The WA School Health education project evaluation (WASH)

  • Research program: Prevention and early intervention
  • Project status: Completed
  • Start date: September 1990
  • Expected end date: January 1999
  • Completion date: January 1999
  • Funded by: Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services
  • Lead organisation:

The Western Australian School Health Project was a school-based intervention that encouraged schools to undertake health promotion activity and incorporate on-going support for health promotion within individual school's organisational structure. Over seventy primary and secondary schools participated in the project which provided staff/parent training in school health promotion, access to a central health/education professional, and time for school-based representatives to plan and implement school health promotion activity. The four year project (1992-1995) was funded by the Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation (Healthway) for a total of $462 050. The project was managed by the Australian Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (WA Branch) and evaluated by the National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse (NCRPDA). During the operational period, formative, process and impact evaluation was conducted. This provided an array of information about the process of implementation and organisational change supportive of health promotion that can occur within the Western Australian school context. While the implementation phase of the project has been completed for some time, analysis of long term evaluation results is continuing and publications are still being produced.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Associate Professor Nyanda McBride
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
View profile

Principal Investigator

Prevention and early intervention


  • Co-investigator: Richard Midford, Curtin University

This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals and Targets:

McBride, N. (2000). The Western Australian School Health Project: Evaluating the impact of a high intensity intervention and a low intensity intervention on organisational support for school health promotion. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 15, (1), pp. 59-72. [RJ330]

McBride, N. and Midford, R. (1999). Encouraging schools to promote health: Impact of the Western Australian School Health Project (1992-1995). Journal of School Health, 69, (6), pp. 220-227. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.1999.tb06393.x [RJ259] View web page

McBride, N., Midford, R. and Cameron, I. (1998). An empirical model for school health promotion: The Western Australian School Health Project model. Health Promotion International, 14, (1), pp. 17-25. doi:10.1093/heapro/14.1.17 [RJ214] View web page

Midford, R. and McBride, N. (1997). The Western Australian School Health Project: Evaluation of Participant Change. Journal of the Institute of Health Education, 36, (2), pp. 54-59. doi:10.1080/14635240.1998.10806057 [RJ260] View web page

McBride, N., Midford, R., Boland, J. and Lake, J. (1996). Making schools Healthy IV. Final WASH Project Evaluation Report. National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Division of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T60]

McBride, N., Cameron, I., Midford, R. and James, R. (1995). Facilitating Health Promotion in Western Australian Schools: Key Factors For Success. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 5, (1), pp. 11-16. [RJ189] View web page Abstract

Cameron, I. and McBride, N. (1994). WASH Express 4. In McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (eds.). [UJ56]

James, R., McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (1993). WASH Express 1. In James, R., McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (eds.). [UJ47]

McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (1993). WASH Express 2. In James, R., McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (eds.). [UJ48]

McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (1993). WASH Express 3. In James, R., McBride, N. and Cameron, I. (eds.). [UJ49]