The SHAHRP Dissemination Project
Nyanda McBride, Fiona Farringdon, Carol Kennedy
Funded by the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation
Past reviewers of school drug education have noted that effective school drug education programs are not readily available to teachers in a useable format (Foxcroft, Lister-Sharp, & Lowe: 1997; Tobler & Stratton: 1997; Paglia, & Room: 1998; Dusenbury, & Falco: 1995). This Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation community partnership grant will therefore aim to disseminate the SHAHRP education materials, which have proven effectiveness, by providing training to teacher educators from Government, Private and Catholic Education sectors in several states of Australia. A key aspect of this dissemination process will be the training of new and existing teacher educators so that a permanent skilled group of educators is available to train interested school-based staff in the use of the program.
A part time SHAHRP project manager based at NDRI and a part time project officer based at NCETA, will provide the initial training to teacher educators who will then be contracted to provide a minimum of two workshops for teachers in their local district and education system.