Caluzzi, G., Kepa, K., Torney, A., Livingston, M., Mojica-Perez, Y., Taylor, N., Callinan, S. and Pennay, A. (2025). Local environments, accessibility and affordability: A qualitative analysis of alcohol purchasing across different socio-economic areas in Victoria, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.14018 [RJ2236] View web page
Button, K., Taylor, N., Guala, T., de Andrade, D., Coomber, K., Quigg, Z. and Miller, P., G. (2024). Preventing Sexual Harm in Nightlife Settings: A Scoping Review. Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi:10.1007/s10508-024-02872-y [RJ2169] View web page
Coomber, K., Baldwin, R., Wilson, C., McDonald, L., Taylor, N., Callinan, S., Wilkinson, C., Toumbourou, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2024). Test Purchasing of Same-Day and Rapid Online Alcohol Home Delivery in Two Australian Jurisdictions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85, (6), pp. 839 - 844. doi:10.15288/jsad.23-00223 [RJ2214] View web page
Farmer, C., Taylor, N., Baldwin, R. and Miller, P., G. (2024). Police-issued barring notices in Western Australia: An analysis of the type, seriousness and trajectory of associated offences. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13916 [RJ2187] View web page
Livingston, M., Taylor, N., Raninen, J. and Pennay, A. (2024). Youth drinking in decline: Recent developments and future priorities. Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, (3), pp. 593-595. doi:10.1111/dar.13820 [RJ2147] View web page
Lloyd, Z., Colledge-Frisby, S., Taylor, N., Livingston, M., Jauncey, M. and Roxburgh, A. (2024). Changes in Australians' attitudes towards supervised injecting facilities. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13937 [RJ2196] View web page
O'Donnell, R., Martin, J., G., Taylor, N., Mitchell, G., Henriques-Cadby, I., Cook, M., Laslett, A., L. and Morojele, N., K. (2024). Alcohol guidelines, post-incarceration social network dynamics, alcohol’s harms to others, drinking and cannabis use in private schools. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 12, (2), pp. 42-44. doi:10.7895/ijadr.571 [RJ2227] View web page
Taylor, N. and Livingston, M. (2024). The market matters: Shifting the minimum unit price. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13866 [RJ2170] View web page
Baker, T., R., Taylor, N., Kloot, K., Miller, P., G., Egerton-Warburton, D. and Shepherd, J. (2023). Using the Cardiff model to reduce late-night alcohol-related presentations in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31, (3), pp. 532-539. doi:10.1111/ajr.12983 [RJ2049] View web page
Coomber, K., Baldwin, R., Taylor, N., Callinan, S., Wilkinson, C., Toumbourou, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2023). Characteristics of high- and low-risk drinkers who use online alcohol home delivery in Western Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13783 [RJ2136] View web page
de Andrade, D., Taylor, N., Coomber, K., Ferris, J., Lowen, T., Litherland, S. and Miller, P., G. (2023). Impulsivity, masculine norms and patron pre-drinking levels in Queensland. Addictive Behaviors, 141. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107642 [RJ2022] View web page
Farmer, C., Miller, P., G., Taylor, N. and Baldwin, R. (2023). Do patron bans affect subsequent behaviour? An examination of pre- and post-ban offending for barring notice and prohibition order recipients in Western Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13633 [RJ2034] View web page
Farmer, C., Miller, P., G., Taylor, N. and Baldwin, R. (2023). How long should a patron ban be: an examination of police-imposed barring notice records in Western Australia. Policing: An International Journal. doi:10.1108/PIJPSM-07-2022-0104 [RJ2015] View web page
Livingston, M., Callinan, S., Pennay, A., See Yuen, W., Taylor, N. and Dietze, P. (2023). Generational shifts in attitudes and beliefs about alcohol: An age-period-cohort approach. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 243. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109755 [RJ2002] View web page
Livingston, M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Taylor, N., See Yuen, W. and Dietze, P. (2023). Trends in alcohol-related liver disease mortality in Australia: An age–period–cohort perspective. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.16275 [RJ2062] View web page
Miller, P., G., Button, K., Taylor, N., Coomber, K., Baldwin, R., Harries, T., Patafio, B., Guala, T., Harris, N., Curtis, A., Karantzas, G., Staiger, P. and de Andrade, D. (2023). The Impact of COVID-19 on Trends of Violence-Related Offences in Australia. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 13, pp. 504-516. doi:10.1007/s44197-023-00131-2 [RJ2067] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Lowen, T., Taylor, N., Livingston, M., Scott, D., Buykx, P., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Baldwin, R., Smith, J., Clifford, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2023). The impact of Minimum Unit Price on police-recorded alcohol-related assault rates in the Northern Territory, Australia. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84, (4), pp. 615-623. doi:10.15288/jsad.22-00128 [RJ2064] View web page
Miller, P., G., Farmer, C., Robertson, N., Curtis, A., Taylor, N., Coomber, K., Puljević, C., de Andrade, D., Mayshak, R., Baldwin, R., Room, R., Patafio, B. and Ferris, J. (2023). Mandatory Networked ID Scanners in Nightlife Precincts Across Queensland, Australia: Key Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy and Practice. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. doi:10.5204/ijcjsd.2674 [RJ2066] View web page
Robinson, M., Callinan, S. and Taylor, N. (2023). Disentangling the messiness of natural experiments to evaluate public policy. Addiction, 118, (9), pp. 1618-1620. doi:10.1111/add.16265 [RJ2065] View web page
Taylor, N. (2023). Three years of minimum unit pricing in the Northern Territory, what does the evidence say? Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13641 [RJ2036] View web page
Taylor, N., Callinan, S. and Robinson, M. (2023). The minimum unit price of alcohol should be indexed for inflation: Lessons from Scotland and Australia. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.16373 [RJ2113] View web page
Taylor, N., Callinan, S., Pennay, A. and Livingston, M. (2023). Have the personality and socio-demographic profiles of Australian adolescent drinkers changed? Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13793 [RJ2139] View web page
Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Livingston, M., Jiang, H., Buykx, P., Scott, D., Baldwin, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2023). Estimating the impact of the minimum alcohol price on consumers’ alcohol expenditure in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47, (3). doi:10.1016/j.anzjph.2023.100053 [RJ2061] View web page
Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Zahnow, R., Mayshak, R., Ferris, J. and Coomber, K. (2023). How policy influences aggression in nightlife spaces: a proposed core aggression cycle. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84, (4), pp. 624 - 635. doi:10.15288/jsad.22-00358 [RJ2063] View web page
Brownlea, S., Miller, J., Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Baldwin, R. and Palmer, D. (2022). Impact of alcohol policy changes on substance-affected patients attending an Emergency Department in the Northern Territory with police. Emergency Medicine Australasia. doi:10.1111/1742-6723.14126 [RJ1984] View web page
de Andrade, D., Button, K., Coomber, K., Taylor, N., Ferris, J., Curtis, A. and Miller, P., G. (2022). Investigating the relationship between inaccurate blood alcohol concentration estimates, harm and other negative consequences. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13569 [RJ1985] View web page
Farmer, C., Miller, P., G., Robertson, N., Ferris, J., Taylor, N., Coomber, K., Curtis, A. and de Andrade, D. (2022). Patron banning policy and practice in Queensland, Australia: key informant perspectives. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 24, pp. 239-254. doi:10.1057/s41300-022-00152-2 [RJ1919] View web page
Miller, P., G., Farmer, C., Robertson, N., Coomber, K., Curtis, A., Baldwin, R., Patafio, B., Ferris, J., Puljević, C., Taylor, N. and de Andrade, D. (2022). Key informant perspectives on 3 am last drinks legislation in Queensland, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13564 [RJ1996] View web page
Miller, P., G., Vakidis, T., Taylor, N., Baker, T., R., Stella, J., Egerton-Warburton, D., Hyder, S., Staiger, P., Bowe, S., J., Shepherd, J., Zordan, R., Walby, A., Jones, M., L., Caldicott, D., Barker, D., Hall, M., Doran, C., M., Ezard, N., Preisz, P., Havard, A., Shakeshaft, A., P., Akhlaghi, H., Kloot, K., Lowry, N. and Bumpstead, S. (2022). Most common principal diagnoses assigned to Australian emergency department presentations involving alcohol use: a multi-centre study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.13303 [RJ1938] View web page
Coomber, K., de Andrade, D., Puljević, C., Ferris, J., Livingston, M., Taylor, N., Clough, A., R. and Miller, P., G. (2021). The impact of liquor legislation changes on police-recorded serious assault in Queensland, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 717-727. doi:10.1111/dar.13181 [RJ1723] View web page
de Andrade, D., Coomber, K., Ferris, J., Puljević, C., Burn, M., Vakidis, T., Taylor, N., Mayshak, R., Grant, K., Patafio, B. and Miller, P., G. (2021). The impact of changes to alcohol policy on patron drinking behaviours in Queensland. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13299 [RJ1724] View web page
de Andrade, D., Coomber, K., Livingston, M., Taylor, N., Moayeri, F., Miller, P., G., Ferris, J., Puljević, C., Mayshak, R. and Scott, D. (2021). The impact of late-night alcohol restrictions on ambulance call-outs in entertainment precincts. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 708-716. doi:10.1111/dar.13308 [RJ1747] View web page
Livingston, M., Coomber, K., de Andrade, D., Taylor, N., Ferris, J., Puljević, C. and Miller, P., G. (2021). Assessing the impact of Queensland's late-night alcohol restrictions using health system data. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 698-707. doi:10.1111/dar.13182 [RJ1719] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., de Andrade, D., Livingston, M., Puljević, C., Vakidis, T., Carah, N., Taylor, N., Burn, M., Curtis, A., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R., Clough, A., R., Najman, J., M., Scott, D., Mayshak, R. and Ferris, J. (2021). Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night-time Economy Monitoring (QUANTEM): Rationale and overview. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 693-697. doi:10.1111/dar.13270 [RJ1721] View web page
Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., de Andrade, D., Livingston, M., Puljević, C., Vakidis, T., Carah, N., Taylor, N., Burn, M., Curtis, A., Room, R., Clough, A., R., Najman, J., M., Scott, D., Mayshak, R. and Ferris, J. (2021). Summarising the impacts of the Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night-Time Economy (QUANTEM) project. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, (5), pp. 755-760. doi:10.1111/dar.13272 [RJ1749] View web page
Taylor, N., Livingston, M., Coomber, K., Mayshak, R., Zahnow, R., Ferris, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2021). The combined impact of higher-risk on-license venue outlet density and trading hours on serious assaults in night-time entertainment precincts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 223. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108720 [RJ1707] View web page
Taylor, N., Miller, P., G., Coomber, K., Livingston, M., Scott, D., Buykx, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2021). The impact of a minimum unit price on wholesale alcohol supply trends in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, (1), pp. 26-33. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.13055 [RJ1689] View web page
de Andrade, D., Puljević, C., Miller, P., G., Taylor, N., Curtis, A. and Ferris, J. (2020). The value of identification scanner technology in monitoring and detecting banned patrons in entertainment precincts. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13225 [RJ1658] View web page
Taylor, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Coomber, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Miller, P., G. (2019). Investigating and validating methods of monitoring foot-traffic in night-time entertainment precincts in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 66, pp. 23-29. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.01.009 [RJ1474] View web page
Coomber, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Morgan, A., Lam, T., Droste, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Guadagno, B., Hyder, S., Gilmore, W., Peacock, A., Bruno, R., Taylor, N. and Miller, P., G. (2018). Targeting at-risk samples through brief face-to-face interviews in night-time entertainment precincts. Journal of Substance Use, 23, (4), pp. 353-357. doi:10.1080/14659891.2017.1410239 [RJ1389] View web page
Coomber, K., Zahnow, R., Ferris, J., Droste, N., Mayshak, R., Curtis, A., Kypri, K., de Andrade, D., Grant, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Room, R., Jiang, H., Taylor, N., Najman, J., M. and Miller, P., G. (2018). Short-term changes in nightlife attendance and patron intoxication following alcohol restrictions in Queensland, Australia. BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 1-5. doi:10.1186/s12889-018-6098-x [RJ1465] View web page
Miller, P., G., Ferris, J., Coomber, K., Zahnow, R., Carah, N., Jiang, H., Kypri, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Clough, A., R., Livingston, M., de Andrade, D., Room, R., Callinan, S., Curtis, A., Mayshak, R., Droste, N., Lloyd, B., Matthews, S., Taylor, N., Crane, M., Thorn, M. and Najman, J., M. (2017). Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (QUANTEM): a study protocol. BMC Public Health, 17, (789). doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4811-9 [RJ1369] View web page