Development of a lexicon of demand reduction terms

  • Research program:
  • Project status: Completed
  • Start date: July 1997
  • Expected end date: June 1998
  • Completion date: March 2000
  • Funded by: Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services
  • Lead organisation:

The aims of developing the lexicon are to support the UN Declaration on Demand Reduction by defining key terms employed in the Declaration itself, in the wider medical and scientific literature concerned with 'demand reduction', to define terms used in connection with 'supply control' activities and to define key terms employed in international treaties concerned with illicit drugs. Another aim is to facilitate international communication about drug issues and policies by providing a reference point for drug-related terms, acknowledging different sets of preferred terminologies and providing alternative definitions of key terms and referencing these to major sources.

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Professor Simon Lenton
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1603
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Chief Investigator

Harm reduction policy and strategies


  • Chief Investigator: Tim Stockwell, University of Victoria

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