Linking for Life: Enhancing pathways to well-being for all Australians

  • Research program: Prevention and early intervention
  • Project status: Current
  • Start date: July 2019
  • Expected end date: June 2025
  • Completion date:
  • Funded by: ARC LP190100968
  • Lead organisation: University of Western Australia

The Linking for Life Project will identify pathways to wellbeing and better social outcomes across the life-course for high-risk/vulnerable individuals and their families to streamline service provision, improve outcomes and identify cost-efficiencies across government agencies. The work will expand cross-sectoral data linkage capability,

enhancing research capacity to generate evidence-based policy to improve integrated service delivery across government. The project will also trial innovative data linkage models including the creation of data repositories to improve efficiency for data provision and access, which will have application nationally and enable more timely access to whole-population linked cross-sector data.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Dr Jocelyn Jones
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1616
View profile

Chief Investigator

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health


  • Chief Investigator: David Preen, University of Western Australia
  • Chief Investigator: Melissa O'Donnell, University of South Australia
  • Chief Investigator: Rhonda Marriott, Murdoch University
  • Chief Investigator: Francis Mitrou, Telethon Kids Institute
  • Chief Investigator: Sandra Eades, University of Melbourne
  • Chief Investigator: Anna Ferrante, Curtin University
  • Chief Investigator: Helen Leonard, University of Western Australia
  • Chief Investigator: Elizabeth Geelhoed, University of Western Australia
  • Chief Investigator: Matthew Spittal, University of Melbourne
  • Chief Investigator: Stephen Zubrick, Telethon Kids Institute
  • Chief Investigator: Anne McKenzie, Telethon Kids Institute
  • Chief Investigator: Robert Jordan, Department of Health WA
  • Chief Investigator: Kurt Sibma, Government of Western Australia

This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals and Targets: