Indigenous substance misuse - editing of special section of Drug and Alcohol Review

This project, brought together – in a special section of the May 2006 issue of the journal Drug and Alcohol Review – eight papers on alcohol and other drug issues among Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand. The papers covered: prevention of petrol sniffing in Central Australia; the role of community stores in smoking prevention; the role of a sobering-up shelter; liquor licensing restrictions; the reconciliation of community values ‘harm minimisation’; opioid substitution; and workforce development.

The collection was edited by Dennis Gray (NDRI), Sherry Saggers (Edith Cowan University) Lisa Jackson Pulver (University of NSW) and John Waldon (Massey University, NZ) who also to provided special editorial assistance to Indigenous authors. The editors also wrote a paper contextualising and commenting upon the eight papers and the lessons learnt from them.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
  • Chief Investigator: Dennis Gray, Curtin University
  • Chief Investigator: Sherry Saggers, Curtin University
  • Chief Investigator: Lisa Jackson Pulver, University of New South Wales

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Gray, D., Jackson Pulver, L., Saggers, S. and Waldon, J. (2006). Addressing indigenous substance misuse and related harms. Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, (3), pp. 183-188. doi:10.1080/09595230600644616 [RJ485] View web page