Prevention and early intervention

This research aims to prevent early and problematic use of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and adverse consequences, particularly during childhood and adolescence. It includes a focus on early intervention programs for high risk children, families and communities and incorporates research and evaluations of the social determinants of AOD use and the impact of AOD use during pregnancy. The research builds on international work exploring social and economic benefits of prevention and early intervention, particularly among marginalised populations, on more equitable health outcomes, reduced harmful drug use, safer children and more cohesive communities.

Name & Contact Details Role Location
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Associate Professor Nyanda McBride
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
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Associate Professor


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Dr Lynn Roarty
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
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Research Fellow


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Fiona Farringdon
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1614
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Project Officer


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Jazlyn East
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Research Assistant


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Lillian McBride
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Research Assistant


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Lena Niklasson
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1614
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Research Assistant


Gardner, L., A., O'Dean, S., Rowe, A., Hawkins, A., Egan, L., Stockings, E., Teesson, M., Hides, L., Catakovic, A., Ellem, R., McBride, N., Allsop, S., Blackburn, L., Stapinski, L., Freeman, B., Leung, J., Thornton, L., Birrell, L., Champion, K., E. and Newton, N., C. (2024). Research Letter: E-cigarette use and mental health during early adolescence: An Australian survey among over 5000 young people. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 220, (8). doi:10.1177/00048674241267908 [RJ2181] View web page

Moullin, J., Staniland, L., Uren, H., Nielsen, S. and Lenton, S. (2024). Advancing the implementation of take-home naloxone by community pharmacists: testing the role of COM-B. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.13805 [RJ2054] View web page

Schuijers, M., Greenwood, C., J., McIntosh, J., Youssef, G., Letcher, P., Macdonald, J., A., Spry, E., Le Bas, G., A., Teague, S., Biden, E., Elliott, E., Allsop, S., Burns, L., Olsson, C., A. and Hutchinson, D. (2024). Maternal perinatal social support and infant social-emotional problems and competencies: a longitudinal cross-cohort replication study. Archives of Women's Mental Health. doi:10.1007/s00737-024-01473-x [RJ2171] View web page

Andrews, J., Birrell, L., Chapman, C., Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Allsop, S., McBride, N., Hides, L., Andrews, G., Olsen, N., Mewton, L. and Slade, T. (2023). Evaluating the effectiveness of a universal eHealth school-based prevention program for depression and anxiety, and the moderating role of friendship network characteristics. Psychological Medicine, 53, (11), pp. 5042 - 5051. doi:10.1017/S0033291722002033 [RJ1903] View web page

Champion, K., E., Newton, N., C., Gardner, L., A., Chapman, C., Thornton, L., Slade, T., Sunderland, M., Hides, L., McBride, N., O'Dean, S., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., Allsop, S., Lubans, D., R., Parmenter, B., J., Mills, K., Spring, B., Osman, B., Ellem, R., Smout, S., Whife, J., Stewart, C., McCann, K., Catakovic, A., Hunter, E., Teesson, M. and Health4Life Team, _. (2023). Health4Life eHealth intervention to modify multiple lifestyle risk behaviours among adolescent students in Australia: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet Digital Health, 5, (5), pp. E276-E287. doi:10.1016/S2589-7500(23)00028-6 [RJ1940] View web page

Gardner, L., A., Rowe, A., Stockings, E., Champion, K., E., Hides, L., McBride, N., Allsop, S., O'Dean, S., Sunderland, M., Lee, Y., Mihalopoulos, C., Freeman, B., Leung, J., McRobbie, H., Stapinski, L., Lee, N., Thornton, L., Debenham, J., Teesson, M. and Newton, N., C. (2023). Study protocol of the OurFutures Vaping Trial: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school-based eHealth intervention to prevent e-cigarette use among adolescents. BMC Public Health, 23, (683). doi:10.1186/s12889-023-15609-8 [RJ2035] View web page

Moullin, J., Ely, P., Uren, H., Staniland, L., Nielsen, S. and Lenton, S. (2023). Developing a single session strategy for the implementation of take-home naloxone by community pharmacists using COM-B and design thinking. Frontiers in Health Science, 3. doi:10.3389/frhs.2023.1227360 [RJ2055] View web page

Upton, E., Clare, P., Aiken, A., Boland, V., De Torres, C., Bruno, R., Hutchinson, D., Kypri, K., Mattick, R., McBride, N. and Peacock, A. (2023). Changes in mental health and help-seeking among young Australian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 53, (3), pp. 687-695. doi:10.1017/S0033291721001963 [RJ1726] View web page

Aiken, A., Chan, G., Yuen, W., Clare, P., Hutchinson, D., McBride, N., Najman, J., M., McCambridge, J., Upton, E., Slade, T., Boland, V., Bruno, R., Kypri, K., Wadolowski, M., Mattick, R. and Peacock, A. (2022). Trajectories of parental and peer supply of alcohol in adolescence and associations with later alcohol consumption and harm: A prospective cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109533 [RJ1875] View web page

Champion, K., E., Chapman, C., Gardner, L., A., Sunderland, M., Newton, N., C., Smout, S., Thornton, L., Hides, L., McBride, N., Allsop, S., Mills, K., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., Teesson, M., Slade, T. and Health4Life Team, _. (2022). Lifestyle risks for chronic disease among Australian adolescents: a cross-sectional survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 216, (3), pp. 156-157. doi:10.5694/mja2.51333 [RJ1735] View web page

Lowrie, N., Le Bas, G., A., Youssef, G., Macdonald, J., Teague, S., Rogers, A., Sunderland, M., Mattick, R., Elliott, E., Allsop, S., Burns, L., Najman, J., M., Jacobs, S., Olsson, C., A. and Hutchinson, D. (2022). Association of adolescent and young adult depression and anxiety with perinatal mental health in fathers: Findings from an Australian longitudinal study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 156, pp. 206-213. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.10.017 [RJ1952] View web page

Newton, N., C., Chapman, C., Slade, T., Birrell, L., Healy, A., Mather, M., McBride, N., Hides, L., Allsop, S., Mewton, L., Andrews, G. and Teesson, M. (2022). A national effectiveness trial of an eHealth program to prevent alcohol and cannabis misuse: responding to the replication crisis. Psychological Medicine, 52, (2), pp. 274-282. doi:10.1017/S0033291720001919 [RJ1612] View web page

Parmenter, B., J., Burley, C., Stewart, C., Whife, J., Champion, K., E., Osman, B., Newton, N., C., Green, O., Wescott, A., B., Gardner, L., A., Visontay, R., Birrell, L., Bryant, Z., Chapman, C., Lubman, D., Sunderland, M., Slade, T. and Thornton, L. (2022). Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Physical Activity in Healthy Young People: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and u Health, 10, (10), pp. e39085. doi:10.2196/39085 [RJ1890] View web page

Tait, R., J., Ivers, R., Marino, J., Doherty, D., Graham, P., L., Cunich, M., Sanci, L., Steinbeck, K., Straker, L. and Skinner, S. (2022). Mental health and behavioural factors involved in road traffic crashes by young adults: analysis of the Raine Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76, (6), pp. 556-562. doi:10.1136/jech-2021-218039 [RJ1740] View web page

Thornton, L., Brown, H., Osman, B., Stewart, C., Whife, J., Champion, K., E., Gardner, L., A., McBride, N., Allsop, S., Spring, B. and Teesson, M. (2022). Factors associated with adolescents’ engagement with a Healthy Lifestyles app, 206, pp. 56-67. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.085 [RJ1936] View web page

Thornton, L., Osman, B., Champion, K., E., Green, O., Wescott, A., B., Gardner, L., A., Stewart, C., Visontay, R., Whife, J., Parmenter, B., J., Birrell, L., Bryant, Z., Chapman, C., Lubans, D., R., Slade, T., Torous, J., Teesson, M. and Van de Ven, P. (2022). Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and u Health, 10, (2). doi:10.2196/27337 [RJ1794] View web page

de Castro Amato, T., Opaleye, E., McBride, N. and Noto, A. (2021). Reducing alcohol-related risks among adolescents: a feasibility study of the SHAHRP program in Brazilian schools. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 26, (8), pp. 3005-3018. doi:10.1590/1413-81232021268.13472020 [RJ1781] View web page

Clare, P., Aiken, A., Yuen, W., Upton, E., Degenhardt, L., Bruno, R., McCambridge, J., McBride, N., Hutchinson, D., Slade, T., Mattick, R. and Peacock, A. (2021). Alcohol use among young Australian adults in May-June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study. Addiction, 116, (12), pp. 3398-3407. doi:10.1111/add.15599 [RJ1731] View web page

Duko, B., Pereira, G., Betts, K., Tait, R., J., Newnham, J. and Alati, R. (2021). Prenatal alcohol and tobacco use and the risk of depression in offspring at age 17 years: Findings from the Raine Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, pp. 426-433. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2020.10.030 [RJ1610] View web page

Gardner, L., A., Champion, K., E., Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., Chapman, C., Thornton, L., Slade, T., Mills, K., Sunderland, M., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N., Bauer, J., Parmenter, B., J., Spring, B. and Lubans, D., R. (2021). The Health4LIfe Initiative: An eHealth intervention targeting multiple lifestyle risk behaviours among Australian adolescents. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50, (1), pp. 177. doi:10.1093/ije/dyab168.212 [RJ1874] View web page

Le Bas, G., A., Youssef, G., Macdonald, J., Mattick, R., Teague, S., Honan, I., McIntosh, J., Khor, S., Rossen, L., Elliott, E., Allsop, S., Burns, L., Craig, O. and Hutchinson, D. (2021). Maternal bonding, negative affect, and infant social-emotional development: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, pp. 926-934. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2020.11.031 [RJ1644] View web page

Le Bas, G., A., Youssef, G., Macdonald, J., Teague, S., Mattick, R., Honan, I., McIntosh, J., Khor, S., Rossen, L., Elliott, E., Allsop, S., Burns, L., Olsson, C., A. and Hutchinson, D. (2021). The Role of Antenatal and Postnatal Maternal Bonding in Infant Development. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61, (6), pp. 820-829. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2021.08.024 [RJ1770] View web page

Lees, B., Elliott, E., Allsop, S., Thomas, S., Riches, J., Nepal, S., Rice, L., Newton, N., C., Mewton, L., Teesson, M. and Stapinski, L. (2021). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder resources for educators working within primary school settings: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11, (4), pp. e045497. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045497 [RJ1690] View web page

Macdonald, J., Graeme, L., Wynter, K., Cooke, D., Hutchinson, D., Kendall, G., St George, J., Dowse, E., Francis, L., McBride, N., Fairweather-Schmidt, K., Di Manno, L., Olsson, C., A., Allsop, S., Leach, L. and Youssef, G. (2021). How are you sleeping? Starting the conversation with fathers about their mental health in the early parenting years. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, pp. 727-737. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2020.11.081 [RJ1590] View web page

Slade, T., Mewton, L., O'Dean, S., Tibbetts, J., Clay, P., Isik, A., Johnson, P., McCraw, S., Upton, E., Kypri, K., Butterworth, P., McBride, N. and Swift, W. (2021). DSM-5 and ICD-11 alcohol use disorder criteria in young adult regular drinkers: Lifetime prevalence and age of onset. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 229. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109184 [RJ1827] View web page

Thornton, L., Gardner, L., A., Osman, B., Green, O., Champion, K., E., Bryant, Z., Teesson, M., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., Chapman, C., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Mills, K., Sunderland, M., Partmenter, B., Spring, B., Lubans, D., R., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N., Stapinski, L. and Birrell, L. (2021). A multiple health behavior change, self-monitoring mobile app for adolescents: Development and usability study of the Health4Life app. JMIR Formative Research, 5, (4). doi:10.2196/25513 [RJ1710] View web page

Yuen, W., Bruno, R., Chan, G., McCambridge, J., Slade, T., Clare, P., Aiken, A., Kypri, K., Hutchinson, D., McBride, N., Boland, V., Upton, E., Farrell, M., Mattick, R. and Peacock, A. (2021). The experience of physiological and psychosocial alcohol-related harms across adolescence and its association with alcohol use disorder in early adulthood: A prospective cohort study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45, (12), pp. 2518-2527. doi:10.1111/acer.14726 [RJ1803] View web page

Yuen, W., Chan, G., Bruno, R., Clare, P., Aiken, A., Mattick, R., Farrell, M., Kypri, K., Slade, T., Hutchinson, D., McBride, N., McCambridge, J., Boland, V. and Peacock, A. (2021). Trajectories of alcohol-induced blackouts in adolescence: Early risk factors and alcohol use disorder outcomes in early adulthood. Addiction, 116, (8), pp. 2039-2048. doi:10.1111/add.15415 [RJ1682] View web page

Aiken, A., Clare, P., Boland, V., Degenhardt, L., Yuen, W., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., McCambridge, J., Slade, T., McBride, N., De Torres, C., Wadolowski, M., Bruno, R., Kypri, K., Mattick, R. and Peacock, A. (2020). Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: A prospective cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 215. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108204 [RJ1733] View web page

Boland, V., Clare, P., Yuen, W., Peacock, A., Aiken, A., Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Degenhardt, L., Kypri, K. and Mattick, R. (2020). The association between parental supply of alcohol and supply from other sources to young people: A prospective cohort. Addiction, 115, (11), pp. 2140-2147. doi:10.1111/add.15033 [RJ1589] View web page

Clare, P., Dobbins, T., Bruno, R., Peacock, A., Boland, V., Yuen, W., Aiken, A., Degenhardt, L., Kypri, K., Slade, T., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., McBride, N., Horwood, J., McCambridge, J. and Mattick, R. (2020). The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood - a prospective cohort study. Addiction, 115, (10), pp. 1833-1843. doi:10.1111/add.15005 [RJ1583] View web page

Mewton, L., Shaw, B., Slade, T., Birrell, L., Newton, N., C., Chapman, C., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N., Andrews, G. and Teesson, M. (2020). The comorbidity between alcohol use and internalising psychopathology in early adolescence. Mental Health and Prevention, 17. doi:10.1016/j.mhp.2019.200176 [RJ1479] View web page

Teesson, M., Champion, K., E., Newton, N., C., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., Chapman, C., Thornton, L., Slade, T., Sunderland, M., Mills, K., Gardner, L., A., Parmenter, B., J., Lubans, D., R., Hides, L., McBride, N., Allsop, S., Spring, B., Smout, S. and Health4Life Team, _. (2020). Study protocol of the Health4Life Initiative: A cluster randomised controlled trial of an eHealth school-based program targeting multiple lifestyle risk behaviours among young Australians. BMJ Open, 10, (7). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035662 [RJ1611] View web page

Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Birrell, L., Mewton, L., Mather, M., Hides, L., McBride, N., Allsop, S. and Andrews, G. (2020). Combined prevention for substance use, depression and anxiety in adolescence: A cluster-randomised controlled trial for a digital online intervention. The Lancet Digital Health, 2, (2), pp. e74-e84. doi:10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30213-4 [RJ1559] View web page

Wynter, K., Francis, L., Fletcher, R., McBride, N., Dowse, E., Wilson, N., Di Manno, L., Teague, S. and Macdonald, J. (2020). Sleep, mental health and wellbeing among fathers of infants up to one year postpartum: A scoping review. Midwifery, 88. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2020.102738 [RJ1493] View web page

Yuen, W., Chan, G., Bruno, R., Clare, P., Mattick, R., Aiken, A., Boland, V., McBride, N., McCambridge, J., Slade, T., Kypri, K., Horwood, J., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., De Torres, C. and Peacock, A. (2020). Adolescent Alcohol Use Trajectories: Risk factors and Adult Outcomes. Pediatrics, 146, (4). doi:10.1542/peds.2020-0440 [RJ1615] View web page

Birrell, L., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Mewton, L., McBride, N., Hides, L., Chatterton, M., L., Allsop, S., Healy, A., Mather, M., Quinn, C., Mihalopoulos, C. and Teesson, M. (2019). Correction: Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of school-based depression, anxiety and alcohol misuse prevention into young adulthood: Protocol for the Climate School Combined study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Research Protocols, 8, (9), pp. e15391. doi:10.2196/15391 [RJ1572] View web page

Champion, K., E., Parmenter, B., J., McGowan, C., Spring, B., Wafford, Q., E., Gardner, L., A., Thornton, L., McBride, N., Barrett, E., Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Chapman, C., Slade, T., Sunderland, M., Bauer, J., Allsop, S., Hides, L., Stapinski, L., Birrell, L. and Mewton, L. (2019). Effectiveness of school-based eHealth interventions to prevent multiple lifestyle risk behaviours among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Digital Health, 1, (5), pp. e206-e221. doi:10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30088-3 [RJ1504] View web page

Clare, P., Aiken, A., Yang, W., Peacock, A., Boland, V., Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Degenhardt, L., Kypri, K. and Mattick, R. (2019). Parental supply of alcohol as a predictor of adolescent alcohol consumption patterns: A prospective cohort. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 204. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.031 [RJ1492] View web page

Pocuca, N., Hides, L., Quinn, C., Mewton, L., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Andrews, G., Teesson, M., Allsop, S. and McBride, N. (2019). The interactive effects of perceived peer drinking and personality profiles on adolescent drinking: A prospective cohort study. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.14469 [RJ1454] View web page

Sharmin, S., Kypri, K., Wadolowski, M., Bruno, R., Khanam, M., Aiken, A., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., McBride, N., Attia, J., Palazzi, K., Oldmeadow, C. and Mattick, R. (2019). Parent hazardous drinking and their children's alcohol use in early and mid-adolescence: Prospective cohort study. European Journal of Public Health, ckz029, (4), pp. 736-740. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckz029 [RJ1472] View web page

Snijder, M., Lees, B., Ward, J., Stearne, A., Newton, N., C. and Stapinski, L. (2019). Developing an ecological framework of factors associated with substance use and related harms among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open, 9, (5), pp. e024418. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024418 [RJ1475] View web page

Aiken, A., Clare, P., Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Kypri, K. and Mattick, R. (2018). Age of alcohol initiation and progression to binge drinking in adolescence: A prospective cohort study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42, (1), pp. 100-110. doi:10.1111/acer.13525 [RJ1083] View web page

Birrell, L., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Mewton, L., McBride, N., Hides, L., Chatterton, M., L., Allsop, S., Healy, A., Mather, M., Quinn, C., Mihalopoulos, C. and Teesson, M. (2018). Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of school-based depression, anxiety and alcohol misuse prevention into young adulthood: Protocol for the Climate School Combined study. Journal of Medical Internet Research Research Protocols, 7, (11), pp. e11372. doi:10.2196/11372 [RJ1447] View web page

Mattick, R., Clare, P., Aiken, A., Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Kypri, K., Vogl, L. and Degenhardt, L. (2018). Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms: A prospective cohort study. Lancet Public Health, 3, (2), pp. e64-e71. doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(17)30240-2 [RJ1394] View web page

Pocuca, N., Hides, L., Quinn, C., White, A., Mewton, L., Newton, N., C., Clare, N., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Andrews, G., Teesson, M., Allsop, S. and McBride, N. (2018). The interactive effects of personality profiles and perceived peer drinking on early adolescent drinking. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32, (2), pp. 230-236. doi:10.1037/adb0000322 [RJ1248] View web page

Sharmin, S., Kypri, K., Wadolowski, M., Khanam, M., Aiken, A., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., McBride, N. and Attia, J. (2018). Parent characteristics associated with approval of their children drinking alcohol from ages 13 to 16 years: Prospective cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42, (4), pp. 347-353. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12811 [RJ1429] View web page

Shaw, T., Johnston, R., S., Gilligan, C. and McBride, N. (2018). Child-parent agreement on alcohol-related parenting: Opportunities for prevention of alcohol-related harm. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. doi:10.1002/hpja.39 [RJ1098] View web page

Mattick, R., Wadolowski, M., Aiken, A., Clare, P., Hutchinson, D., Najman, J., M., Slade, T., Bruno, R., McBride, N., Degenhardt, L. and Kypri, K. (2017). Parental supply of alcohol and alcohol consumption in adolescence: prospective cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 47, (2), pp. 267-278. doi:10.1017/S0033291716002373 [RJ1247] View web page

McBride, N. and Johnson, S. (2017). Fathers, alcohol and pregnancy: a systematic review. In Proceedings of the Fatherhood Research in Australia symposium II: Theory, Measurement, Policy and Practice. Deakin University, Melbourne. [S465]

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2016). The Effect of Age on Fracture Risk: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Aging Research. doi:10.1155/2016/5071438 [RJ1251] View web page

McBride, N. and Johnson, S. (2016). Fathers role in alcohol exposed pregnancies: systematic review of human studies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51, (2), pp. 240-248. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2016.02.009 [RJ1097] View web page

Mewton, L., Kessler, R., Slade, T., Hobbs, M., Brownhill, L., Birrell, L., Tonks, Z., Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Chapman, C., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N. and Andrews, G. (2016). The psychometric properties of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) in a general population sample of adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 28, (10), pp. 1232-1242. doi:10.1037/pas0000239 [RJ1025] View web page

Stapinski, L., Reda, B., Newton, N., C., Chapman, C., Kay-Lambkin, F., J., McBride, N., Allsop, S. and Teesson, M. (2016). Development and evaluation of the Positive Choices portal for evidence-based drug prevention. Report prepared for: Drug Strategy Branch. Australian Government Department of Health. [R276]

Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Bruno, R., Aiken, A., Najman, J., M., Kypri, K., Slade, T., McBride, N. and Mattick, R. (2016). Parents who supply sips of alcohol in early adolescence: A prospective study of risk factors. Pediatrics, 137, (3), pp. 1-8. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-2611 [RJ1164] View web page

Ward, B., Kippen, R., Buykx, P., Munro, G., McBride, N. and Wiggers, J. (2016). Principals' reports of adults' alcohol use in Australian secondary schools. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Canberra, ACT. [T245] View web page

Ward, B., Kippen, R., Buykx, P., Munro, G., McBride, N. and Wiggers, J. (2016). Principals' reports of adults' alcohol use in Australian secondary schools. BMC Public Health, 16, pp. 195. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-2877-4 [RJ1165] View web page

Aiken, A., Wadolowski, M., Bruno, R., Najman, J., M., Kypri, K., Slade, T., Hutchinson, D., McBride, N. and Mattick, R. (2015). Cohort profile: The Australian Parental Supply of Alcohol Longitudinal Study (APSALS). International Journal of Epidemiology. doi:10.1093/ije/dyv051 [RJ983] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Age at first use of alcohol predicts the risk of heavy alcohol use in early adulthood: A longitudinal study in the United States. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, (2), pp. 131-134. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.07.001 [RJ1036] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Examining the relationship between heavy alcohol use and assaults: With adjustment for the effects of unmeasured confounders. BioMed Research International, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/596179 [RJ1080] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2015). Weekly and daily cycle of alcohol use among the U.S. general population. Injury, 46, (5), pp. 898-901. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2015.01.029 [RJ1065] View web page

Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2015). Lifestyle of young Australian adults with asthma. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27, (2), pp. NP248-NP254. doi:10.1177/1010539512439229 [RJ824] View web page

Wadolowski, M., Bruno, R., Aiken, A., Stone, C., Najman, J., M., Kypri, K., Slade, T., Hutchinson, D., McBride, N. and Mattick, R. (2015). Sipping, drinking, and early adolescent alcohol consumption: A cautionary note. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, (2), pp. 350-354. doi:10.1111/acer.12613 [RJ1084] View web page

Wadolowski, M., Hutchinson, D., Bruno, R., Aiken, A., Clare, P., Slade, T., Najman, J., M., Kypri, K., McBride, N. and Mattick, R. (2015). Early adolescent alcohol use: Are sipping and drinking distinct? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, (9), pp. 1805–1813. doi:10.1111/acer.12826 [RJ1046] View web page

Zhao, Y., Connors, C., Lee, A., H. and Liang, W. (2015). Relationship between primary care visits and hospital admissions in remote Indigenous patients with diabetes: A multivariate spline regression model. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 108, (1), pp. 106-112. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2015.01.013 [RJ1066] View web page

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Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2014). Alcohol consumption during adolescence and risk of diabetes in young adulthood. BioMed Research International, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/795741 [RJ975] View web page

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McKay, M., Sumnall, H., McBride, N. and Harvey, S. (2014). The differential impact of a classroom-based, alcohol harm reduction intervention, on adolescents with different alcohol use experiences: A multi-level growth modelling analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 37, (7), pp. 1057-1067. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.07.014 [RJ1012] View web page

Teesson, M., Newton, N., C., Slade, T., Chapman, C., Allsop, S., Hides, L., McBride, N., Mewton, L., Tonks, Z., Birrell, L., Brownhill, L. and Andrews, G. (2014). The CLIMATE schools combined study: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a universal Internet-based prevention program for youth substance misuse, depression and anxiety. BMC Psychiatry, 14, (32), pp. 1-10. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-14-32 [RJ979] View web page

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Liang, W. (2013). Evaluating Epidemiological Evidence: A Simple Test. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 10, pp. 1459-61. doi:10.7150/ijms.6455 [RJ938] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Age at First Use of Alcohol and Risk of Heavy Alcohol Use: A Population-Based Study. BioMed Research International, 2013, pp. 5 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/721761 [RJ967] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Asthma history predicts the risk of affective disorders and anxiety disorders. Health, 5, (2), pp. 313-319. doi:10.4236/health.2013.52A042 [RJ886] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Errors in recall of age at first sex. PloS One, 8, (8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072947 [RJ923] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Motives for romantic relationships and the risk of heavy alcohol use, regular smoking and cannabis use during adolescence and early adulthood: a longitudinal study. Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 3, (2), pp. 23-29. doi:10.4236/ojim.2013.32006 [RJ911] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Observational research on alcohol use and chronic disease outcome, new approaches to counter biases. The Scientific World Journal, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/860915 [RJ925] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). Sleep duration and its links to psychological distress, health status, physical activity and body mass index among a large representative general population sample. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 4, (1), pp. 45-51. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2013.41010 [RJ885] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). The association between alcohol exposure and self-reported health status: The effect of separating former and current drinkers. PloS One, 8, (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055881 [RJ884] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2013). The association between hospitalization for asthma in childhood and alcohol use disorder hospitalization during adolescence and early adulthood among males in an Australian birth cohort. Journal of Asthma, 50, (9), pp. 996-1001. doi:10.3109/02770903.2013.829090 [RJ924] View web page

Liang, W. and Lee, A., H. (2013). Effects of green tea on cognitive function and emotions: emerging evidence. In Wu, W. (ed.) Green Tea: Varieties, Production and Health Benefits. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-62257-562-6 [CH182]

McBride, N. (2013). Australian National Preventative Health Agency development of a strategic research agenda to inform policies to prevent alcohol related harm in Australia. Invited expert review of public education, awareness and education. National Drug Research Institute, Perth, Western Australia. [R264]

McBride, N. (2013). The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP): having a behavioural impact on young peoples’ risky alcohol use and experiences of alcohol-related harm. Submission to the NSW Legislative Council's Standing Committee on Social Issues inquiry into strategies to reduce alcohol abuse among young people in NSW. National Drug Research Institute, Perth, Western Australia. [R259]

McBride, N., McKay, M. and Sumnall, H. (2013). SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project – Developments in Australia and the UK. Education and Health, 31, (4), pp. 79-83. [UJ190] Download PDF

Nielsen, S., Bruno, R., Degenhardt, L., Stoove, M., A., Fischer, J., Carruthers, S. and Lintzeris, N. (2013). The sources of pharmaceuticals for problematic users of benzodiazepines and prescription opioids. Medical Journal of Australia, 199, (10), pp. 696-699. doi:10.5694/mja13.11331 [RJ892] View web page

Carruthers, S. and Ryan, C. (2012). Hepatitis C treatment and injecting drug users in Perth Western Australia: Knowledge of personal status and eligibility criteria for treatment. Journal of Substance Use, 17, (1), pp. 32-40. doi:10.3109/14659891.2010.513757 [RJ901] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Asthma and injury risk: a large scale population-based study. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 3, pp. 394-399. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2012.35074 [RJ864] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Childhood hospitalisations for physical disease and risk of mental disorders during adolescence and early adulthood. Adolescent Psychiatry, 2, (3), pp. 263-270. doi:10.2174/2210676611202030263 [RJ852] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Childhood mental disorders and risk of schizophrenia. Current Research in Medicine, 3, (1), pp. 43-46. doi:10.3844/amjsp.2012.43.46 [RJ848] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Early childhood infections and risk of schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2012.06.007 [RJ851] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Family history of cancer and smoking cessation, is there a role for physicians? International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 3, (1), pp. 9-13. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2012.31002 [RJ826] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). Pattern of mental health service use and risk of injury: a longitudinal study. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2, (1), pp. 98-104. doi:10.4236/ojpm.2012.21014 [RJ823] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2012). The association between age at first use of alcohol and alcohol consumption levels among adult general drinking population. Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1007/s10389-012-0502-2 [RJ833] View web page

Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2012). Modest time dependent misclassification in recalling age at first use of alcohol and tobacco. Contemporary Drug Problems, 39, (1). doi:10.1177/009145091203900107 [RJ825] View web page

McBride, N. (2012). School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. AIM 21st Anniversary Conference. AIM Digest Online: Conference supplement. [UP32]

McBride, N. (2012). SHAHRP Longitudinal Study and Beyond. In: Alcohol in Moderation 21st Birthday forum 'Alcohol Education what works for Young People?' Conference syllabus, 11, pp. 3-4. [UP36]

McBride, N., Carruthers, S. and Hutchinson, D. (2012). Reducing alcohol use during pregnancy: Listening to women who drink as a prevention starting point. A formative intervention research study. Global Health Promotion, 19, (2), pp. 6-18. doi:10.1177/1757975912441225 [RJ690] View web page

McBride, N., Farringdon, F., Stevens, C., F. and McKay, M. (2012). SHAHRP Refresh Project: Updating the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Final Report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T219]

Stevens, C., F., McBride, N., Farringdon, F. and McKay, M. (2012). SHAHRP Refresh: Updating the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Year One Report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T217]

Frances, K. and Saggers, S. (2011). Evaluation of Palmerston Association Yarning and Parenting Program for parents and children experiencing drug and alcohol problems. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9807054-4-7 [T211] Download PDF

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Affective disorders, anxiety disorders and the risk of alcohol dependence and misuse. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, (3), pp. 219-24. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.110.086116 [RJ789] View web page

Liang, W. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2011). Does light alcohol consumption during pregnancy improve offspring’s cognitive development? Medical Hypotheses. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2011.09.043 [RJ800] View web page

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Liang, W. and Lee, A., H. (2011). Does childhood asthma increase the risk of mood disorders in later life? American Medical Journal, 2, (2), pp. 93-97. [RJ828] Download PDF

Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2011). Asthma and risk of injury for Australian males aged 6 to 30 years: A population-based birth cohort study. Journal of Asthma, 48, (7), pp. 736-740. doi:10.3109/02770903.2011.599910 [RJ799] View web page

Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lee, A., H. (2011). Is asthma associated with increased risk of injury? Journal of Asthma, 48, (3), pp. 311-315. doi:10.3109/02770903.2011.554945 [RJ776] View web page

Liang, W., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Lenton, S. (2011). Affective disorders and anxiety disorders predict the risk of drug harmful use and dependence. Addiction, 106, (6), pp. 1126–1134. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03362.x [RJ773] View web page

Massey, P., D., Miller, A., Saggers, S., Durrheim, D., N., Speare, R., Taylor, K., A., Pearce, G., Odo, T., Broome, J., Judd, J., Kelly, J., Blackley, M. and Clough, A., R. (2011). Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the development of pandemic influenza containment strategies: community voices and community control. Health Policy, 103, pp. 184-190. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2011.07.004 [RJ813] View web page

McBride, N. (2011). SHAHRP: Reducing alcohol related harm with young people. Background paper provided at the request of the Luke Adams Foundation. [UP30]

McKay, M., McBride, N., Sumnall, H. and Cole, J. (2011). Reducing the harm from adolescent alcohol consumption: Results from an adapted version of SHAHRP in Northern Ireland. Journal of Substance Use. pp. 1-24. doi:10.3109/14659891.2011.615884 [RJ746] View web page

Miller, A., Durrheim, D., N., Blackley, M., Broome, J., Clough, A., R., Judd, J., Kelly, J., Pearce, G., Purcell, C., Massey, P., D., Saggers, S., Speare, R., Taylor, K., A. and Odo, T. (2010). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities forgotten in new Australian National Action Plan for human influenza pandemic: "ask us, listen to us, share with us". Editorial. Medical Journal of Australia, 193, (6), pp. 316-317. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2010.tb03939.x [RJ784] View web page

McBride, N. (2010). McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth and the SHAHRP study. Submission to McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth, October 2010. [R244]

McBride, N. (2010). School Alcohol Education. Directions in Education, 19/11, (9), pp. 3. [UJ167]

McBride, N. (2010). School alcohol education: What way forward? Directions in Education, 19/9, (11), pp. 4. [UJ163]

McKay, M., McBride, N., Sumnall, H. and Cole, J. (2010). Northern Ireland SHAHRP Study. CentreLines, (31). pp. 3. [UJ164] Download PDF

Midford, R., Young, D., J., Chikritzhs, T., N., Playford, D., Kite, E. and Pascal, R. (2010). The effect of alcohol sales and advertising restrictions on a remote Australian community. In Young, D., J. (ed.) Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17, (1), pp. 21-41. doi:10.1080/09687630802145271 [RJ615] View web page

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Schineanu, A., Welander, F. and Saggers, S. (2010). "Don't wake up angry no more" The evaluation of the Norseman Voluntary Liquor Agreement. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9807054-1-6 [T202] Download PDF

Schineanu, A., Welander, F. and Saggers, S. (2010). Kalgoorlie Alcohol Action Project Intervention Evaluation 2006-2009. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9807054-3-0 [R248] Download PDF

Welander, F., Schineanu, A. and Midford, R. (2010). Attitudes and knowledge of alcohol related harm minimisation initiatives in a rural Australian city: a baseline survey. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17, (4), pp. 354-369. doi:10.3109/09687630903042435 [RJ691] View web page

Welander, F., Schineanu, A., Liang, W. and Midford, R. (2010). Digging for gold and coming up blue: a health survey in the mining industry. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment, 26, (5), pp. 389-401. [RJ744]

Massey, P., D., Pearce, G., Taylor, K., A., Orcher, L., Saggers, S. and Durrheim, D., N. (2009). Reducing the risk of pandemic influenza in Aboriginal communities. Rural and Remote Health, 9, pp. 1290. [RJ699] View web page

McBride, N. (2009). Alcohol use during pregnancy: directions for Australian policy. CentreLines, (28). pp. 2-4. [UJ157] Download PDF

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McBride, N., Carruthers, S. and Hutchinson, D. (2008). Alcohol use During Pregnancy. Formative Intervention Research. Final Report. National Drug Research Institute, Perth, Western Australia. pp. 91. [T191] Abstract

Boots, K. and Midford, R. (2007). Involving stakeholders in the evaluation of community alcohol projects: Finding a balance between subjective insight and objective facts. Substance Use and Misuse, 42, (12), pp. 1955-1969. doi:10.1080/10826080701723887 [RJ601] View web page

McBride, N., Farringdon, F. and Kennedy, C. (2007). Research to Practice - Formal Dissemination of the School Health Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, (6), pp. 665-672. doi:10.1080/09595230701613510 [RJ548] View web page

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Midford, R. (2007). Themes from the symposium. Substance Use and Misuse, 42, (12), pp. 2099-2102. [RJ602]

Midford, R., Midford, S. and Farringdon, F. (2007). School leaver (graduate) celebrations in Margaret River, Western Australia: A community approach to management. Substance Use and Misuse, 42, (12), pp. 1915-1932. doi:10.1080/10826080701530514 [RJ600] View web page

Midford, R. and Munro, G. (eds.) (2006). Drug education in schools: Searching for the silver bullet. IP communications, Melbourne. [M57]

McBride, N., Farringdon, F., Meuleners, L. and Midford, R. (2006). The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Details of Intervention Development and Research Procedures. National Drug Research Institute, Monograph., Perth, Western Australia. [M59] Abstract

Midford, R. (2006). Looking to the future: Providing a basis for effective school drug education. In Midford, R. and Munro, G. (eds.) Drug education in schools: searching for the silver bullet. IP Communications, Melbourne. [CH138]

Midford, R. and Munro, G. (2006). Preface. In Midford, R. and Munro, G. (eds.) Drug education in schools: Searching for the silver bullet. IP Communications, Melbourne. [CH137]

Midford, R., Pettingell, J. and Stothard, B. (2006). The history of drug education: An Australian perspective. In Midford, R. and Munro, G. (eds.) Drug education in schools: Searching for the silver bullet. IP Communications, Melbourne. [CH145]

Carruthers, S. (2005). Hepatitis C treatment for injecting drug users in Australia. The C Files, (102). pp. 2-5. [UJ136]

Carruthers, S. (2005). Preventing hepatitis C: What can positive injectors do? Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, (2), pp. 193-198. doi:10.1080/09595230500102673 [RJ436] View web page

McBride, N. (2005). The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Public Health Bulletin South Australia (2nd ed), 2, pp. 14-16. [UJ129]

Midford, R. (2005). Kalgoorlie Alcohol Action Project: Working with a Community to Prevent Alcohol Problems. CentreLines, (16). pp. 3-5. [UJ132] Download PDF

Midford, R. (2005). The Kalgoorlie Alcohol Action project: Taking a whole community approach to alcohol problems. DrugInfo, 3, (3), pp. 3. [UJ122]

Midford, R. (2005). Whole of community alcohol prevention. Kalgoorlie Miner. pp. 8. [UJ123]

Midford, R., Wayte, K., Catalano, P., Gupta, R. and Chikritzhs, T., N. (2005). The Legacy of a Community Mobilisation Project to Reduce Alcohol Related Harm. Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, (1), pp. 3-11. doi:10.1080/09595230500124933 [RJ432] View web page

Midford, R., Wilkes, D. and Young, D., J. (2005). Evaluation of the In Touch Training Program for the Management of Alcohol and Other Drug Use Issues in Schools. Journal of Drug Education, 35, (1), pp. 1-14. [RJ457] Abstract

Midford, R., Young, D., J., Playford, D., Kite, E., Chikritzhs, T., N. and Pascal, R. (2005). An Evaluation of Liquor Licensing Restrictions in the Western Australian Community of Port Hedland. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. [T161] Download PDF

McBride, N. (2004). School drug education: A developing field and one element in a community approach to drugs and young people. Addiction, 99, (3), pp. 292-298. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00681.x [RJ439] View web page

McBride, N. and Farringdon, F. (2004). School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Education and Health, 22, (2), pp. 19-23. [UJ117] Abstract

McBride, N. and Farringdon, F. (2004). School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Changing students alcohol related behaviours through classroom lessons. Education and Health, 22, (1). [UJ113]

McBride, N., Farringdon, F., Midford, R., Meuleners, L. and Philip, M. (2004). Harm Minimisation in School Drug Education. Final Results of the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP). Addiction, 99, pp. 278-291. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2003.00620.x [RJ393] View web page

Midford, R. and Cooper, M., G. (2004). The Party Safe Project - How local people can work together for health improvements in a country town. Healthway News, (36). pp. 12-13. [UJ120]

Carruthers, S. (2003). Hepatitis C and Novice Injecting Drug Users. Monograph No. 6. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1740672739 [M41]

Carruthers, S. (2003). The ins and outs of injecting in Western Australia. Journal of Substance Use, 8, (1), pp. 11-18. doi:10.1080/1465989021000067191 [RJ391] View web page

Carruthers, S. and Arden, K. (2003). Hepatitis C prevention is a two way bet: the role positive injectors in preventing transmission. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. [T122]

Cooper, M., G., Midford, R., Jaeger, J. and Hall, C. (2003). Reforming Andy Capp? How a Cartoon Character was Used in a Community Alcohol Project. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 14, (2), pp. 114-118. [RJ421] Abstract

McBride, N. (2003). A systematic review of school drug education. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 18, (6), pp. 729-742. doi:10.1093/her/cyf050 [RJ375] View web page

McBride, N., Farringdon, F. and Kennedy, C. (2003). The SHAHRP Dissemination Project. CentreLines, (10). pp. 5. [UJ107] Download PDF

McBride, N., Farringdon, F., Midford, R., Meuleners, L. and Phillips, M. (2003). Early unsupervised drinking - reducing the risks. The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, (3), pp. 263-276. doi:10.1080/0959523031000154409 [RJ394] View web page

Midford, R., Cooper, M., G. and Jaeger, J. (2003). The Partysafe project: Working with an Australian rural community to reduce alcohol harm. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 20, pp. 69-80. doi:10.1177/145507250302001S21 [RJ417] View web page

Carruthers, S. and Loxley, W. (2002). Attitudes of novice heroin injectors towards non-injecting routes of administration to prevent the transmission of blood borne viruses. International Journal of Drug Policy, 13, (1), pp. 69-74. doi:10.1016/S0955-3959(02)00005-1 [RJ368] View web page

Lindsay, F., Midford, R. and Cooper, M., G. (2002). Researching drug information needs in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 21, (3), pp. 287-294. [RJ402] Abstract

McBride, N. (2002). Systematic literature review of school drug education. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1 74067 188 0 [M40] Abstract

McBride, N., Farringdon, F. and Midford, R. (2002). Implementing a school drug education programme: Reflections on fidelity. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 40, (2), pp. 40-50. doi:10.1080/14635240.2002.10806196 [RJ344] View web page

Midford, R., Munro, G., McBride, N., Snow, P. and Ladzinski, U. (2002). Principles that underpin effective school-based drug education. Journal of Drug Education, 32, (4), pp. 363-386. doi:10.2190/T66J-YDBX-J256-J8T9 [RJ389] View web page

Cooper, M., G., Midford, R., Jaeger, J. and Hall, C. (2001). Partysafe Evaluation Report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T112]

Loxley, W., Bolleter, A. and Carruthers, S. (2001). Talking about testing: opportunities for prevention in blood borne virus testing and vaccination with injectors. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T111] Abstract

McBride, N., Farringdon, F. and Midford, R. (2001). The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Pushing Prevention seminar proceedings booklet. Australian Drug Foundation, Melbourne, Victoria. ISBN: 0 85809 070 8 [R129]

Farringdon, F., McBride, N. and Midford, R. (2000). The fine line: Students perceptions of drinking, having fun and losing control. Youth Studies Australia, 19, (3), pp. 33-38. [RJ345] View web page

Loxley, W., Davidson, P., Heale, P. and Sullivan, P. (2000). Drawing blood: Injecting drug users, blood borne viruses, testing and vaccination. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 1-86342-846-1 [T93]

McBride, N. (2000). The Western Australian School Health Project: Evaluating the impact of a high intensity intervention and a low intensity intervention on organisational support for school health promotion. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 15, (1), pp. 59-72. [RJ330]

McBride, N., Midford, R. and Farringdon, F. (2000). Alcohol harm reduction education in schools: Planning an efficacy study in Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 19, (1), pp. 83-93. doi:10.1080/09595230096183 [RJ284] View web page

McBride, N., Midford, R., Farringdon, F. and Phillips, M. (2000). Early results from a school alcohol harm minimization study: the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Addiction, 95, (7), pp. 1021-1042. doi:10.1046/j.1360-0443.2000.95710215.x [RJ300] View web page

Farringdon, F., McBride, N. and Midford, R. (1999). School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project: Formative development of intervention materials and processes. International Journal of Health Promotion & Education, 37, (4), pp. 137-143. doi:10.1080/14635240.1999.10806116 [RJ301] View web page

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