Publication Detail

Søgaard, T., F., Brummer, J., E., Wilkins, C., Sznitman, S., Sevigny, E., L., Frank, V., A., Potter, G., R., Hakkarainen, P., Barratt, M., J., Werse, B., Grigg, J., Fortin, D., Bear, D., Lenton, S., Jauffret-Roustide, M., Malm, A. and Kirtadeze, I. (2024). Global patterns in small-scale cannabis growers’ distribution practices: Exploring the grower-distributor nexus. International Journal of Drug Policy. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104463 [RJ2132] View web page

Background: While the supply of cannabis is commonly assumed to be dominated by criminal gangs, a sizable share of the domestic cannabis supply is provided by small-scale growers . This article examines the nature and scope of small-scale growers’ distribution practices, with a particular focus on cross-country differences and variations between different types of grower-distributors i.e., “non-suppliers”, “exclusive social suppliers”, “sharers and sellers” and “exclusive sellers”.

Methods: Based on a large convenience web survey sample of predominantly small-scale cannabis growers from 18 countries, this article draws on data from two sub-samples. The first subsample includes past-year growers in all 18 countries who answered questions regarding their market participation (n=8,812). The second sub-sample includes past-year growers in 13 countries, who answered additional questions about their supply practices (n=2,303).

Results: The majority of the cannabis growers engaged in distribution of surplus products, making them in effect “grower-distributors”. Importantly, many did so as a secondary consequence of growing, and social supply (e.g., sharing and gifting) is much more common than selling. While growers who both shared and sold (“sharers and sellers”), and especially those who only sold (“exclusive sellers”) grew a higher number of plants and were most likely to grow for profit, the majority of these are best described as small-scale sellers. That is, the profitmotive for growing was often secondary to non-financial motives and most sold to a limited number of persons in their close social network.

Conclusion: We discuss the implications of the findings on the structural process of import-substitution in low-end cannabis markets, including a growing normalization of cannabis supply

Name & Contact Details Role Research Program Location
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Dr Jodie Grigg
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1618
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Research Fellow

Harm reduction policy and strategies


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Professor Simon Lenton
Tel: 61 (0)8 9266 1603
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Harm reduction policy and strategies
