Preventing harmful drug use in Australia
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Lead NDRI’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health program
Register for face-to-face and online AOD conference
Project to tackle growing 'alcohol and ageing' public health challenge
Presenting latest global research on reducing alcohol-related harm
Expert Opinion piece in The Guardian
What is kinship care and why is it favoured over foster care?
NDRI alcohol expert co-authors international report
Start early, be honest, avoid judgement - Expert article in The Conversation
Summary of findings from NDRI's evaluation
HDR opportunity: How does improved affordability impact access, outcomes?
Does providing take-home naloxone training lead to riskier drug use?
Impact of family violence on First Nations women, children with disability
Global coverage of harm reduction services update
Updated tool shows latest alcohol harm trends in Australia 2011-2020
Wungening and NDRI collaborate on new research
Women who use drugs are at increased risk of gender-based violence, with this group facing unique consequences.
The Perth Drug Trends team will present key findings from 2024 interviews, followed by a panel with community experts.
NDRI researchers answer 'is moderate drinking okay? and 'what are the risks of using Xanax recreationally?'
NDRI Associate Professor Michael Livingston exploring the potential of an AI chatbot in collecting data and providing information.
Making a difference in Australia
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