Locating alcohol and drug prevention and treatment interventions within national healthcare reform : research for change (Patient Pathways)

  • Research program: Harm reduction policy and strategies
  • Project status: Completed
  • Start date: October 2011
  • Expected end date: September 2014
  • Completion date: October 2014
  • Funded by: Commonwealth Department of Health & Ageing
  • Lead organisation:

The Patient Pathways project is about the current provision of specialist alcohol and other drug (AOD) services across Australia and aims to inform future policy and planning. Three priority areas, with associated research activities, are involved:

* Priority One involves documenting current AOD prevention and treatment systems in Australia, using public documents and consultations with key informants

* Priority Two is about understanding pathways through care and involves data linkage and client interviews

* Priority Three involves describing a specialist AOD system, using the findings from Priorities One and Two

NDRI is conducting initial and follow up interviews with clients in AOD treatment (priority two).

Interviews will involve clients who have just commenced AOD treatment, with follow-up interviews 12 months afterward. The interviews will focus on clients' personal and social circumstances, as well as their history of AOD use and treatment seeking and engagement. The interviews will include measure of substance use and physical and mental health, as well as instruments about barriers to treatment and stigmatisation.

The project is scheduled to finish late in 2013 and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. The research team is a consortium led by Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, with the National Drug Research Institute at Curtin University, the School of Rural Health, at Monash University (Bendigo), and the Alcohol and other Drug Council of Australia.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Professor Steve Allsop
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1606
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Alcohol policy and strategies


  • Principal Investigator: Lynda Berends, University of New South Wales
  • Co-investigator: Dan Lubman, Monash University
  • Co-investigator: Robin Room, La Trobe University
  • Co-investigator: David Best, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Co-investigator: Julia Butt, Edith Cowan University
  • Co-investigator: Susan Carruthers, Curtin University
  • Co-investigator: Matthew Ericson, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre
  • Co-investigator: Michael Savic, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre
  • Co-investigator: Janette Mugavin, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre
  • Co-investigator: Bridget Roberts, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre
  • Co-investigator: Penny Buykx, University Newcastle

This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals and Targets:

Foulds, J., A., Manning, V., Garfield, J., B., Allsop, S., Lam, T., Arunogiri, S. and Lubman, D. (2018). Prescribed sedative and other psychotropic medication use among clients attending alcohol and other drug treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review. doi:10.1111/dar.12841 [RJ1396] View web page

Manning, V., Garfield, J., B., Best, D., Berends, L., Room, R., Mugavin, J., Larner, A., Lam, T., Buykx, P., Allsop, S. and Lubman, D. (2017). Substance use outcomes following treatment: Findings from the Australian Patient Pathways Study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51, (2), pp. 177-189. doi:10.1177/0004867415625815 [RJ1169] View web page

Berends, L., Garfield, J., B., Manning, V., Buykx, P., Lam, T., Mugavin, J., Larner, A., Room, R., Allsop, S. and Lubman, D. (2016). Social disadvantage and past treatment among clients entering public alcohol and drug services in two Australian states. International Journal of Drug Policy, 29, pp. 88-90. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.12.018 [RJ1175] View web page

Lubman, D., Garfield, J., B., Manning, V., Berends, L., Best, D., Mugavin, J., Lam, T., Buykx, P., Larner, A., Lloyd, B., Room, R. and Allsop, S. (2016). Characteristics of individuals presenting to treatment for primary alcohol problems versus other drug problems in the Australian Patient Pathways study. BMC Psychiatry. doi:10.1186/s12888-016-0956-9 [RJ1208] View web page