This is a collaborative project between the National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse and the Prevention Research Center based in Berkeley, California, which is a member of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. The project has the aim of bringing together and analysing the relationship between two unique data sets, both of which provide specific data on licensed premises throughout the state of Western Australia. The first is provided by the Office of Racing and Gaming through the Liquor Licensing Division and constitutes data regarding volume of liquor purchases for different beverage types for financial years since 1989/1990. The second comprises "last place of drinking" data provided by persons given a confirmatory breath test at police stations throughout Western Australia. Where the licensed premises is specified in this information then the name of that premises is recorded. The first research question to be addressed in this exercise has been whether changes in the proportion of liquor purchases for low alcohol beer (less than 3.8% by volume) as a proportion of all beer sales predicts reduction in drink driving offences associated with particular hotels and nightclubs in the Perth metropolitan area. Further research questions will be identified and addressed in collaboration with the Prevention Research Center.