Frequently Asked Questions

Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) - FAQs

Is this research anonymous?

Yes. At no time will information that can identify you (such as your name) be recorded on the questionnaire. You are also free to use a false name.

Is this research legitimate?

Yes. This study is funded by the Australian Government under the Drug and Alcohol Program, and has been conducted in each state and territory in Australia since 2003. It is coordinated nationally by NDARC and coordinated in WA by NDRI.

How long does the interview take?

Usually 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how much information is exchanged.

Where are interviews conducted?

Interviews are conducted with our friendly interviewers at cafes in Perth. However, if you cannot attend in person, we may be able to survey you over the phone if you can arrange somewhere quiet, private and comfortable to take the call.

Can I look at some findings from previous years' studies?

Sure. Go to

Has this research received ethics approval?

Yes. Ethics approval from Curtin Human Research Ethics Committee: Approval number HR27/2015. For more details contact Curtin HREC on (08) 9266 2784

What are the aims of this research?

  • To study patterns of ecstasy/MDMA and other drug use and document changing trends in price, purity and availability of ecstasy and other drugs across Australia;
  • Examine peoples' experience of harms related to the use of ecstasy and other drugs;
  • Understand the characteristics of a sample of current ecstasy users interviewed in each capital city in Australia, and;
  • Identify emerging trends in the drug market that might require further investigation.

How will this collected research be used?

This research project is one of several sources of information about drug use in Australia. The data has been used in the past by drug users and groups advocating for drug users. Results have also been used by government agencies to inform policy decisions on a range of issues including treatment and law enforcement. Every effort is made to collect the data, report on and disseminate the findings of the research in a way that is respectful of people who use drugs. Although, like any research, once data is made publically available, it may be used by others to support a variety of positions, some of which may be in agreement with, and others may be contrary to the views of the researchers and/or research participants.

Who is this research funded by?

The EDRS is funded by the Australian Government under the Drug and Alcohol Program.

Can I be interviewed with friends?

Interviews must be conducted one-on-one with our researchers to ensure the confidentiality of your responses and that no one influences your responses. However, if you have a friend that is also interested in participating in the survey, we can schedule them on the same day, as long as you and your friend(s) are comfortable waiting separately during each interview.

I have some friends that might be eligible and interested in being involved; can I tell them about this study?

Yes. We are looking for 100 participants for the WA arm of the study, so please do to tell your friends and share the link for this study. However, all participants will need to be screened for eligibility.