2025 NDRI Symposium

Challenges and Opportunities: Reducing AOD-related Harm in 2025 and Beyond

Tuesday 4 March, 2025
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges (Island Suite) and online

The 2025 National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) research symposium is planned to include presentations and panel sessions on the latest research on alcohol and other drug harm, policy, practice, prevention and trends as well as providing participants direct access to established world leaders in alcohol and other drug research.

The 2025 NDRI symposium is a hybrid event, with face-to-face attendance encouraged and virtual attendance available for interstate delegates.

It will be hosted in partnership with WANADA and precede the WA Alcohol and other Drugs Conference. Participants who attend both events will receive a 10% discount on the registration fee for the NDRI Symposium.

Program Highlights

  • Keynote speakers include Sir Ian Gilmore, University of Liverpool Professor and Alcohol Health Alliance UK Chair, presenting on 'Alcohol – a global problem needing global solutions’ and Paul Griffiths, European Union Drugs Agency Scientific Director and Incoming NDRI Director, who will discuss 'New synthetic opioids and other emerging drugs - the international situation and its local implications'.
  • Expert panel session with international and local alcohol and other drug policy and subject experts discussing and answering audience questions on how we can work together to improve AOD policy to respond to current and emerging challenges and opportunities.
  • Likely presentation topics include: translating evidence into policy, emerging drugs, nicotine vapes, nitrous oxide regulation, young people's drinking, stigma and stereotyping, Aboriginal women's post-prison experiences, criminal justice, and vested interests in policy.
  • In-person registration includes a sector networking event immediately following the symposium. As well as a chance to catch up with colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere, the event is an opportunity to meet and chat face-to-face with new NDRI Director Paul Griffiths, international Keynote speaker Professor Sir Ian Gilmore and early career and established academics who have presented throughout the day as well as NDRI researchers. Held at the Esplanade Hotel from 5pm-6.30pm,  canapes and light refreshments will be served.

View program


Registration Fee (CLOSED) $295
Student Registration (CLOSED) $180
Virtual Registration/Streaming (open until 2 March 2025)
Group registrations of 5 or more receive a 20% discount*

In-person registration includes entrance to all presentation sessions and the networking event, lunch, and morning and afternoon tea.

* Please email ndri@curtin.edu.au to receive a code for your virtual group booking before proceeding to the Registration page.

Register now

Key information

  • Date: Tuesday 4 March 2025.
  • Hybrid format (face-to-face encouraged, virtual attendance available for interstate delegates).
  • WA Alcohol & Other Drugs Conference follows on 5-7 March (a discount is available on in-person NDRI symposium registration for delegates who attend both events).
  • A free networking event for in-person symposium delegates.
  • Registration includes entrance to all sessions; lunch, morning and afternoon tea; and the networking event.

Who is the NDRI symposium for?

If you are interested in hearing about the latest alcohol and other drug research or in contributing to future research, then our hybrid symposium is for you. The symposium will be of particular interest to:

  • Clinicians, educators and public health practitioners, professional and advocates
  • Public health policy and government decision makers
  • People working in the community sector
  • People with lived experience
  • Communities and people affected by drug use and associated harms
  • Researchers, academics and research groups across Australia
  • Anyone interested in the latest AOD research.

More information

Click here to register or if you have any queries, please email ndri@curtin.edu.au