Best practice interventions and models of care for prevention and cessation of substance use in pregnancy and post-natal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use in pregnancy are one of the leading preventable causes of adverse perinatal outcomes, as well as a range of harms across the child’s lifespan ranging from neurodevelopmental impairment, poor mental health, and a greater risk of substance use and suicide. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and their children experience disproportionately poorer perinatal health outcomes than non-Indigenous Australians. While the underlying determinants of substance use in pregnancy are complex, as a key modifiable risk factor, it presents an important opportunity to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander maternal and infant health outcomes. Therefore, there is a strong need to consult with Aboriginal women, as well as consumers and key stakeholders, to gain a deeper understanding of women’s experiences seeking support for their substance use and how they may be better supported during pregnancy.

Project objectives

•Develop an audit tool based on the Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines, NHMRC alcohol guidelines, and ABCD/One21seventy tools, and in partnership with Southwest Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS), conduct clinical audits of medical records of women with substance use issues in pregnancy and postnatal between age (18 – 49) to document service utilisation, clinical care, referral pathways and provision of interventions.

•Through consultation with Aboriginal women and key stakeholders, gain a deeper understanding of women’s experiences of seeking support for their substance use and the barriers preventing them from reducing or ceasing substance use during and after pregnancy

•Identify features of best practice interventions that address substance use during pregnancy and the post-natal period.

Ethics approvals finalised, clinical file audit will commence in July 2022

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Dr Annalee Stearne
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1630
View profile

Chief Investigator

Alcohol policy and strategies


  • Chief Investigator: Mandy Wilson, Curtin University
  • Co-investigator: Sandra Eades, University of Melbourne
  • Co-investigator: Lesley Nelson, South West Aboriginal Medical Services

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