia's taxation system. Submitted to Australia's Future Tax System. Secretariat Australia's Future Tax System. [R233]
Bond, L., Daube, M. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Access to Confidential Alcohol Industry Documents: From ‘Big Tobacco’ to ‘Big Booze’. Australasian Medical Journal, 1, (3), pp. 1-26. doi:10.4066/AMJ.2009.43 [RJ684] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Australia. Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in International Perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 307-324. [CH154]
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). The impact of the Prevention Task Force target reductions for risky/high risk drinking on national morbidity and mortality, 2007 to 2020. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R235]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2009). Review: Trends in alcohol related hospital use by young people by Access Economics. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. [R224] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Dietze, P., Allsop, S., Daube, M., Hall, W. and Kypri, K. (2009). The “alcopops” tax: heading in the right direction. Medical Journal of Australia, 190, (6), pp. 294-295. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2009.tb02415.x [RJ683] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Fillmore, K. and Stockwell, T., R. (2009). A healthy dose of scepticism: four good reasons to think again about protective effects of alcohol on Coronary Heart Disease. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, (4), pp. 441-444. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00052.x [RJ557] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Tools for policy and prevention: The Australian National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP). Contemporary Drug Problems, 36, (3), pp. 607-624. doi:10.1177/009145090903600315 [RJ723] View web page
Dietze, P., Jolley, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Clemens, S., Catalano, P. and Stockwell, T., R. (2009). Income inequality and alcohol attributable harm in Australia. BMC Public Health, 9. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-70 [RJ614] View web page
Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Bostrom, A. and Pascal, R. (2009). Alcohol Use and Prostate Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 53, (2), pp. 240-255. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200800122 [RJ613] View web page
MacKeith, S., Gray, D. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Review of 'Moving beyond the restrictions: The evaluation of the Alice Springs Alcohol Management Plan': A report prepared for the Alice Springs People’s Alcohol Action Coalition. National Drug Research Institute, Perth. [T200] Download PDF
Miller, P., G., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Skov, S., J. and Rubin, G. (2009). Health experts reject industry-backed funding for alcohol research. Australasian Medical Journal, 190, (12), pp. 2. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2009.tb02647.x [RJ705] View web page
Pascal, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Gray, D. (2009). Estimating alcohol-attributable mortality among Indigenous Australians: towards Indigenous-specific alcohol aetiologic fractions. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, (2), pp. 196–200. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2008.00044.x [RJ565] View web page
Pascal, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Jones, P. (2009). Trends in estimated alcohol attributable deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1996-2005. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No.12. [R237] Download PDF Abstract
Saggers, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2009). Young people and alcohol: reducing the risk. ARACY, Canberra. [UP22] Abstract
Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Do relaxed trading hours for bars and clubs mean more relaxed drinking? A review of international research on the impacts of changes to permitted hours of drinking. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11, (3), pp. 153-170. doi:10.1057/cpcs.2009.11 [RJ682] View web page
Wilkinson, C., Allsop, S., Cail, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Daube, M., Kirby, G. and Mattick, R. (2009). Report 1 Alcohol Warning Labels: The evidence for effectiveness in relation to excessive alcohol consumption relating to risk in the short term. Report submitted to Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Canberra. [R240]
Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2008). Submission to the Community Affairs Senate Committee - Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2007 [2008] - Expert Testimony. Senate Community Affairs Committee. Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT. [R222]
Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2008). Submission to the Community Affairs Senate Committee - Ready to Drink Alcohol Beverages - Expert Testimony. Senate Community Affairs Committee Secretariat. Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra. ISBN: 978-0-642-71932-4 [R221]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Fillmore, K. and Stockwell, T., R. (2008). The persistent, alternative argument to apparent cardio-protective effects of alcohol. Addiction, 103, (5), pp. 855-56. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02164.x [RJ604] View web page
Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2008). The effects of magic in medical epidemiology. Addiction, 103, (11), pp. 1905-1907. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02377.x [RJ626] View web page
Hall, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., d'Abbs, P. and Room, R. (2008). Alcohol sales data are essential for good public policies towards alcohol. Medical Journal of Australia, 189, (4), pp. 188. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2008.tb01977.x [RJ624] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Greenfield, T., K. (2008). What did you drink yesterday? Public health relevance of a recent recall method used in the 2004 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. Addiction, 103, (6), pp. 919-928. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02219.x [RJ620] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Alcohol. Cancer Council Australia National Cancer Prevention policy. Cancer Council Australia. pp. 107-117. [CH147]
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Book review: Bar Wars by Phil Hadfield. Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, (1). [RJ523]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brady, M. (2007). Letter to editor: Postscript to "Fact or fiction: a critique of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2002". Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, (2), pp. 221-222. doi:10.1080/09595230601146678 [RJ497] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2007). The Impact of Later Trading Hours for Hotels (public houses) on Breath Alcohol Levels of Apprehended Impaired Drivers. Addiction, 102, (10), pp. 1609-1617. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.01981.x [RJ547] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Pascal, R. and Henrickson, N. (2007). Predicting alcohol-related harms from licensed outlet density: A feasibility study. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Hobart, Tasmania. ISBN: 978-0-9803794-8-8 [M69]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Gray, D., Lyons, Z. and Saggers, S. (2007). Restrictions on the sale and supply of alcohol: Evidence and outcomes. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 533 9 [M68] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Pascal, R., Gray, D., Stearne, A., Saggers, S. and Jones, P. (2007). Trends in alcohol-attributable deaths among Indigenous Australians, 1998-2004. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No.11. [R199] Download PDF Abstract
Clemens, S., Donath, S., Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Alcohol consumption in Australia: National surveys from 1989 to 2004. [T179]
Fillmore, K., Kerr, W., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Bostrom, A. (2007). Has alcohol been proven to be protective against coronary heart disease? Response to commentaries. Addiction Research & Theory, 15, (1), pp. 35-46. doi:10.1080/16066350701251965 [RJ521] View web page
Fillmore, K., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Bostrom, A. and Kerr, W. (2007). A delicate matter: Scientific agreement and the “protective effect” of alcohol for disease including coronary heart disease. American Journal of Medicine. [RJ555]
Fillmore, K., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Bostrom, A. and Kerr, T. (2007). Moderate alcohol use and reduced mortality risk: Systematic error in prospective studies and new hypotheses. Annals of Epidemiology, 17, (5), pp. S16-23. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.01.005 [RJ545] View web page
Kypri, K., McManus, A., Howat, P., A., Maycock, B., Hallett, J. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Ingredient and nutrition information labelling of alcoholic beverages: do consumers want it? Medical Journal of Australia, 3, (17), pp. 669. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2007.tb01469.x [RJ556] View web page
Livingston, M., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Room, R. (2007). Changing the density of alcohol outlets to reduce alcohol-related problems. Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, (5), pp. 557-566. doi:10.1080/09595230701499191 [RJ546] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Fillmore, K., Kerr, W., Rehm, J. and Taylor, B. (2007). Alcohol-caused mortality in Australia and Canada: scenario analyses using different assumptions about cardiac benefit. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 68, (3), pp. 345-352. doi:10.15288/jsad.2007.68.345 [RJ542] View web page
Allsop, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Rechichi, V. (2006). Alcohol and teenagers: Risky Business. Issues (March ed), (74). pp. 15-19. [UJ139]
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2006). Profit versus harm: the paradox of alcohol regulation in Australia. Centrelines. Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association Newsletter. [UJ137]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brady, M. (2006). Fact or fiction? A critique of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2002. Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, (3), pp. 277-287. doi:10.1080/09595230600644715 [RJ488] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brady, M. (2006). Substance use in the 2002 NATSISS. Assessing the evidence on indigenous socioeconomic outcomes: a focus on the 2002 NATSISS, 26, pp. 231-247. Australian National University E Press, Canberra, ACT. ISBN: 1 920942 19 X [CH139]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2006). The Impact of Later Trading Hours for Hotels on Levels of Impaired Driver Road Crashes and Driver Breath Alcohol Levels. Addiction, 101, (9), pp. 1254-1264. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01487.x [RJ486] View web page
Fillmore, K., Kerr, W., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Bostrom, A. (2006). Moderate alcohol use and reduced mortality risk: systematic error in prospective studies. Addiction Research & Theory, 14, (2), pp. 101-132. doi:10.1080/16066350500497983 [RJ491] View web page
Fillmore, K., Stockwell, T., R., Kerr, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Bostrom, A. (2006). Systematic error in prospective studies of alcohol use and mortality risk: a meta-analysis of prospective mortality studies and re-estimation of the impact of alcohol on premature mortality in Australia. NDRI. [T171]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 65 to 74 years (the 'young old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 8. [R193] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 75 to 84 years (the 'older-old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 9. [R192] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 85 years and older (the 'old-old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 10. [R191] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Pascal, R. (2005). Alcohol taxes save lives: response to Holder. Addiction, 100, pp. 1885-1886. [RJ483]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Pascal, R. (2005). The impact of the Northern Territory’s Living With Alcohol program, 1992–2002: revisiting the evaluation. Addiction, 100, pp. 1625-1636. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01234.x [RJ472] View web page
Fillmore, K., Kerr, W., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Bostrom, A. (2005). Moderate alcohol use and reduced mortality risk: systematic error in prospective studies. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA. [T167]
Loxley, W., Gray, D., Wilkinson, C., Chikritzhs, T., N., Midford, R. and Moore, D. (2005). Alcohol policy and harm reduction in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, (6), pp. 559 - 568. doi:10.1080/09595230500404137 [RJ475] View web page
Midford, R., Wayte, K., Catalano, P., Gupta, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2005). The Legacy of a Community Mobilisation Project to Reduce Alcohol Related Harm. Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, (1), pp. 3-11. doi:10.1080/09595230500124933 [RJ432] View web page
Midford, R., Young, D., J., Playford, D., Kite, E., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). An Evaluation of Liquor Licensing Restrictions in the Western Australian Community of Port Hedland. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. [T161] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2004). Trends in Youth Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms in Australian Jurisdictions, 1990–2002. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 6. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R179] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Pascal, R. and Jones, P. (2004). Under-aged drinking among 14-17 year olds and related harms in Australia. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 7. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R183] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Gray, D., Stearne, A., Pascal, R. and Saggers, S. (2004). Applying national indicators of alcohol-related harms to Indigenous Australians: a discussion paper. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T152]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Pascal, R. and Catalano, P. (2004). The Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol Program, 1992-2002: revisiting the evaluation. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T156]
Stockwell, T., R., Donath, S., Cooper-Stanbury, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P. and Mateo, C. (2004). Under-reporting of alcohol consumption in household surveys: a comparison of quantity-frequency, graduated-frequency and recent recall. Addiction, 99, (8), pp. 1024-1033. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00815.x [RJ400] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2003). Drinking and alcohol-related harm: An Australia story. CentreLines, (11). pp. 3. [UJ115] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Stockwell, T., R., Donath, S., Ngo, H., T., Young, D., J. and Matthews, S. (2003). Australian Alcohol Indicators, 1990-2001; patterns of alcohol use and related harms for Australian states and territories. National Drug Research Institute and Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc, Perth, Western Australia. [R163] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2002). The impact of later trading hours for Australian public houses (hotels) on levels of violence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, (5), pp. 591-599. doi:10.15288/jsa.2002.63.591 [RJ383] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Jonas, H., Stevenson, C., Cooper-Stanbury, M., Donath, S., Single, E. and Catalano, P. (2002). Towards a standardised methodology for estimating alcohol-caused death, injury and illness in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 26, (5), pp. 443-450. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.2002.tb00345.x [RJ396] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Unwin, L., Codde, J., Catalano, P. and Stockwell, T., R. (2002). Alcohol-related codes: Mapping ICD-9 to ICD-10. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 1872 [T128] Abstract
Heale, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Stockwell, T., R. and Dietze, P. (2002). Estimated alcohol-caused deaths in Australia, 1990-1997. Drug and Alcohol Review, 21, (2), pp. 121-129. doi:10.1080/09595230220139019 [RJ385] View web page
Matthews, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Stockwell, T., R. and Donath, S. (2002). Trends in alcohol-related violence in Australia, 1991/92-1999/00. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 5. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R148] Download PDF Abstract
Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2002). Epidemiological considerations relevant to the appraisal of recommendations arising from papers commissioned for the National Alcohol Research Agenda Workshop, March 2001. National Alcohol Research Agenda. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. pp. 137-150. [CH105]
Stockwell, T., R., Dietze, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P. and Heale, P. (2002). How much alcohol is drunk in Australia in excess of the new National Drinking Guidelines. Letter to the Editor. Medical Journal of Australia, 176, (2), pp. 91-92. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04308.x [RJ374] View web page
Catalano, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Webb, M., Dietze, P. and Rohlin, C. (2001). Trends in per capita alcohol consumption in Australia, 1990/91-1998/99. Monograph No. 4. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 082 5 [M37] Abstract
Catalano, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Webb, M., Rohlin, C. and Dietze, P. (2001). Trends in per capita alcohol consumption in Australia, 1990/91 - 1998/99. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 4. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R110] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Jonas, H., Heale, P. and Dietze, P. (2001). Mortality and life-years lost due to alcohol: a comparison of acute and chronic causes. Medical Journal of Australia, 174, pp. 281-284. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2001.tb143269.x [RJ365] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hendrie, D., V., Fordham, R., J., Ying, F., Phillips, M., Cronin, J. and O'Reilly, B. (2001). The public health and safety benefits of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol program. Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, (2), pp. 167-180. doi:10.1080/09595230120058551 [RJ358] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2001). Patterns of alcohol consumption in Australia. National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 3. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 0663 [T108] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2000). Indicators of harm attributable mainly to the short-term effects of drinking alcohol. In Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (eds.) International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm. World Health Organisation, Geneva. pp. 119-143. [CH146] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2000). Indicators of problems mainly attributable to long-term use of alcohol. In Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (eds.) International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm. World Health Organisation, Geneva. pp. 95-119. [CH144] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Heale, P., Stockwell, T., R., Dietze, P. and Hanlin, K. (2000). National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 1: Alcohol-caused deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1990-1997. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 86342 907 7 [T100] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Dietze, P. and Webb, M. (2000). National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 2: Trends in alcohol-related road injury, 1990-1997. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1-86342-927-1 [T104] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Dietze, P. and Webb, M. (2000). Trends in alcohol-related road injury in Australia, 1990-1997. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 2. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R107] Download PDF Abstract
Gray, D. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2000). Regional variation in alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 24, (1), pp. 35-38. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.2000.tb00720.x [RJ297] View web page
Heale, P., Stockwell, T., R., Dietze, P., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2000). Patterns of alcohol consumption in Australia, 1998. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 3. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R108] Download PDF Abstract
Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brinkman, S., A. (2000). The role of social and health statistics in measuring harm from alcohol. Journal of Substance Abuse, 12, (1), pp. 139-154. doi:10.1016/s0899-3289(00)00046-8 [RJ341] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Heale, P., Dietze, P., Hanlin, K. and Stockwell, T., R. (1999). Alcohol-caused deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1990-1997. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 1. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R106] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Hendrie, D., V., Ying, F., Fordham, R., J., Cronin, J., Olermann, K. and Phillips, M. (1999). The public health, safety and economic benefits of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol Program 1992/2 to 1995/6. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [M22]
d'Abbs, P., Gray, D., Togni, S., Wales, N., Fitz, J. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (1999). Alcohol-related problems in Katherine: a report prepared for Morgan Buckley (Solicitors). Menzies School of Health Research & National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T91] View web page
Gray, D., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (1999). The Northern Territory’s cask wine levy: health and taxation policy implications. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 23, (6), pp. 651-653. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.1999.tb01554.x [RJ298] View web page
Hawks, D., V., Rydon, P., Stockwell, T., R., White, M., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Heale, P. (1999). The evaluation of the Fremantle Police - licensee accord: impact on serving practices, harm and the wider community. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T96] Abstract
Midford, R., Boots, K., Masters, L. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (1999). Time series analysis of outcome measures from a community alcohol harm reduction project in Australia. In Casswell, S., Holder, H., Holmila, M., Larsson, S., Midford, R., Barnes, H., Nygaard, P. and Stewart, L. (eds.) Kettil Bruun Society Thematic Meeting Fourth Symposium on Community Action Research and the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. University of Auckland, Auckland. pp. 278-290. ISBN: 1-877199-07-9 [CH82]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Masters, L. (1997). Evaluation of the public health and safety impact of extended trading permits for Perth hotels. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T68]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Dyskin, E., V. and O'Connor, J. (1997). The impact of tobacco control legislation on a cohort of Perth and Sydney school children 1992-1994. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T70]