Evaluation of the 'Making Tracks' mobile petrol sniffing team project

  • Research program: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Project status: Completed
  • Start date: September 1999
  • Expected end date: December 2003
  • Completion date: November 2010
  • Funded by: Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council of SA
  • Lead organisation:

The Making Tracks project was a four year intervention initiative developed by the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council of SA (ADAC). The aim of the project was to provide workers to travel to Aboriginal communities to assist them in developing strategies to deal with petrol sniffing and associated harm. An evaluation of the Project, to monitor its operation and outcomes, was being undertaken with the assistance of the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI).

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
Placeholder image

Dr Annalee Stearne
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1630
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Project staff

Alcohol policy and strategies


  • Chief Investigator: Dennis Gray, Curtin University
  • Project staff: Dennis Kickett, Curtin University

This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals and Targets:

Gray, D. and Stearne, A. (2004). Makin Tracks: Final Evaluation Report. National Drug Research Institute, Perth. ISBN: 1 740 673 409 [T145] Download PDF Abstract