Alcohol Policy and the Public Good argues that alcohol related problems are pervasive and universal; that such problems are directly related to the level of consumption of individuals and society; and while treatment remains a necessary part of any coherent response to these problems, it is to more structural interventions that we must look as a means of significantly reducing their number. The book essentially argues that alcohol policy must, as a consequence, address all the predisposing causes of harmful consumption; In other words alcohol related problems are best addressed within a public health framework. While Alcohol Policy and the Public Good reinforces the view earlier expressed by Bruun et al (1975), it does not address the question as to why after 20 years it is still necessary to do so.
Bruun, K., Edwards, G., & Lumin, M. et al (1975) Alcohol control policies in public health perspectives, The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, Helsinki.