Evaluation of a youth alcohol forum

  • Research program:
  • Project status: Completed
  • Start date: March 1996
  • Expected end date: January 1998
  • Completion date: June 1998
  • Funded by: NDRI & SDEP
  • Lead organisation:

In April 1996, the Alcohol Advisory Council of Western Australia conducted the first Youth Alcohol Forum in WA. Seventy five year ten students from ten Perth high schools were involved. The Forum consisted of a three day, peer-led, residential program where students could talk about alcohol use and harm in a non judgmental setting and in turn access information that was of immediate practical use in minimising harms related to their own and others' use of alcohol. Evaluation of the impact of the Youth Alcohol Forum on participating students was undertaken by members of the community team. This involved surveying participants before, immediately after and six months subsequent to participation in the Forum on their patterns of alcohol consumption, knowledge of alcohol and related harms and their attitude to alcohol issues particularly pertinent to their age group.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Associate Professor Nyanda McBride
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
View profile

Chief Investigator

Prevention and early intervention


  • Chief Investigator: Richard Midford, Curtin University
  • Chief Investigator: Fiona Farringdon, Curtin University

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