Emeritus Professor David Hawks

  • Role: Emeritus Professor
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  • Email: d.hawks@curtin.edu.au
  • Phone: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
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Photo of David Hawks

Professor David Hawks officially retired from the Institute on 31 October 1997. Professor Hawks was Director of the NCRPDA from 1987 to 1995. His continuing contribution to scholarship and the profession and his international reputation for academic distinction has led to the University Council conferring upon him the title of "Emeritus Professor". It is envisaged that this award will facilitate the continuing contact between Professor Hawks, the Institute and the University at large.

  • PhD
  • MSc (Econ)
  • FBPsS
  • DPsych
  • CPsychol
  • BA (Hons)
  • Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse; Laws and regulations relating to the use of alcohol and other drugs; Policy formulation in relation to alcohol consumption and other drug use.

Lenton, S., Chanteloup, F., Fetherston, J., Sutton, A., Hawks, D., V., Barratt, M., J. and Farringdon, F. (2005). An evaluation of the impact of changes to cannabis law in WA – Summary of the Year 1 findings. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. [M55] View web page

Sutton, A. and Hawks, D., V. (2005). The Cannabis Infringement Notice Scheme in Western Australia: a review of policy, police and judicial perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, (4), pp. 331-336. doi:10.1080/09595230500263947 [RJ480] View web page

Heale, P., Hawks, D., V. and Lenton, S. (2000). Public awareness, knowledge and attitudes regarding the CEN system in South Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 19, (3), pp. 271-280. doi:10.1080/713659377 [RJ351] View web page

Lenton, S., Heale, P., Erickson, P., G., Single, E., Lang, E. and Hawks, D., V. (2000). The regulation of cannabis possession, use and supply: a discussion document prepared for the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee of The Parliament of Victoria. National Drug Research Institute, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1863428569 [M25]

Ali, R., L., Christie, P., Lenton, S., Hawks, D., V., Sutton, A., Hall, W. and Allsop, S. (1999). The Social Impacts of the Cannabis Expiation Notice Scheme in South Australia Ð Summary Report. Publications Productions Unit, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, National Drug Strategy, Canberra, ACT. [M16]

Hawks, D., V. (1999). Not much to ask for, really! The introduction of standard drink labelling in Australia. Addiction, 94, (6), pp. 801-811. [RJ310]

Hawks, D., V. (1999). Old wine in new bottles: the Public Health Commission and the making of New Zealand alcohol policy. Book Review. Addiction, 94, (8), pp. 1243-1244. [RJ309]

Hawks, D., V., Rydon, P., Stockwell, T., R., White, M., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Heale, P. (1999). The evaluation of the Fremantle Police - licensee accord: impact on serving practices, harm and the wider community. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T96] Abstract

Heale, P., Hawks, D., V. and Lenton, S. (1999). Public awareness, knowledge and attitudes regarding the CEN system in South Australia. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1-86342-728-7 [T84]

Hawks, D., V. (1998). Journal Interview - Conversation with David Hawks. Addiction, 93, (6), pp. 799-810. [RJ291] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1998). Journal Interview 44 - Conversation with R.J. Hawke. Addiction, 93, (12), pp. 1761-1763. [RJ311]

Hawks, D., V. (1998). Treating substance abuse: theory and technique. Book Review. Addiction, 93, (10), pp. 1589-1601. [RJ230]

Hawks, D., V. and Lenton, S. (1998). Harm minimisation - a basis for decision making in drug policy? Decision, Risk and Policy, 3, (2), pp. 157-163. [RJ273]

Hawks, D., V. (1997). Book Review. Drug Abuse and Social Policy in America. B. Stimmel. Drug and Alcohol Review, 16, (3), pp. 306-307. [RJ279]

Hawks, D., V. (1997). Drug policy and human nature: Psychological perspectives on the prevention, management, and treatment of illicit drugs. Book Review. Addiction, 92, (4), pp. 490-491. [RJ263]

Hawks, D., V. (1997). European drug policies and enforcement. Book Review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 16, (2), pp. 188-189. [RJ266]

Hawks, D., V. (1997). Slow ahead: a response to the proposed heroin trial. Drug and Alcohol Review, 16, (3), pp. 301-302. [RJ274]

Hawks, D., V. (1997). The new public health: nanny in a new hat? Addiction, 92, (9), pp. 1175-1177. [RJ278]

Loxley, W. and Hawks, D., V. (1997). Legal protection for illicit drug use research. In Fitzgerald, J. and Daroesman, S. (eds.) Ethical And Legal Issues When Conducting Research Into Illegal Behaviours Proceedings of a Forum, University of Melbourne, Victoria. [CH67]

Loxley, W., Hawks, D., V. and Bevan, J., S. (1997). Protecting the interests of participants in research into illicit drug use: two case studies. Addiction, 92, (9), pp. 1081-1085. [RJ277] Abstract

Oddy, W. and Hawks, D., V. (1997). Drugs and the Media: A Western Australian perspective. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 7, (3), pp. 165-168. [RJ282] View web page

Stockwell, T., R., Single, E., Hawks, D., V. and Rehm, J. (1997). Sharpening the focus of alcohol policy from aggregate consumption to harm and risk reduction. Addiction Research, 5, (1), pp. 1-9. [RJ208] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Approaches to Treatment, Prevention and Harm Minimisation. Drug Dependence Seminar, Fremantle, WA. 10 May 1996. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [M10]

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Cannabis: weighing up the odds. Commentary on Hall et al.'s Australian National Drug Strategy Monograph No. 25: 'The health and psychological consequences of cannabis use'. Addiction, 91, (6), pp. 769-770. [RJ219]

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Prohibition. In Wilkinson, C. and Saunders, B. (eds.) Perspectives on Addiction: Making Sense of the Issues. William Montgomery, Perth, Western Australia. pp. 104-107. [CH58] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Review of Patterns of Drug Use: Australia and the United States, by T. Makkai. Australian Journal of Public Health, 20, (3), pp. 327. [RJ237]

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Review: What works in drug abuse epidemiology by B. Frant and R Simeone. Australian Journal of Public Health, 20, (3), pp. 327. [RJ238]

Hawks, D., V. (1996). Sensible Drinking: For Whose Health? Editorial. Drug and Alcohol Review, 15, (4), pp. 333-334. [RJ243]

Hawks, D., V. (1996). The drinks industry dilemma. Letter to the Editor. Addiction, 91, (12), pp. 1869. [RJ253]

Stockwell, T., R., Hawks, D., V., Lang, E. and Rydon, P. (1996). Unravelling the preventive paradox for acute alcohol problems. Drug and Alcohol Review, 15, (1), pp. 7-15. [RJ190] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1995). England v. Australia. Drug Link, 10, (4), pp. 11. [UJ63] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1995). Letter to the Editor: Alcohol Consumption. The Lancet, 346, (8985), pp. 1306. [UJ66]

Hawks, D., V. (1995). Why do so many administrations persist with unintelligent alcohol policies? Commentary on 'Alcohol policy and the public good'. Addiction, 90, (2), pp. 199-201. [RJ191] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. and Lenton, S. (1995). Harm reduction in Australia: Has it worked? A review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 14, (3), pp. 291-304. doi:10.1080/09595239500185381 [RJ205] View web page

Marsh, A., Loxley, W., Hawks, D., V. and Quigley, A. (1995). Changes in drug use and HIV/AIDS risk taking 1989-1990. Drug and Alcohol Review, 14, (2), pp. 201-212. doi:10.1080/09595239500185261 [RJ157] View web page

NCRPDA (1995). Submission to the Task Force on Drug Abuse. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R59]

Thomas, S. (1995). Planning the prevention of alcohol and other drug-related problems among women. Drug and Alcohol Review, 14, (1), pp. 7-15. doi:10.1080/09595239500185011 [RJ207] View web page

Hawks, D., V. (1994). A review of current guidelines on moderate drinking for individual consumers. Contemporary Drug Problems, 21, (2), pp. 223-237. [RJ185] Abstract

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Advertising as an exercise in imagination. Comment. Australian Drug and Alcohol Review, 8, (3), pp. 45-46. [RJ184]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). An alternative guide. Grok. [UJ57]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Commentary on David Smail's 'Community Psychology and Politics'. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 4, pp. 27-28. [RJ156]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Letter. How to profit from sensible drinking. Addiction, 89, (3), pp. 351. [RJ167]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Very much a matter of legislation. Commentary on 'Sensible Drinking' by Joyce O'Connor. World Health Forum, 15, (3), pp. 224-225. [RJ164]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Who is responsible for my health - Is nanny always right?. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R44]

Hawks, D., V. (1994). Who is responsible for my health - Is nanny always right? Drug and Alcohol Review, 13, (4), pp. 467-472. [RJ179]

Loxley, W. and Hawks, D., V. (1994). AIDS and injecting drug use: very risky behaviour in a Perth sample of injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Review, 13, pp. 21-30. doi:10.1080/09595239400185691 [RJ154] View web page

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Commentary on editorial by L Wallack. 'What would a friendly alcohol industry look like? '. Addiction, 88, (1), pp. 22-23. [RJ137]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Drugs down under - mixed with hypocrisy? Drugs in Society, Aug, (2), pp. 30-36. [UJ44]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Impediments to the global adoption of harm reduction policies. In Heather, N., Wodak, A., Nadelmann, E. and O'Hare, P., A. (eds.) Psychoactive drugs and Harm Reduction: From Faith to Science. Whurr Publishers Limited, London. pp. 93-102. [CH23]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Raising the price of alcohol to reduce consumption: Being right is not always popular. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 3, (2), pp. 18-20. [RJ146]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Response to the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Inc. Position paper : Alcohol availability. Drug and Alcohol Review, 12, (1), pp. 111-113. [RJ134]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). Taking the alcohol industry seriously. Editorial. Drug and Alcohol Review, 12, pp. 131-132. [RJ141]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). The formulation of Australia's National Health Policy on Alcohol. Addiction, Supp, (88), pp. 19S-26S. [RJ129]

Hawks, D., V. (1993). What are the proper limits for government intervention in our lifestyles? A symposium jointly convened by the National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse and the Kingswood Centre for Applied Ethics. In Hawks, D., V. (ed.). National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R39]

Hawks, D., V., Lang, E., Stockwell, T., R., Rydon, P. and Lockwood, A. (1993). Public support for the prevention of alcohol-related problems. Drug and Alcohol Review, 12, (3), pp. 243-250. [RJ133]

Hawks, D., V., Stockwell, T., R. and Casswell, S. (1993). Helping research and policy meet. (Editorial). Addiction, (Sup), (88), pp. 55-75. [RJ136]

Wodak, A. and Hawks, D., V. (1993). Here's to your health? Editorial. Australia and New Zealand Medical Journal, 23, pp. 242-243. [RJ148]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). Australia's alcohol policy - How intersectoral? In White, J. (ed.) Drug Problems in our Society: Dimensions and Perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Services Council, Parkside, South Australia. pp. 152-155. [CH18]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). Can we assume that the community cares? Commentary on 'Addictions and the American debate about homelessness.' British Journal of Addiction, 87, pp. 11-16. [RJ97]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). Discussion of 'Urbanization and health problems of children in the world' by Richard M Smith. International Child Health, Oct, pp. 51-52. [RJ115]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). Lying down with the lion: Cooperating with the alcohol industry? Drug and Alcohol Review, 11, pp. 51-58. [RJ96]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). Seminar report: Alcohol testing in the workplace. Alcohol Update, May. [UJ29]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). The prevention paradox re-visited. (Editorial). Drug and Alcohol Review, 11, (3), pp. 227-230. [RJ105]

Hawks, D., V. (1992). The role of primary prevention in mental health services: a review and critique' by Alan Blair. Commentary. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 2, (2), pp. 102-103. [RJ109]

Hawks, D., V. and Heather, N. (1992). Drug Issues: An Australasian Perspective. In Hawks, D., V. and Heather, N. (eds.) Journal of Drug Issues, 22, (3). [RJ112]

James, R., Marsdon, G. and Hawks, D., V. (1992). Tapping the alcohol scene. The nature and extent of alcohol-related problems in the Fremantle area. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T35]

Loxley, W., Marsh, A., Hawks, D., V. and Quigley, A. (1992). HIV-risk behaviours among injecting drug users in Perth: The Australian National AIDS and Injecting Drug Use Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 156, (10), pp. 687-692. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1992.tb121508.x [RJ81] View web page

Loxley, W., Ovenden, C., Hawks, D., V. and Somerville, J. (1992). Australian HIV/AIDS and Injecting Drug Research. A Review for the Commonwealth AIDS Research Grants Committee. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T32]

Pols, R. and Hawks, D., V. (1992). Is there a safe level of daily consumption of alcohol for men and women. Second Edition. National Health and National Research Council, Canberra. [M5]

Pols, R. and Hawks, D., V. (1992). Is there a safe level of daily consumption of alcohol for men and women? Some progress. Editorial. Drug and Alcohol Review, 11, (4), pp. 339-342. [RJ107]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Alcohol and drugs in the workplace: Reducing the costs. Medical Journal of Australia, 155, pp. 419-420. [RJ61]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Desert island reads or essential papers in the addictive behaviours. Pro-Ed, Summer, (4). [UJ16]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Prevention and the locus of control - internal, external or somewhere in between? In Heather, N., Miller, W., R. and Greeley, J. (eds.) Self Control and the Addictive Behaviours. Maxwell Macmillan Publishing Australia. pp. 368-382. [CH14]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Response to Harm reduction - what is it and how could one achieve it? by Stephen Mugford. In Touch, PHA Australia Newsletter, 8, (1), pp. 11-12. [UJ12]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). The limits of treatment and importance of prevention. Commentary in the British Journal of Addiction. British Journal of Addiction, 86, (7), pp. 848-849. [RJ70]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). The risks and costs of decriminalising drugs: A response to Robert Marks. Policy, 7, (2), pp. 25-27. [UJ10]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). To legalise or not - getting the policy mix right. In Touch, PHA Australia Newsletter, 8, (1), pp. 4 & 8. [UJ11]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Whistling in the wind or health education as it is usually practised. Drug Education Journal of Australia, 5, (1), pp. 1-6. [RJ55]

Hawks, D., V. (1991). Why any war against drugs will fail. Medical Journal of Australia, 155, pp. 38-39. [RJ57]

Hawks, D., V. and Heather, N. (1991). Report on the workshop identifying long-term priorities for drug and alcohol research. Adelaide, 4-6 February 1991. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Curtin University of Technology and National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Perth, Western Australia. [R18]

Hawks, D., V. (1990). Effects imprevus d'une politique de moderation. Alcool ou Sante, 4. [UJ6]

Hawks, D., V. (1990). Heroin: the implications of legislation. Quadrant, 34, (3), pp. 53-56. [RJ45]

Hawks, D., V. (1990). Heroin: The implications of legislation. Modern Medicine, Feb, pp. 34-39. [UJ3]

Hawks, D., V. (1990). Overview of research undertaken at the National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse. Drug Education Journal of Australia, 4, (1), pp. 17-24. [RJ33]

Hawks, D., V. (1990). The watering down of Australia's health policy on alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review, 9, (1), pp. 91-95. [RJ28]

Hawks, D., V. (1989). Implications of raising the minimum legal drinking age. Paper prepared by the National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse at the request of the W A Alcohol and Drug Authority. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R11]

Hawks, D., V. (1989). Is it possible to recommend safe drinking levels without increasing per capita consumption? Another aspect of the prevention paradox. British Journal of Addiction, 84, (4), pp. 371-375. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.1989.tb00579.x [RJ20] View web page

Hawks, D., V. (1988). Review of the Sixth Special Report to the US Congress on Alcohol and Health from the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Contemporary Drug Problems, Sept, pp. 471-478. [RJ10]

Hawks, D., V. (1988). The proposal to make heroin available legally to intravenous drug abusers. Medical Journal of Australia, 149, pp. 455-456. [RJ11]

Hawks, D., V. (1987). Alcohol a shared responsibility. Medical Journal of Australia, 147, pp. 421. [RJ2]

Hawks, D., V. (ed.) (1996). Cultural variations in the meaning of harm minimisation: Their implications for policy and practice in the drugs arena. Proceedings of a regional conference convened by the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Prevention and Control of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R69]

No non-NDRI publications available