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Lam, T., Fischer, J., Salom, C., L., Ogeill, R., Wilson, J., C., Lubman, D., Burns, L., Lenton, S., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Aiken, A. and Allsop, S. (2020). Safety first: beliefs of older peers supplying alcohol to underage friends. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. doi:10.1002/hpja.378 [RJ1606] View web page
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Loxley, W., Gilmore, W., Catalano, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Four Bulletin. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R285] Download PDF
Ogeill, R., Lloyd, B., Lam, T., Lenton, S., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Mattick, R., Allsop, S. and Lubman, D. (2016). Pre-drinking behaviour of young heavy drinkers: Differences based on demographics and location. Substance Use and Misuse, 51, (10), pp. 1297-1306. doi:10.3109/10826084.2016.1168443 [RJ1020] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Glance, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Pratt, I., S., Slevin, T., Liang, W. and Wakefield, M. (2016). The effect of cancer warning statements on alcohol consumption intentions. Health Education Research, 31, (1), pp. 60-69. doi:10.1093/her/cyv067 [RJ1199] View web page
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Pratt, I., S., Liang, W., Slevin, T., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Glance, D. (2016). Australian drinkers’ perceptions of alcohol-related risk by consumption status. Addiction Research & Theory. doi:10.1080/16066359.2016.1175557 [RJ1326] View web page
Riordan, B., C., Flett, J., A., Lam, T., Conner, T., S. and Scarf, D. (2016). The Jekyll and Hyde of our drinking: Event specific drinking, intervention, and prevention. In Gutierrez, W. (ed.) Alcohol Consumption: Patterns, Influences, and Health Effects. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 129-166. ISBN: 978-1-63485-546-4 [CH210]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Naimi, T., S., Andreasson, S., Dangardt, F. and Liang, W. (2015). Has the leaning tower of presumed health benefits from ‘moderate’ alcohol use finally collapsed? (Editorial). Addiction, 110, (5), pp. 726-727. doi:10.1111/add.12828 [RJ1064] View web page
Gilmore, W., Liang, W., Catalano, P., Pascal, R., Broyd, A., Lensvelt, E., Kirby, G. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Off-site outlets and alcohol-related harm. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Canberra. [M93] View web page
Hobday, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Liang, W. and Meuleners, L. (2015). The effect of alcohol outlets, sales and trading hours on alcohol-related injuries presenting at emergency departments in Perth, Australia, from 2002 to 2010. Addiction, 110, (12), pp. 1901-1909. doi:10.1111/add.13063 [RJ1133] View web page
Hutchinson, D., Silins, E., Mattick, R., Patton, G., Fergusson, D., M., Hayatbakhsh, R., Toumbourou, J., Olsson, C., A., Spry, E., Tait, R., J., Degenhardt, L., Swift, W., Butterworth, P. and Horwood, J. (2015). How can data harmonisation benefit mental health research? An example of The Cannabis Cohorts Research Consortium (CCRC). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49, (4), pp. 317-323. doi:10.1177/0004867415571169 [RJ1050] View web page
Lam, T., Lenton, S., Burns, L., Aiken, A., Ogeill, R., Gilmore, W., Chikritzhs, T., N., Lloyd, B., Lubman, D., Mattick, R. and Allsop, S. (2015). Alcohol policy impact on young risky drinkers and their support for proposed measures. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39, (2), pp. 129-134. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12326 [RJ1021] View web page
Lensvelt, E., Gilmore, W., Gordon, E., Hobday, M., Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Trends in estimated alcohol-related emergency department presentations in Australia, 2005-06 to 2011-12. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 14. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [R279] Download PDF
Loxley, W., Gilmore, W., Catalano, P. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Four Report, 2014. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-8-0 [T232] Download PDF
Silins, E., Fergusson, D., M., Patton, G., Horwood, J., Olsson, C., A., Hutchinson, D., Degenhardt, L., Tait, R., J., Borschmann, R., Coffey, C., Toumbourou, J., Najman, J., M. and Mattick, R. (2015). Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrative data analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, pp. 90-96. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.08.034 [RJ1101] View web page
White, V., Faulkner, A., Coomber, K., Azar, D., Room, R., Livingston, M., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Wakefield, M. (2015). How has alcohol advertising in traditional and online media in Australia changed? Trends in advertising expenditure 1997–2011. Drug and Alcohol Review, 34, (5), pp. 521–530. doi:10.1111/dar.12286 [RJ1123] View web page
Azar, D., White, V., Bland, S., Livingston, M., Room, R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Durkin, S., Gilmore, W. and Wakefield, M. (2014). 'Something's Brewing': The changing trends in alcohol coverage in Australian newspapers 2000-2011. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49, (3), pp. 336-342. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agt139 [RJ930] View web page
Gilmore, W., Loxley, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Research Focus: The National Alcohol Sales Data Project. Drug and Alcohol Research Connections. [UJ213] View web page
Lam, T., Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2014). Alcohol and other drug use at school leavers' celebrations. Journal of Public Health, 36, (3), pp. 408-416. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdt087 [RJ922] View web page
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L., Lam, T., Gilmore, W. and Lubman, D. (2014). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night-Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED). In Manton, L., Room, R., Giorgi, C. and Thorn, M. (eds.) Stemming the tide of alcohol: Liquor licensing and the public interest. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education in collaboration with the University of Melbourne. [CH203]
Pascal, R., Gilmore, W., Broyd, A., Lensvelt, E. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Trends in estimated alcohol attributable deaths in Australia, 1996-2010: Liver cancer, alcoholic liver disease and colorectal cancer. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 13. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [R273] Download PDF
Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Chikritzhs, T., N., Slevin, T., Pratt, I., S., Glance, D. and Liang, W. (2014). Developing cancer warning statements for alcoholic beverages. BMC Public Health, 14, (786). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-786 [RJ1035] View web page
Silins, E., Horwood, J., Patton, G., Fergusson, D., M., Olsson, C., A., Hutchinson, D., Spry, E., Toumbourou, J., Degenhardt, L., Swift, W., Coffey, C., Tait, R., J., Letcher, P., Copeland, J., Mattick, R. and Cannabis Research Consortium (2014). Young adult sequelae of adolescent cannabis use: An integrative analysis across three Australasian cohorts. Lancet Psychiatry, 1, (4), pp. 286–293. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(14)70307-4 [RJ1016] View web page
Lam, T. (2013). School leavers’ celebrations: Parents can make a difference. [O] Download PDF Abstract
Lam, T. (2013). School leavers’ celebrations: Tips for celebrating students. [O] Download PDF Abstract
Loxley, W., Catalano, P., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Three Report, 2012. Drug and Alcohol Office of WA and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-2-8 [T229] Download PDF
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Droste, N., Jenkinson, R., Quinn, B., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L., Lam, T., Gilmore, W. and Lubman, D. (2013). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night-Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED). National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF), Canberra, ACT. [M80] View web page Abstract
Miller, P., G., Pennay, A., Jenkinson, R., Droste, N., Chikritzhs, T., N., Tomsen, S., Wadds, P., Jones, S., Palmer, D., Barrie, L. and Lubman, D. (2013). Patron Offending and Intoxication in Night Time Entertainment Districts (POINTED): A Study Protocol. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 2, (1), pp. 69-76. doi:10.7895/ijadr.v2i1.74 [RJ985] View web page
Pascal, R., Liang, W., Gilmore, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Risks of alcohol-attributable hospitalisation and death in Australia over time: Evidence of divergence by region, age and sex. Australasian Medical Journal, 6, (3), pp. 134-151. doi:10.4066/AMJ.2013.1618 [RJ903] View web page
Roizen, R., Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2013). Light-to-moderate drinking and dementia risk: The former drinkers problem re-visited. Addiction Research & Theory, 21, (3), pp. 181-193. doi:10.3109/16066359.2012.706343 [RJ860] View web page
Zeisser, C., Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Cherpitel, C., Ye, Y. and Gardner, C. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and injury risk as a function of study design and recall period. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, pp. E1-E8. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2012.01919.x [RJ859] View web page
Jones, S., Barrie, L., Robinson, L., Allsop, S. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Point-of-sale alcohol promotions in the Perth and Sydney metropolitan areas. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31, (6), pp. 803-808. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2012.00440.x [RJ861] View web page
Lam, T. (2012). Alcohol and other drug use at school leavers' celebrations in Western Australia. Curtin University, Faculty of Health Sciences. Ph.D. [TH]
Evans, M., Pascal, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). South Australian emergency department presentations as indicators of alcohol-related harm: Feasibility study. Stage 2: Final report. Prepared for the Southern Adelaide Health Service Incorporated (acting through Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia). National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth. [T207]
Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Revealing the link between licensed outlets and violence: counting venues versus measuring alcohol availability. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30, (5), pp. 524-535. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2010.00281.x [RJ775] View web page
Loxley, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2011). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage Two Report, 2011. Drug and Alcohol Office and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9807054-5-4 [M76] Download PDF
Loxley, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2011). National Alcohol Sales Data Project (NASDP) Stage One Report, 2009. Drug and Alcohol Office and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R249] Download PDF
Evans, M., Pascal, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2010). Development of South Australian specific aetiologic fractions and estimates of alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortalities. Stage 1: Final report. Prepared for the Southern Adelaide Health Service Incorporated (acting through Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia). National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T206]
Lenton, S., Fetherston, J. and Cercarelli, R. (2010). Recidivist drink drivers’ self reported reasons for driving whilst unlicensed – A qualitative analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, (2), pp. 637-644. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2009.10.010 [RJ631] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Tools for policy and prevention: The Australian National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP). Contemporary Drug Problems, 36, (3), pp. 607-624. doi:10.1177/009145090903600315 [RJ723] View web page
Dietze, P., Jolley, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Clemens, S., Catalano, P. and Stockwell, T., R. (2009). Income inequality and alcohol attributable harm in Australia. BMC Public Health, 9. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-70 [RJ614] View web page
Fillmore, K., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Bostrom, A. and Pascal, R. (2009). Alcohol Use and Prostate Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 53, (2), pp. 240-255. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200800122 [RJ613] View web page
Loxley, W. and Adams, K. (2009). Women, drug use and crime: findings from the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program. AIC Reports Research and Public Policy Series 99. Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, ACT. ISBN: 1836-2060 [T199]
Pascal, R., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Jones, P. (2009). Trends in estimated alcohol attributable deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1996-2005. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No.12. [R237] Download PDF Abstract
Saggers, S., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Allsop, S. (2009). Young people and alcohol: reducing the risk. ARACY, Canberra. [UP22] Abstract
Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2009). Do relaxed trading hours for bars and clubs mean more relaxed drinking? A review of international research on the impacts of changes to permitted hours of drinking. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11, (3), pp. 153-170. doi:10.1057/cpcs.2009.11 [RJ682] View web page
Wilkinson, C., Allsop, S., Cail, D., Chikritzhs, T., N., Daube, M., Kirby, G. and Mattick, R. (2009). Report 1 Alcohol Warning Labels: The evidence for effectiveness in relation to excessive alcohol consumption relating to risk in the short term. Report submitted to Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Canberra. [R240]
Stockwell, T., R., Zhao, J., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Greenfield, T., K. (2008). What did you drink yesterday? Public health relevance of a recent recall method used in the 2004 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. Addiction, 103, (6), pp. 919-928. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02219.x [RJ620] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Alcohol. Cancer Council Australia National Cancer Prevention policy. Cancer Council Australia. pp. 107-117. [CH147]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brady, M. (2007). Letter to editor: Postscript to "Fact or fiction: a critique of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2002". Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, (2), pp. 221-222. doi:10.1080/09595230601146678 [RJ497] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2007). The Impact of Later Trading Hours for Hotels (public houses) on Breath Alcohol Levels of Apprehended Impaired Drivers. Addiction, 102, (10), pp. 1609-1617. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.01981.x [RJ547] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Pascal, R. and Henrickson, N. (2007). Predicting alcohol-related harms from licensed outlet density: A feasibility study. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Hobart, Tasmania. ISBN: 978-0-9803794-8-8 [M69]
Clemens, S., Donath, S., Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2007). Alcohol consumption in Australia: National surveys from 1989 to 2004. [T179]
Donnelly, N., Scott, L., Poynton, S., Weatherburn, D., Shanahan, M. and Hansen, F. (2007). Estimating the short-term cost of police time spent dealing with alcohol-related crime in NSW. Commonwealth of Australia, 25. NDLERF. ISBN: 978-0-9803794-4-0 [T178]
Loxley, W. (2007). Benzodiazepine use and harms among police detainees in Australia. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, May, (336). [RJ526] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Brady, M. (2006). Substance use in the 2002 NATSISS. Assessing the evidence on indigenous socioeconomic outcomes: a focus on the 2002 NATSISS, 26, pp. 231-247. Australian National University E Press, Canberra, ACT. ISBN: 1 920942 19 X [CH139]
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2006). The Impact of Later Trading Hours for Hotels on Levels of Impaired Driver Road Crashes and Driver Breath Alcohol Levels. Addiction, 101, (9), pp. 1254-1264. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01487.x [RJ486] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 65 to 74 years (the 'young old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 8. [R193] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 75 to 84 years (the 'older-old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 9. [R192] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). Trends in alcohol consumption and related harms for Australians aged 85 years and older (the 'old-old'), 1990-2003. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 10. [R191] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Pascal, R. (2005). Alcohol taxes save lives: response to Holder. Addiction, 100, pp. 1885-1886. [RJ483]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Pascal, R. (2005). The impact of the Northern Territory’s Living With Alcohol program, 1992–2002: revisiting the evaluation. Addiction, 100, pp. 1625-1636. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2005.01234.x [RJ472] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2004). Trends in Youth Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms in Australian Jurisdictions, 1990–2002. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 6. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R179] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Pascal, R. and Jones, P. (2004). Under-aged drinking among 14-17 year olds and related harms in Australia. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 7. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R183] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Pascal, R. and Catalano, P. (2004). The Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol Program, 1992-2002: revisiting the evaluation. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T156]
MacDonald, S., Cherpitel, C., Borges, G., DeSouza, A., Giesbrecht, N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2004). The criteria for causation of alcohol in violent injuries based on emergency room data from six countries. Addictive Behaviors, 30, (1), pp. 103-113. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2004.04.016 [RJ416] View web page
Young, D., J., Stockwell, T., R., Cherpitel, C., Ye, Y., MacDonald, S., Borges, G. and Giesbrecht, N. (2004). Emergency Room injury presentations as a surrogate measure of alcohol-related problems in the community: A multilevel analysis of an international study. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 3298 [T147]
Briscoe, S. and Donnelly, N. (2003). Liquor licensing enforcement activity in New South Wales. New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research and National Drug Research Institute, Sydney, NSW. [R160]
Briscoe, S. and Donnelly, N. (2003). Problematic licensed premises for assaults in inner Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 36, pp. 18-33. [RJ395]
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2003). Drinking and alcohol-related harm: An Australia story. CentreLines, (11). pp. 3. [UJ115] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Stockwell, T., R., Donath, S., Ngo, H., T., Young, D., J. and Matthews, S. (2003). Australian Alcohol Indicators, 1990-2001; patterns of alcohol use and related harms for Australian states and territories. National Drug Research Institute and Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc, Perth, Western Australia. [R163] Download PDF
McLeod, R., Stockwell, T., R., Rooney, R., Stevens, M., A., Phillips, M. and Jelinek, G. (2003). The influence of extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors on the probability of sustaining an injury. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35, (1), pp. 71-80. [RJ363] Abstract
Catalano, P. and Stockwell, T., R. (2002). Driving After Drinking in WA. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 146 5 [T117] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. and Stockwell, T., R. (2002). The impact of later trading hours for Australian public houses (hotels) on levels of violence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, (5), pp. 591-599. doi:10.15288/jsa.2002.63.591 [RJ383] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Jonas, H., Stevenson, C., Cooper-Stanbury, M., Donath, S., Single, E. and Catalano, P. (2002). Towards a standardised methodology for estimating alcohol-caused death, injury and illness in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 26, (5), pp. 443-450. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.2002.tb00345.x [RJ396] View web page
Chikritzhs, T., N., Unwin, L., Codde, J., Catalano, P. and Stockwell, T., R. (2002). Alcohol-related codes: Mapping ICD-9 to ICD-10. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 1872 [T128] Abstract
Donnelly, N. and Briscoe, S. (2002). Young adults' experience of responsible service practice in NSW. New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Sydney, Australia. [R135]
Fetherston, J., Lenton, S. and Cercarelli, R. (2002). The repeat drink drivers study. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. pp. 180. ISBN: 1740671562 [T123]
Heale, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Stockwell, T., R. and Dietze, P. (2002). Estimated alcohol-caused deaths in Australia, 1990-1997. Drug and Alcohol Review, 21, (2), pp. 121-129. doi:10.1080/09595230220139019 [RJ385] View web page
Matthews, S., Chikritzhs, T., N., Catalano, P., Stockwell, T., R. and Donath, S. (2002). Trends in alcohol-related violence in Australia, 1991/92-1999/00. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 5. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R148] Download PDF Abstract
Stockwell, T., R., McLeod, R., Stevens, M., A., Phillips, M., Webb, M. and Jelinek, G. (2002). Alcohol consumption, setting, gender and activity as predictors of injury: a population-based case-control study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, (3), pp. 372-379. [RJ369] Abstract
Catalano, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Webb, M., Dietze, P. and Rohlin, C. (2001). Trends in per capita alcohol consumption in Australia, 1990/91-1998/99. Monograph No. 4. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 082 5 [M37] Abstract
Catalano, P., Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Webb, M., Rohlin, C. and Dietze, P. (2001). Trends in per capita alcohol consumption in Australia, 1990/91 - 1998/99. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 4. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R110] Download PDF Abstract
Loxley, W. and Lien, D. (2001). Drug Use Monitoring in Australia. Western Australian 2000 report on drug use among police detainees. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 109 0 [T113] Abstract
Stockwell, T., R., Chikritzhs, T., N., Hendrie, D., V., Fordham, R., J., Ying, F., Phillips, M., Cronin, J. and O'Reilly, B. (2001). The public health and safety benefits of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol program. Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, (2), pp. 167-180. doi:10.1080/09595230120058551 [RJ358] View web page
Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2001). Patterns of alcohol consumption in Australia. National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 3. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 0663 [T108] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2000). Indicators of harm attributable mainly to the short-term effects of drinking alcohol. In Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (eds.) International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm. World Health Organisation, Geneva. pp. 119-143. [CH146] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N. (2000). Indicators of problems mainly attributable to long-term use of alcohol. In Stockwell, T., R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (eds.) International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm. World Health Organisation, Geneva. pp. 95-119. [CH144] Download PDF
Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Heale, P., Stockwell, T., R., Dietze, P. and Hanlin, K. (2000). National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 1: Alcohol-caused deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1990-1997. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 86342 907 7 [T100] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Dietze, P. and Webb, M. (2000). National Alcohol Indicators Project Technical Report No. 2: Trends in alcohol-related road injury, 1990-1997. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1-86342-927-1 [T104] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Heale, P., Dietze, P. and Webb, M. (2000). Trends in alcohol-related road injury in Australia, 1990-1997. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 2. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R107] Download PDF Abstract
Heale, P., Stockwell, T., R., Dietze, P., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Catalano, P. (2000). Patterns of alcohol consumption in Australia, 1998. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 3. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R108] Download PDF Abstract
McLeod, R., Stockwell, T., R., Stevens, M., A. and Phillips, M. (2000). The influence of alcohol and drug use, setting and activity on the risk of injury - A case-control study. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1-86342-904-2 [T101] Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Jonas, H., Heale, P., Dietze, P., Hanlin, K. and Stockwell, T., R. (1999). Alcohol-caused deaths and hospitalisations in Australia, 1990-1997. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No. 1. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [R106] Download PDF Abstract
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Hendrie, D., V., Ying, F., Fordham, R., J., Cronin, J., Olermann, K. and Phillips, M. (1999). The public health, safety and economic benefits of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol Program 1992/2 to 1995/6. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [M22]
McLeod, R., Stockwell, T., R., Stevens, M., A. and Phillips, M. (1999). The relationship between alcohol consumption patterns and injury. Addiction, 94, (11), pp. 1719-1734. [RJ306]
Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R. and Masters, L. (1997). Evaluation of the public health and safety impact of extended trading permits for Perth hotels. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T68]
Anderson-Luxford, D., Jiang, H., Gilmore, W. and Laslett, A., L. Alcohol-related family violence in Western Australia before and during COVID-19. Drug and Alcohol Review. [In Press] [RJ1830]