Publication Detail

McBride, N., Midford, R. and James, R. (1995). Structural and Management Changes that Encourage Schools to Adopt Comprehensive Health Promotion Programs. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 5, (1), pp. 17-23. [RJ201]

Issue Addressed: The Western Australian School Health Project (WASH Project) is a school-based intervention that assists schools to develop comprehensive school health promotion programs. During the last two years, the WASH Project has identified several structural factors that help optimise school health promotion programs in Western Australian schools. Methods: This paper reports on quantitative changes in school structural factors for 1993 WASH Project schools (n=18,). Frequency and statistical significance are reported. The significance of change achieved by 1993 WASH Project schools was assessed using Everitt's Chi Square Test for Symmetry. Results: Nine of the eighteen school structural factors reported in this paper demonstrated statistically significant improvement after the intervention. Conclusions / So What: The evaluation of the WASH Project suggests that modifying school structural factors can contribute to the effectiveness of comprehensive school health promotion programs. Ideally several structural factors should be modified at the same time to optimise health promotion programs in schools. We suggest that other organisations may benefit from adopting a structural approach to their school health promotion efforts.

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Associate Professor Nyanda McBride
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1600
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Associate Professor

Prevention and early intervention
