Dr Annalee Stearne

Photo of Annalee Stearne

Annalee Stearne, a Nyungar from WA, has been working in the National Drug Research Institute’s Indigenous Australian Research Program since 2001. She has been involved in numerous evaluations of First Nations substance use interventions in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. Between September 2005 and November 2008, while located in Alice Springs she worked closely with Tangentyere Council’s Research Hub. In 2006, she was a member of the research team that won the National Drug and Alcohol Award for Excellence in Research, and a Curtin University Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence. Currently she sits on the board of NCCRED. She was awarded the 2012 First People’s Award for Excellence in Science and Research, by the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD).

In April 2023, Annalee was conferred a PhD, the research focused on how the principles of self-determination could be applied to create effective alcohol policy for First Nations Australians.

  • PhD Alcohol policy, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University
  • Post Grad Dip Public Health, Health Sciences, Curtin University
  • Grad Dip Secondary Education, Education, University of Western Australia
  • BA Aboriginal & Intercultural Studies, Edith Cowan University
  • Her main interests lie in project evaluations, database design and development. Annalee also has a strong interest in the ethics of research with First Nations communities, community involvement and control in research, and capacity building through research.

Butt, J., C., Wilkes, E., T., Jones, J., Ripley, E. and Stearne, A. (2024). Harmful alcohol and other drug use and its implications for suicide risk and prevention for First Nations people: a companion paper. catalogue number IMH 027. AIHW, Australian Government. doi:10.25816/030a-gk32 [T337] View web page

Butt, J., C., Jones, J., Ripley, E., Wilkes, E., T. and Stearne, A. (2024). Harmful use of alcohol and other drugs and its relationship with the mental health and wellbeing of First Nations people: a review of the key issues, policy and practice approaches. catalogue number IMH 26,. AIHW, Australian Government. ISBN: 978-1-923272-45-3 doi:10.25816/21e6-0749 [T336] View web page

Lee, K., S., Wilson, S., Stearne, A., Hayman, N., Conigrave, J., Doyle, M., F., Bullen, L., Weatherall, T., James, D., B., Reynolds, T., Perry, J. and Conigrave, K. (2023). Walking side-by-side: supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to lead the way in alcohol research. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, (2), pp. 241-247. doi:10.1111/dar.13523 [RJ1835] View web page

Butt, J., C. and Stearne, A. (2022). Kava may be coming to a supermarket or cafe near you. But what is it? Is it safe? The Conversation, March 24. [UJ219] View web page

Stearne, A., Lee, K., S., Allsop, S., Shakeshaft, A., P. and Wright, M. (2022). First Nations Australians’ experiences of current alcohol policy in Central Australia: evidence of self-determination? BMC International Journal for Equity in Health, 21, (1). doi:10.1186/s12939-022-01719-z [RJ1881] View web page

Stearne, A., Lee, K., S., Allsop, S., Shakeshaft, A., P. and Wright, M. (2022). First Nations Australians’ self-determination in health and alcohol policy development: a Delphi Study. BMC Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, (1). doi:10.1186/s12961-022-00813-6 [RJ1758] View web page

Stearne, A., Lee, K., S., Allsop, S., Shakeshaft, A., P. and Wright, M. (2022). Self-determination by First Nations Australians in alcohol policy: lessons from Mbantua/Alice Springs (Northern Territory, Australia). International Journal of Drug Policy, 108, pp. 103822. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103822 [RJ1882] View web page

Snijder, M., Lees, B., Stearne, A., Ward, J., Garlick Bock, S., Newton, N., C. and Stapinski, L. (2021). An ecological model of drug and alcohol use and related harms among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: a systematic review of the literature. Preventive Medicine Reports, 21. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101277 [RJ1627] View web page

Stearne, A., Allsop, S., Shakeshaft, A., P., Symons, M. and Wright, M. (2021). Identifying how the principles of self-determination could be applied to create effective alcohol policy for First Nations Australians: synthesising the lessons from the development of general public policy. International Journal of Drug Policy, 95, pp. 103260:1-12. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103260 [RJ1636] View web page

Symons, M., Tucker, D., Bruce, K., Stearne, A., Kogolo, A., Carter, M., Oscar, J., Pearson, G. and Fitzpatrick, J. (2021). The Development and Implementation of a Culturally Safe Survey for Measuring Knowledge, Attitudes and Values around FASD and Alcohol Use During Pregnancy in a Remote Australian Aboriginal Community Setting. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin, 2, (3). doi:10.14221/aihjournal.v2n3.2 [T293] View web page

McBride, N., Tucker, D. and Stearne, A. (2020). Senate Standing Committee, Senate Community Affairs Committee. Invited evidence to the ‘Inquiry into effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder’. Response to questions on notice. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R353]

Gray, D., Saggers, S. and Stearne, A. (2019). Indigenous health: the slow road to equity. In Germov, J. (ed.) Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology (6th ed). Oxford University Press, Melbourne. pp. 161-179. ISBN: 9780190306489 [CH214]

Snijder, M., Lees, B., Ward, J., Stearne, A., Newton, N., C. and Stapinski, L. (2019). Developing an ecological framework of factors associated with substance use and related harms among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open, 9, (5), pp. e024418. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024418 [RJ1475] View web page

Gray, D., Cartwright, K., Stearne, A., Saggers, S., Wilkes, E., T. and Wilson, M. (2018). Review of the harmful use of alcohol among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Australian Indigenous Healthinfonet, 18, (1), pp. 42. [RJ1359] View web page

Gray, D., Saggers, S. and Stearne, A. (2014). Indigenous health: the perpetuation of inequality. In Germov, J. (ed.) Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology (5th ed). Oxford University Press, Melbourne. pp. 147-162. ISBN: 9780195520149 [CH208]

Gray, D., Stearne, A., Bonson, M., Wilkes, E., T., Butt, J., C. and Wilson, M. (2014). Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol, tobacco and other drugs treatment service sector: Harnessing good intentions. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. ISBN: 978-0-9873641-6-6 [T231] Download PDF

Kennedy, S., Carmody, T. and Stearne, A. (2014). Identifying opportunities for the prevention of harmful use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs among young Noongars in Albany, Western Australia: Community Report. Southern Aboriginal Corporation, Albany and National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T258] Download PDF

Wilkes, E., T., Gray, D., Casey, W., Stearne, A. and Dadd, L. (2014). Harmful Substance Use and Mental Health. In Dudgeon, P., Milroy, H. and Walker, R. (eds.) Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (2nd ed). Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. pp. 125-146. ISBN: 978-0-9579494-4-7 [CH204] View web page Abstract

Stearne, A. (2012). Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Safe & Sober Support Service: Final evaluation report 2012. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [R309] Download PDF

Saggers, S. and Stearne, A. (2011). Evaluation of the Jaru Pirrjirdi Suicide Prevention Project. Final report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T212]

Saggers, S. and Stearne, A. (2011). Palka-Jarrija: Enhancing Capacity Management. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. [T213]

Stearne, A., Schmidt, S., Gray, D., Wilkes, E., T., Boffa, J. and Corcoran, T. (2011). A program and its evaluation: the Safe and Sober Support Service. Drug and Alcohol Review (S1 ed), 30, (1), pp. 84. [RJ822] Abstract

Adams, M., Fredericks, B., Faulkner, S., Meiklejohn, B., Wilkes, E., T., Roe, Y., Paki, D., Stearne, A. and Roe-Banks, J. (2010). The 4th International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development Conference. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, 34, (5), pp. 31-32. [UJ165]

Gray, D., Stearne, A., Wilson, M. and Doyle, M., F. (2010). Indigenous-specific Alcohol and Other Drug Interventions: Continuities, Changes and Areas of Greatest Need. Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra. ISBN: 9781877018237 [R239] Download PDF

Wilkes, E., T., Gray, D., Saggers, S., Casey, W. and Stearne, A. (2010). Substance misuse and mental health among Aboriginal Australians. In Purdie, N., Dudgeon, P. and Walker, R. (eds.) Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice. Australian Council for Educational Research, Canberra. pp. 117-134. ISBN: 978-1-74241-090-6-6 [CH167] Abstract

Wilson, M., Stearne, A., Gray, D. and Saggers, S. (2010). The harmful use of alcohol amongst Indigenous Australians. Australian Indigenous Healthinfonet. Australian Indigenous Healthinfonet. [UP27] Download PDF

Stearne, A., Wedemeyer, S., Miller, G., Miller, S., McDonald, B., White, M. and Ramp, J. (2009). Indigenous community-based outreach program: The program and its evaluation (Abstract only). Drug and Alcohol Review (Supplement 1), 28, (1), pp. A60. [RJ711] Abstract

Chikritzhs, T., N., Pascal, R., Gray, D., Stearne, A., Saggers, S. and Jones, P. (2007). Trends in alcohol-attributable deaths among Indigenous Australians, 1998-2004. National Alcohol Indicators Project, Bulletin No.11. [R199] Download PDF Abstract

Stearne, A. (2007). Drug and alcohol services association of Alice Springs community-based outreach program: final evaluation report. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T175] Download PDF

Gray, D., Shaw, G., d'Abbs, P., Brooks, D., Stearne, A., Mosey, A. and Spooner, C. (2006). Policing, Volatile Substance Misuse, and Indigenous Australians. National Drug Law Enforcement and Research Fund, Mardon, SA. ISBN: 0 642 47447 8 [M60]

Chikritzhs, T., N., Stockwell, T., R., Gray, D., Stearne, A., Pascal, R. and Saggers, S. (2004). Applying national indicators of alcohol-related harms to Indigenous Australians: a discussion paper. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. [T152]

Gray, D. and Stearne, A. (2004). Makin Tracks: Final Evaluation Report. National Drug Research Institute, Perth. ISBN: 1 740 673 409 [T145] Download PDF Abstract

Shaw, G., Biven, A., Gray, D., Mosey, A., Stearne, A. and Perry, J. (2004). An evaluation of the COMGAS Scheme: 'They sniffed it and they sniffed it – but it just wasn't there'. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra. ISBN: 0 642 82566 1 [M50] View web page Abstract

Strempel, P., Saggers, S., Gray, D. and Stearne, A. (2004). Indigenous drug and alcohol projects: elements of best practice. Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra. ISBN: 1 877018 09 0 [R167] Download PDF

Gray, D., Sputore, B., A., Stearne, A., Bourbon, D. and Strempel, P. (2002). Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Projects 1999-2000. Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra. ISBN: 1 877018 03 1 [R113] Download PDF Abstract

Stearne, A. (2002). Assessment of the Need for Perth-Based Aboriginal Substance Misuse Services: A Report Prepared for the Noongar Alcohol and Substance Abuse Service. National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. ISBN: 1 74067 1581 1 [T121] Abstract

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